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Official Jan 2008 NPD Thread - HW Shortages + Spectacular SW


Spotless Mind said:
Hardware shortages is such a pitiful excuse. Sony is forwardly momentum-ing above the xbox brand. :D I wouldn't be surprised if Xbox 360 doesn't outsell them again.

The bigger software sales is such a crappy excuse as well. Just because PS3 has no top 10 games, doesn't mean that software sales arent as good as xbox 360 games.

You're delusional!

360 will outsell the PS3 next month, and if HW shortages persist than definitely by March
WrikaWrek said:
Sure. Somehow only Ps3 fans can be the ones having fun here. I want to have fun too man.
No you can have fun by making fun of the PS3 fans, everyone in here is, but that was a little over the top.


Unconfirmed Member
Odysseus said:
1) he was being sarcastic with the "irrefutable proof" bit
2) he offered to put your account on the line in a mock bet. not his.
3) you're in meltdown mode. it's readily apparent.

Thanks for explaining. I am calm now. :)
Why are people touting this as a big victory for Sony? It's not as if they came in first--the Wii still outsold the PS3, and the DS still outsold the PSP. This reminds me of last January's "closing the gap" PR when the PSP was 'only' outsold by the DS by 30k instead of hundreds of thousands. As a matter of fact, have we seen Sony's PR? Maybe they'll use that term again.

Here are some hard numbers, which indicate the shortages weren't as severe as they seemed (unless the industry is up quite a bit over last year, which it may be):

These are last January's numbers, minus 1/5th to remove the extra week it had last year:

PS2: 239,482
GBA: 143,586
NDS: 191,095
PSP: 168,575
X360: 235,019
PS3: 194,843
Wii: 348,402

And these are this year's, from the OP:

PS2: 265,000
NDS: 252,000
PSP: 230,000
X360: 229,000
PS3: 270,000
Wii: 274,000

The 360 is almost flat from last year. Obviously demand is up, but it's not apparent just by the numbers. The DS is meaningless; it had shortages last year as well. So did the Wii, of course, but they were obviously worse this year. The PSP and PS3 are the big winners by percentage gain.


Mrbob said:
I'm surprised no one has pointed out that real gaming defeated waggle gaming nearly 2:1 in January.



Directions: Pull String For Uninformed Rant
In NE Wisconsin there are 360's almost everywhere I go, and the PS3 is regularly sold out at walmart. There's my anecdotal contribution.
Hitler Stole My Potato said:
:lol @ Burnout Paradise

Like I said, has Burnout ever sold better than these numbers before? I think its the best selling one so far especially when you add in the PS3 numbers what ever they are.


DevilWillcry said:
No you can have fun by making fun of the PS3 fans, everyone in here is, but that was a little over the top.

Ok maybe i got carried away, it's like a kid in the candy store!




sonycowboy said:
Obviously we can't pull too much out of the DS/Wi/360 HW. There was stock (or else there wouldn't be sales0, but there were shortages abundant.

PS3 is more interesting. It seems to show a new level of support for a non-holiday level. PS2 is still kicking strong with little SW and a price point it's held forever. PSP holding steady.

And for SW:

Holy shit! The numbers are spectacular. Burnout is a bit of a disappointment, and Super Mario Galaxy fell hard. But COD 4, GH3, Wii Play, and Rockband just keep going. Don't forget that GH3 is pretty well spread across the 2 skus. With and without the guitar.

What was the PS3 at last January?


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
seattle6418 said:
exactly. it was mused that ps3 was readilly in stock and only a few 80 gigs were moving. that's why I was surprised to see selling it so well. evey musing thread reported the shortages and always promptly said something along the lines: "we got 20 wiis this week, sold in a few hours" or "got a few 360's, sold in a few hours".

once again, this is just my POV, it's not the undisputable truth, but i was under the impression that even with the shortages, PS3 would still be 3rd with less than 200k units sold, that's all.

I certainly never had that impression. I expected the PS3 to outsell the 360. We're still getting calls about 360's, and the shortage is still ongoing.

So yeah, careful with those ban bets guys.

Although PS3 sales are probably going to tank with the cancellation of the 80GB model.


Like predicted in the MS shortages/pre-NPD damage control thread, the X360 sold less than the PSTriple in one month. And I don't think this will be solved short term. Either way I hear that despite the shortages the Wii still outsold the PS3. Good times.
Wont live in the past.

To start of '08, 269k is the measuring stick for PS3. Lets see how they do for FEB.

PS3 1 Xbox 0. Thats the only real way to look at it.


vanguardian1 said:
Nintendo is making the 2 fastest selling console in history with record production and sales numbers to back it up and people still think that Nintendo is faking it. :lol

No I just don't understand how they're pissing away sales, both could have been 400k+ this month. Apple manages to make millions of iPods. Phone companies manage to make millions of phones, a lot of which are more complicated than a DS (I would guess).

Both consoles are basically a different market, another league up from the competition, maybe they should think about redefining their manufacturing strategy to go along with how they've changed their design philosophy.

Is it really that difficult to fab more DS' and Wii's? Maybe they don't want to expand past their current manufacturing partners.


frankthurk said:
Would you like him to bet your account as well? You know to sweeten the pot?

He can't bet with what is not his. Would you like me to bet on your house and everything in it?
Leondexter said:
Why are people touting this as a big victory for Sony? It's not as if they came in first--the Wii still outsold the PS3, and the DS still outsold the PSP.
The reason it IS a big deal for Sony is: They sold MORE thenn anyone expected, and sales have been going up. And with all these big games and services coming, it ccan only go up.

get it?


Going by that latest interview on next-gen.biz, the 360 shortage will extend til sometime in March. Only then do they expect to things to go back to normal. What a windfall for Sony. A small chunk of those numbers for PS3 were most definitely converted from lost 360 sales.
Spotless Mind said:
Sony is forwardly momentum-ing above the xbox brand.


i dont see why that notion is so utterly absurd and impossible.....its already starting to happen in europe and japan and now NA. pricedrop/good turnaround by sony ps3 marketing/increasingly more good exclusives and equal multiplatforms/the death of hd-dvd/relatively good hardware reliability

all these together puts ps3 at a more positive mindshare in peoples minds. i think it will only get better for the console in 2008


Well congrats ps3, you deserve to sell over 200K. What I'd be more interested to know is how many of those nearly 270,000 units sold to HDDVD owners selling off their collections after the warner announcement and going blu with the PS3. Also, the chances of the ps3 outselling the 360 in february , march , etc.

I'm not even gonna mention wii because well, they sold all that were shipped. It would have done 500,000 if nintendo could get them on shelves.

I"m actually more curious if the 360 has hit its monthly sales peak in north america, it actually is big news that it was the worst selling console for the month, are some gamers moving on to other hardware or was their simply no reason to buy a console in january ?

Foxix Von

I gotta give props to sony for managing to beat 360/Wii but... in all fairness they have been supply constrained while sony has had PS3's sitting on shelves for months now.

I know right now we have been severely low on wii's selling out as soon as we get them in stock, and we don't even have any 360's in right now.

I hope the people that bought them are happy with their purchases at least, because I'm still struggling to find a good reason to buy a PS3 myself at the moment.


jordan0386 said:
Wont live in the past.

To start of '08, 269k is the measuring stick for PS3. Lets see how they do for FEB.

PS3 1 Xbox 0. Thats the only real way to look at it.


12 rounds, 11 to go, Ps3 in the lead.

Here's a quick recap of the winning blow from round 1:


It's amazing john, MS came short on the kick and Sony went dick first, this could be the beginning of a long night


schuelma said:
Reggie speaks:

"We had effectively had no stock into market in that time period because we pulled all the stops to move production into the peak holiday time period," Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime told Reuters.

Nintendo planned to increase Wii shipments to support the launches of big games like "Super Smash Bros" and "Wii Fit" coming out over the next couple months, Fils-Aime said.

Jack speaks:

As for the latest PlayStation, Jack Tretton, head of Sony Computer Entertainment America, said in a statement: "Coming off a great holiday sales season we see strong momentum behind PS3 in 2008, and feel confident about the year ahead."

Interesting with Reggie- stealth confirmation that Wii Fit is coming soon?

What's the source of this please?
Foxix said:
I gotta give props to sony for managing to beat 360/Wii but... in all fairness they have been supply constrained while sony has had PS3's sitting on shelves for months now.

I know right now we have been severely low on wii's selling out as soon as we get them in stock, and we don't even have any 360's in right now.

I hope the people that bought them are happy with their purchases at least, because I'm still struggling to find a good reason to buy a PS3 myself at the moment.

Your post is so very interesting.


DenogginizerOS said:
Can any of you saying the PS3 only did well because the X360 and Wii were supply constrained give an explanation for why the PS3 did 30% better than NPD expected?
no one is saying Ps3 didnt do better than expected, only that the other two were lower than they normally sell due to shortages post-holiday.


If any insiders feel like letting us in on a few extra numbers...


...seem to be the most requested in this thread
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