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Official Jan 2008 NPD Thread - HW Shortages + Spectacular SW


So Sony has a white 40GB and possibly a black 120GB coming soon (March?). MS seems to be shuffling SKUs, why else short the retail chain? It will be interesting.

The Netflix and BB announcement should keep BD saes strong too.
People don't really acknowledge the Ps2, but honestly how much pure profit have they made off of this thing? I don't know what the future holds for Ps3, but Sony definitely has to be making some insane money from these Ps2 numbers.


Jack speaks:


Okay, now then...



Dot50Cal said:
Meltdown stage: CRITICAL

WTH? :lol I only own a wii, and wii just came 1st. I'm so totally enjoying this fight for scraps between Sony and Microsoft. Adding a little fuel to the fire every now and then is a bad thing? Not for me. :lol


Junior Member

I'll give props where they're due.

Sony did a lot better this month then I expected. I didn't expect the PS3 to sell over 200,000 units, let alone 30,000 units off of 300,000.

If they can keep this level of interest until March I think we can safely say that PS3 sales have leveled off at a higher level then they were.


kurosawa said:

"$159 million was spent on Xbox 360 games alone in January compared to $131 million on Wii and $80 million for PS3. (U.S. NPD, January)"
That would likely mean another month of Wii software > 360 software. Assuming a flat $60 for 360 games and $50 for Wii games (which is ignoring higher values for Rock Band 360 and lower values for cheaper Wii games), it would be 2.65 million games for 360 and 2.62 million for Wii.

_Alkaline_ said:
Man, we really need No More Heroes and Endless Ocean numbers.

Is there any way we can get them?
I can have them probably by Monday if no one leaks them before.


DevilWillcry said:
This is a much needed reality check, all the Sony backers need to read this.

Come now. For months "Sony backers" have heard nothing other than Sony is teh doomed. Can you not give them a few hours at least to celebrate one impressive month of PS3 sales before pissing on their parade with unsubstantiated "reality checks".

(I say unsubstantiated because we have no way of knowing for certain whether the 360 was actually supply-constrained or whether it's MS spin)


sonycowboy said:
I could easily see it going above 300k, but how much higher we'll never know.

Thats the problem with demand-supply-shortages. Imagine two shortage situattions. One you meet 95% of demmand, the other you meet only 50%, the general symptoms are the same, but they are very different situattions.

Also, when its not that severe, people will try another day, another store, even get a different bunddle, but they'll get what they want.

300k seems like possible, but the 360 outselling the Wii? I'm not that sure.

Like i said, it whouln't change much the big picture.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
CrushDance said:
The reason it IS a big deal for Sony is: They sold MORE thenn anyone expected, and sales have been going up. And with all these big games and services coming, it ccan only go up.

get it?

It's going to go down in February. Cancellation of 80GB model will affect sales. Sales will probably be down until MGS4, and even then we don't know what kind of bump that'll be.

Zifnab said:

Anybody have that image of the crazy stick figure drawing that PS3 number skyward? :lol
Mrbob said:
I'm surprised no one has pointed out that real gaming defeated waggle gaming nearly 2:1 in January. The greater good is charging ahead.

You're over-simplifying. Not all Wii games have "waggle", and some PS3 and even X360games have it.

So before you make such a claim, I want to see numbers for all software titles, sorted by waggle. Don't forget to leave Trauma Center and Fire Emblem off the waggle list, for example. And don't forget that Resistance: Fall of Man, Heavenly Sword, Guitar Hero and Rock Band all go on it.

Then go cry in a corner, because "waggle" is here to stay.
Leondexter said:
These are last January's numbers, minus 1/5th to remove the extra week it had last year:

PS2: 239,482
GBA: 143,586
NDS: 191,095
PSP: 168,575
X360: 235,019
PS3: 194,843
Wii: 348,402

And these are this year's, from the OP:

PS2: 265,000
NDS: 252,000
PSP: 230,000
X360: 229,000
PS3: 270,000
Wii: 274,000
What leaps out at me is the PS2. The 360, Wii, and PS3 all have had a full year of improving lineups (and dropping prices on some), the machine is over 6 years old, and has had no intervening price drop. . .and yet it still improves its sales numbers! Man, that thing never quits.


GAF's Ed McMahon
Well, there were PS3 sitting everywhere, but 360 and Wii were somehow hard to find. Even with that, PS3 didnt manage to outsell the wii.



non-sanctioned troll
le.phat said:
"calling squating yeti, calling squating yetti, come in squating yeti WE HAVE A CODE RED!"

You certainly are obsessed with me. Unfortunately, I'm nothing like you and I'm not going to throw a fit. In fact, I said the PS3 will outsell the 360 this month when the word of shortages came about. However, keep hoping there are more people like you, I believe you might want to follow your hero snah.


Raw64life said:
If any insiders feel like letting us in on a few extra numbers...


...seem to be the most requested in this thread


Pretty Please??
Sony's official word:

PS3 Outsells Xbox 360; PlayStation Brand Outsells Competition Combined

PlayStation Hardware Momentum
PS3 Outsold Xbox 360: PLAYSTATION 3 (PS3 ) demonstrated continued momentum in January 2008 with 269K hardware units sold in January, 17% higher than Microsoft.

o PLAYSTATION Network total downloads exceeded 7.9 million in January 2008, well above the 6.6 million in December 2007. Currently in North America there are more than 2.9 million registered PLAYSTATION Network accounts and more than 52M total downloads life-to-date from PLAYSTATION Store.
o The best is yet to come: The influx of exceptional exclusive and third-party games like Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots and Grand Theft Auto IV, not to mention later releases such as LittleBigPlanet, Resistance 2, SingStar, to name a few, combined with current momentum for Blu-ray, are expected to further enthusiasm for PS3.

PSP (PlayStation Portable) continued its sales ascent in January 2008 with 230K PSP hardware units sold in January; representing an increase of 9% over January 2007. Also, with its new partnership with Skype and great upcoming new games, such as God of War: Chains of Olympus, Patapon and Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, further sales growth is expected in 2008.

PlayStation 2 (PS2) also had an excellent month in January with hardware unit sales reaching 264K units. Also, the PS2 sold more software units than any other console on the market.

Power of the PlayStation Portfolio
According to NPD January 2008 sales data, the PlayStation brand generated the most U.S. retail dollars in the industry with $486 million, 25% higher than Nintendo and 61% higher than Microsoft.

o The PlayStation brand was #1 in both hardware and software in January.
o The PlayStation brand sold more hardware units than Nintendo and Microsoft combined (764K versus 530K and 230K, respectively).
o PlayStation total hardware revenue was $196 million in January; surpassing the total hardware revenue of Microsoft and Nintendo combined.
o PlayStation total software revenue in January was $224 million, 38% higher than Microsoft.

Industry Outlook
Coming off a great holiday sales season we see strong momentum behind PS3 in 2008, and feel confident about the year ahead. We have an exceptionally diverse lineup of exclusive games, from Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, Metal Gear Solid 4 and Resistance 2 to more mainstream games such as LittleBigPlanet and SingStar. Beyond that, we have Blu-ray emerging as the de facto high def standard, the developer community is hitting their stride, consumers are recognizing the tremendous value and innovative services such as PlayStation Home are all in the works, so this is definitely shaping up to be a breakthrough year for us.

- Jack Tretton, CEO, Sony Computer Entertainment America
So I guess Sony can expect to outsell 360 by 39 k like 1000 times until they finally catch up in NA???

Please, this is hardly meltdown worthy, January is meaningless.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
jaaz said:
(I say unsubstantiated because we have no way of knowing for certain whether the 360 was actually supply-constrained or whether it's MS spin)

Yes we do!

Go to the stores!

They aren't there!
Raw64life said:
If any insiders feel like letting us in on a few extra numbers...



...seem to be the most requested in this thread

Foxix said:
I gotta give props to sony for managing to beat 360/Wii but... in all fairness they have been supply constrained while sony has had PS3's sitting on shelves for months now.

I know right now we have been severely low on wii's selling out as soon as we get them in stock, and we don't even have any 360's in right now.

I hope the people that bought them are happy with their purchases at least, because I'm still struggling to find a good reason to buy a PS3 myself at the moment.



Looks like the PS3's price cut is making a difference. Maybe this month will be enough to prompt MS into another price cut. Making the 360/PS3 more affordable is good news for true gamers who don't want the WII to dominate.
CrushDance said:
The reason it IS a big deal for Sony is: They sold MORE thenn anyone expected, and sales have been going up. And with all these big games and services coming, it ccan only go up.

get it?
dont you get it by now? ps3 can NEVER win at sales. PERIOD.

if sony said its sales were supplied constrained, then THEY MUST BE LYING

but if sony outsold competitors, then said competitors MUST BE SUPPLY CONSTRAINED

now you know.....


Kandrick said:
Well, there were PS3 sitting everywhere, but 360 and Wii were somehow hard to find. Even with that, PS3 didnt manage to outsell the wii.


Original thought isn't GAF's strong suit.


botticus said:
That would likely mean another month of Wii software > 360 software. Assuming a flat $60 for 360 games and $50 for Wii games (which is ignoring higher values for Rock Band 360 and lower values for cheaper Wii games), it would be 2.65 million games for 360 and 2.62 million for Wii.

I can have them probably by Monday if no one leaks them before.

how is that mean wii software > xbox 360 software?

Souldriver said:
But Ynos Yrros went to all the stores in his neighbourhood and 360s were readily available. MS is lying people!!!!!

:lol does that chump even live in the US? or is he basing this off online availability? cause you know everyone shops online these days, stores are going bankrupt because of it.


Souldriver said:
But Ynos Yrros went to all the stores in his neighbourhood and 360s were readily available. MS is lying people!!!!!

Let's measure personal experiences against each other!! Mine will always win!

In all seriousness, of course it was supply constrained, but honestly who cares?
jaaz said:
Come now. For months "Sony backers" have heard nothing other than Sony is teh doomed. Can you not give them a few hours at least to celebrate one impressive month of PS3 sales before pissing on their parade with unsubstantiated "reality checks".

(I say unsubstantiated because we have no way of knowing for certain whether the 360 was actually supply-constrained or whether it's MS spin)
Ok, I was being a dick, as a Sony backer myself, I am enjoying the sales victory myself, I was just trying to reduce gloating. :D


frAntic_Frog said:
dont you get it by now? ps3 can NEVER win at sales. PERIOD.

if sony said its sales were supplied constrained, then THEY MUST BE LYING

but if sony outsold competitors, then said competitors MUST BE SUPPLY CONSTRAINED

now you know.....

I thought the 360 fans were the ones supposed to be freaking out and spinning conspiracies.


Liara T'Soni said:
So I guess Sony can expect to outsell 360 by 39 k like 1000 times until they finally catch up in NA???

Please, this is hardly meltdown worthy, January is meaningless.

Indeed. But good luck trying to get the fanbabies to shutup about it :lol
CrushDance said:
The reason it IS a big deal for Sony is: They sold MORE thenn anyone expected, and sales have been going up. And with all these big games and services coming, it ccan only go up.

get it?

Yeah, I "get it". But it's kind of stupid to celebrate getting 2nd place because you almost caught up to the guy that tripped and fell. That's what I'm saying. Get it?

If sales can "only go up", then save the cake for victory.


squatingyeti said:
You certainly are obsessed with me. Unfortunately, I'm nothing like you and I'm not going to throw a fit. In fact, I said the PS3 will outsell the 360 this month when the word of shortages came about. However, keep hoping there are more people like you, I believe you might want to follow your hero snah.

i read this with the voice of someone trying to hold back tears, and it was much funnier!


WinFonda said:


360 woulda outsold everything if it wasn't supplied.

wii did good but you know it ain't not supplied much either.

sony shit ain't no body want it and that why it's on the shelv and yet people only buy it becuz they have to spend money they want sumthin even though they cant get wat they want.

tis is really a pathetic NPD.

The 360 just went inside the house to get the stop watch right Winfonda?

Kittonwy said:
Hahaha rawr. Shortage lolz.

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