pheenix down 17-7!
He's got him right where he wants him
You got this pheenix!
pheenix down 17-7!
Yea..I should have ran more. Your three TE offense was interesting. If I have another chance at it I will attack it better.8 of those were in the final game.
gg Nightz. I think I'm just a hindrance to myself if I try and do anything on defense. And I don't think I understand how to play this game. Have a LB underneath and safety over top in great position and get abused by your TE on a huge TD pass makes no sense to me. But whatevs. You played a great defensive game, really
Tell me about it Rors, I've had like a million dropped INTs this season, last season they caught it almost everytime!
Fucking Ford and Branch. I'm cutting them in the morning. So many dropped touchdowns and INTs.
37-14 ravens in 4th, clusterfuck here we come.
Didn't you lose on purpose to Bird?i think i am the dallas cowboys of this league
Didn't you lose on purpose to Bird?
GG az. that game was beyond frustrating. my guys couldn't get open on anything and i threw so many fucking shitty passes, i kept throwing at the break of the route hoping they would but your guys had my WR covered like crazy all game. couldn't get them open on anything i swear. didn't help that the game was constantly stuttering
should probably have run the ball more but my defense was getting smashed too. didn't make enough good adjustments
and now we await the tiebreak gods
Or even when you're controlling them perfectly and they just don't put their hands up to get the ball. Wow game is trash.
Gonna be interesting tiebreakers in both conferences. Advance it.
GG, man. I feel like HFA was in full effect that game. You must've had like 8 interceptions. It gave me really good field position all game and I think that was the difference. Good luck in the tie breaker clusterfuck!
Don't you dare advance it on me :-|
Don't you dare advance it on me :-|
You're like 3-9 in the AFC, you're out bud
You do realize you may be in the playoffs right? You beat me so you'll get in before I... but honestly I have NO idea what will happen lol
Yes but don't two of us get in? You could be the other!
so after wellie/luke we are ready to vance this shit?
shameball go
So Cola lives in LA now. That means Cola, CB, Trasher and myself all live in LA County, and I think Splat, Rors, FMT and Nightz all live in neighboring counties. What's the next most represented state in this league? I'm guessing New York.
So Cola lives in LA now. That means Cola, CB, Trasher and myself all live in LA County, and I think Splat, Rors, FMT and Nightz all live in neighboring counties. What's the next most represented state in this league? I'm guessing New York.
So Cola lives in LA now. That means Cola, CB, Trasher and myself all live in LA County, and I think Splat, Rors, FMT and Nightz all live in neighboring counties. What's the next most represented state in this league? I'm guessing New York.
I think Texas has, ph33nix, and Smokey. Does NY have more?
I think Texas has, ph33nix, and Smokey. Does NY have more?
Wellie, LJ, and I. At is in Jersey i believe.
gg Wellie gl in the playoffs