Smokey before you go off the rails I'm going to just sort it out here:
-I do think we put you on AP prematurely. Should have given it a few more hours especially since Bowser said "Sometime tonight" and "I can play before work tomorrow"
-As far as I know you guys tried your game on Sunday
-Bowser posted on Tuesday morning that you "hath forsaken him" whatever the fuck that means
-You posted right after he said yesterday "quit ducking me" so it sure looks like when Bowser posted later that night that he'd been trying to get to you with no response, he seemed right, especially if you had been posting that afternoon and didn't reply to his PM or his forum post
-The advance is Wednesday afternoon at 12:30 (Which by the way, can we stop doing after a weekend advance? how many people here actually can play before the evening?) so you gotta understand that if we see someone who has posted all day looking for you, and near the end of the night says he's been looking for you and we don't see you around, we assume you aren't showing up. Because if you aren't playing that evening, it gets simmed since people generally can't do daytime gaming (But here bowser said he could do it 'before work). And I can't speak for the others but if I wasn't locked into 2k, I also would have gone to put you on AP had you not shown up by 11:30 CT or so, since I know that is usually about when you stop playing.
-Also there is a huge fucking irony in Bob pulling a witch hunt trying to get it advanced early.
Actually I lied. I wouldn't have left 2k to go advance! Balls deep in the rec center!