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Official Little King's Story Thread of Tiny Conquistadors


this game is soo full of win

but id like them to fix the controlls to pikmin npc controlls in the sequel

that would be perfect

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
From the interview, about the "missing" pointer controls:

Surprisingly, neither the pointer or the motion controls of the Wii Remote is used at all, yet you can’t play the game with either the Classic Controller or the Nintendo GameCube controller. Why is that? Wouldn’t pointer controls have suited this game great, like it does in the Pikmin games for the Wii?


Even though at that time everybody developing a Wii game was considering to make use of the pointer or motion sensor, I thought it was not really necessary.

When people think of an RTS game (Real Time Strategy) for the Wii, they quickly have in mind the use of a mouse for PC games, but I find those controls to be just a bother even on PC RTS games. I settled on the idea of making a shooting game with ”human bullets” and therefore it was not important to use the pointer or motion sensor.

For that reason we actually wanted to support the Classic Controller but we didn’t have enough time and people for it. We tried to make up for it by putting effort into balancing the game.


:lol Good luck, guys!

I finally got a chance to read the NP review today. Not only did it get a 9.0, but it also took the featured-review slot. Hopefully that means the game will end up popular with NP readers...


Neo Member
I wish there was a way to get the word out to the casuals/masses. Hopefully it'll be good enough to get people talking after it's released. It has such a big internet following, the sales so far don't make sense to me.

(When will this damn "junior member" status go away?)


Neo Member
This game is absolutely my fave Third Party Wii offering to date, I pray that it finds relative success in the States, a sequel would be all kinds of awesome.


Everything is tsundere to me
Skorp said:
I wish there was a way to get the word out to the casuals/masses. Hopefully it'll be good enough to get people talking after it's released. It has such a big internet following, the sales so far don't make sense to me.

(When will this damn "junior member" status go away?)
emphasis: INTERNET. a few people can make a large noise here. this game is just such a nightmare to mass market, since its look is childlike and unassuming, while its subject matter is satirical and mature. first impressions mean everything in marketing, so doing it right for LKS and getting the game out to people who could enjoy it fully would take nothing short of marketing genius and a shit ton of cash, neither of which MMV, Rising Star, or XSEED have. it's really too bad...

either way, less than two weeks now. i think i'm going to get that thread title change :D


Neo Member
doomed1 said:
a few people can make a large noise here. this game is just such a nightmare to mass market, since its look is childlike and unassuming, while its subject matter is satirical and mature.

Aye thats the truth, but doesn't a large noise by a few get noticed by many. I guess it doesn't work like that. It's sad that smaller dev houses put effort into their titles to try and get recognition and sales but don't have the money to market it while big companies look for the quick buck, market a lot, and are successful. That is quite the fail in the industry. I wish IGN was supporting this title as much as they hyped up Zack and Wiki and Conduit. I don't see why they don't generate more buzz for something like this which from people's impressions seems to be just as good if not better.


Everything is tsundere to me
Skorp said:
Aye thats the truth, but doesn't a large noise by a few get noticed by many. I guess it doesn't work like that. It's sad that smaller dev houses put effort into their titles to try and get recognition and sales but don't have the money to market it while big companies look for the quick buck, market a lot, and are successful. That is quite the fail in the industry. I wish IGN was supporting this title as much as they hyped up Zack and Wiki and Conduit. I don't see why they don't generate more buzz for something like this which from people's impressions seems to be just as good if not better.
it's the same in any entertianment industry. just look at arthouse and indie movies. also, apparently IGN doesn't like it as much as they did Z&W. it also doesn't help that Z&W did terrible at retail either way. LKS is doomed to be a cult classic and an obscure art game. there's really no one to blame for this, as the game wouldn't be what it is without how it works now, but because of what it is, it would take nothing less of a marketing genius (or miracle) to sell this game honestly.


doomed1 said:
LKS is doomed to be a cult classic and an obscure art game. there's really no one to blame for this, as the game wouldn't be what it is without how it works now, but because of what it is, it would take nothing less of a marketing genius (or miracle) to sell this game honestly.

I'm just pleased that reviewers are actually recognizing its merit (and then quickly forgetting it to hype whatever blockbuster they need to retain ad revenue). That's honestly more than I expected.


Everything is tsundere to me
GhaleonQ said:
I'm just pleased that reviewers are actually recognizing its merit (and then quickly forgetting it to hype whatever blockbuster they need to retain ad revenue). That's honestly more than I expected.
well, saying it's anything but a good game is damned near impossible really, but the game's excellence is in the subtext, not the initial visual cues. i mean, the subtext is easy to pick up on, but it's really hard to communicate in a marketing sense and keep people interested.


It's going to be pretty tough going for LKS when even something like Dragon Quest struggles to find a significant audience in the west.


I created an account just to post in this thread and say just how amazing Little King's Story is. The game is made of magic and love, and I haven't experienced or felt like this playing a game for a long long time.

Everyone needs to play it.


For the love of God, must the Little King's Story thread ALWAYS have a misspelling? *laughs* "Conquistador."

ajim said:
I created an account just to post in this thread and say just how amazing Little King's Story is. The game is made of magic and love, and I haven't experienced or felt like this playing a game for a long long time.

Everyone needs to play it.

Yeah! Very cool of you, ajim. Now, evangelize!


10 preorders at my (small town) hometown Gamestop, mostly from my urging former coworkers (summer job, shut up) to push it. That's about half of those for blockbuster games that aren't special cases.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Looks like Amazon has the same preorder bonus as Gamestop, and has the game for a few bucks less. I've also got a $10 off coupon any Amazon order so... needless to say, preordered.


I preordered to help or something. Though I doubt Amazon preorders help anything beyond the standard game sale.


jay said:
I preordered to help or something. Though I doubt Amazon preorders help anything beyond the standard game sale.

True. The Gamestop ones are "useful" in the sense that they may not stock them appropriately, as they failed to do in Europe.


Everything is tsundere to me
less than a week now. i can hardly wait :D

still have to preorder. i'll do that today since i'll be around that area today anyway. i hope that job comes through...


Always the tag bridesmaid, never the tag bride.
doomed1 said:
less than a week now. i can hardly wait :D

still have to preorder. i'll do that today since i'll be around that area today anyway. i hope that job comes through...

Certain organs in our body are expendable without greatly ailing our health. These organs are also highly profitable. You know what to do.


(thinly veiled excuse to bump the topic)


Good news for the 5 of us who thought Chulip was awesome!

Have you ever thought about making a sequel to Chulip then?
YK: I do want to make it! I want to make a game with an urban area and have a little kid going around kissing people. I want to have a little kid basically going around kissing beautiful women, gay people, straight people, everything.
Actually, can you ask someone else to make it for me? Because I want to play that game.

*sigh* A few days until I have my own copy. Also, again, "conquistador." This topic deserves a better title writer!


bartris said:
Why arent my Savvy Merchants finding hidden holes to dig up???
I think those hidden holes are really rare. I've only seen them point something out a handful of times in the entire game, in the later areas of the game. Either way, they're worth the investment because of those big wallets and because of their use in a certain boss fight.


Neo Member
Dascu said:
I think those hidden holes are really rare. I've only seen them point something out a handful of times in the entire game, in the later areas of the game. Either way, they're worth the investment because of those big wallets and because of their use in a certain boss fight.

Ok Awesome, at least I now know they do exist! :D


Registered User
It's been so long since I preordered this game that my receipt is fading. Can't wait for it to come out!

Out of curiosity, did anyone else enter the art contest that XSeed was running? Supposedly my drawing will show up in the game. Just wondering if any other Gaf members are in it as well.


Everything is tsundere to me
Oli said:
It's been so long since I preordered this game that my receipt is fading. Can't wait for it to come out!

Out of curiosity, did anyone else enter the art contest that XSeed was running? Supposedly my drawing will show up in the game. Just wondering if any other Gaf members are in it as well.
not me. i'm actually a terrible artist (well, inconsistent), so i wouldn't dare enter that sort of thing should i be horribly shamed.


Registered User
doomed1 said:
not me. i'm actually a terrible artist (well, inconsistent), so i wouldn't dare enter that sort of thing should i be horribly shamed.

A lot of the winning entry's are bad anyway. So I'm not sure if I got in because of talent, or because they felt sorry for me.


Everything is tsundere to me
Oli said:
A lot of the winning entry's are bad anyway. So I'm not sure if I got in because of talent, or because they felt sorry for me.
well, i think some of it has to do with how they wanted "gradeschooler" art, like what you see posted on a kindergartener's fridge with a gold star, and everything in between. if they only took the SERIOUS ARTIST entries, i'm sure it the entries would look nicer on the whole. except at 20 years old, i couldn't exactly enter something that they would take, unless i put my age as like 10 or something, but then i wouldn't get to keep my pride. :lol


GhaleonQ said:
(thinly veiled excuse to bump the topic)


Good news for the 5 of us who thought Chulip was awesome!

Have you ever thought about making a sequel to Chulip then?
YK: I do want to make it! I want to make a game with an urban area and have a little kid going around kissing people. I want to have a little kid basically going around kissing beautiful women, gay people, straight people, everything.
Actually, can you ask someone else to make it for me? Because I want to play that game.

*sigh* A few days until I have my own copy. Also, again, "conquistador." This topic deserves a better title writer!
I count myself as one of the 5 people who loved Chulip; a sequel would be oh so exciting!! :D

I still remember the look on the GS employee's face when I went to pick up my Chulip Preorder and he asked me to explain wtf the game was about. :lol


Neo Member
I just wiki'd Chulip... o_O

OMG 3 more days! I really hope I haven't set my expectations too high. Please be amazing and sell well!
Ah, I better be able to find this on Tuesday.
I haven't been this excited or waited this long for a game since the first Golden Sun game.


Neo Member
20 Hours in, fourth kingdom conquered and the damn Wii froze before I got to save after the festival! Now im frustrated, will be back tomorrow though...

This game fulfills so many elements in gaming that I love, City building, RPG Elements, Neat Battles and so much charm and depth.... Some of the story elements are adult dressed in kids clothing!

I love it, please make enough money to warrant some kind of sequel!


Always the tag bridesmaid, never the tag bride.
GhaleonQ said:
(thinly veiled excuse to bump the topic)


Good news for the 5 of us who thought Chulip was awesome!

Have you ever thought about making a sequel to Chulip then?
YK: I do want to make it! I want to make a game with an urban area and have a little kid going around kissing people. I want to have a little kid basically going around kissing beautiful women, gay people, straight people, everything.
Actually, can you ask someone else to make it for me? Because I want to play that game.

*sigh* A few days until I have my own copy. Also, again, "conquistador." This topic deserves a better title writer!

I really enjoyed Chulip. Didn't get to finish it, but I did like the rather odd scenarios you find yourself in. I recalled getting sort of freaked out from some of the people that you'd spy on underground. Started laughing when I lost HP from finding feces in the garbage. Great game though.

So they still put MMV USA's logo on the back, but they basically switched places from Rune Factory Frontier. MMV USA's logo was on the top left grey area, now it's XSEED's, likewise with the logo on the bottom right white area. RFF had it say "Distributed by XSEED", not it's just MMV USA's logo without the message.

So no Dolby in LKS either, bummer. :( Hope XSEED made sure to include 480p. PLEASE?! :(

Edit: Added RFF's back cover for comparison.


bartris said:
This game fulfills so many elements in gaming that I love, City building, RPG Elements, Neat Battles and so much charm and depth.... Some of the story elements are adult dressed in kids clothing!
Yeah, that sums it up pretty well.

You US guys better buy this! It deserves to do so well, probably my favourite Wii game this year so far. Definite GOTY contender.


Jangaroo said:
I really enjoyed Chulip. Didn't get to finish it, but I did like the rather odd scenarios you find yourself in. I recalled getting sort of freaked out from some of the people that you'd spy on underground. Started laughing when I lost HP from finding feces in the garbage. Great game though.
:lol Should be added to the 'Worst ways to get a game over' thread; I ended up dying from finding Really Big Poopie in some random can. It takes off a significant chunk of health which lead to my death.
Haunted said:
Yeah, that sums it up pretty well.

You US guys better buy this! It deserves to do so well, probably my favourite Wii game this year so far. Definite GOTY contender.

Indeed. It's really a shame that the art style alone will pretty much kill any chance of this game selling even 100K copies.
If it's anyway good, the game's been hovering around between #35 - #40 on Amazon's Wii Top 100 bestseller list for a day or so, and seems to be growing.

It's very close to the top 100 overall, as Lego Indy Wii has popped in and out of the 100 overall, and it's only a few places above LKS in the Wii top 100.

Obviously isn't a complete indication of overall success/potential success, but hopefully it's a good sign. :)

Edit: And because I felt like it, here are both the front and back covers together:

Edit 2: Right now it's at #79 overall at Amazon, and just the hour before it was at #77! :O



Very excited for this game :D

I haven't had much time for video games lately, but this one seems like it will be too charming to put off.


excitement for this game caused me to register for GAF way back in april, i guess the delay wasn't all bad as my account got validated just in time!


Presumably my copy will ship tomorrow to get release date delivery from Amazon. I'll have to try to wrap up Conduit before then, probably not gonna happen.
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