TI5 tickets already down to $300 buy it now on eBay (from ~$500)
Ferngully you can probably grab some for $200 in a month or so, get ready!
$300 for one ticket? NO WAY JOSE
TI5 tickets already down to $300 buy it now on eBay (from ~$500)
Ferngully you can probably grab some for $200 in a month or so, get ready!
$300 for one ticket? NO WAY JOSE
Listening to music for lyrics is like playing video games for the graphicsI knew a lot of cute girls who were into them back in HS. I didn't actually listen to them until much later. The lyrics are kind of bad.
There was more to my post than the first sentence! I'm sorry I hid the rest of the message from you
They should hopefully keep falling and be $200 in a month or so. Even buying them day one from ticketmaster + fees was like ~$140, so you would only be paying a $60 premium for a 6 day event. That isn't bad bruh!
I saw the rest, but the first sentence was an attention grabber!
I just don't know if I want to pay that much over face value when a flight is already going to be about $400-$500 from NY and we aren't sure of the price of the lodging yet. Crow hasn't said how much it would be yet.
Vacation request was approved. I’ll be at TI (if I’m not dead/incapacitated/ect).
That being said I do now have a SINGLE extra ticket that I will sell to a gaffer AT cost. I purchased it from the 2nd batch of tickets in part because I thought my brother might be interested in going. He turned me down so that means his ticket can be yours.
If you want to buy the ticket, please PM me. I’ll take PMs until Wednesday @ 7 PM PST. At that time I will randomize the names submitted and pick the first name. If that person no longer wishes to buy the ticket (or doesn't get back to me in a timely manner) I’ll go to the next name on the list and so forth.
The ticket cost $132.90 with the Ticketmaster fees. I’d like payment in the form of an Amazon gift card. I’m not 100% sure how the Ticketmaster transfer system works, and because of that the buyer was from the United States. If a digital transfer cannot be done I’ll mail you your ticket at my expense when they arrive in the mail.
I’d like it if the winner was a regular participant in the thread but don’t think that’s fair to people who might just not want to post in the thread, just be a regular poster. I just ask that the winner actually use the ticket, nothing more.
tldr; send me a PM by 7 PM PST on Wednesday if you want to buy a TI5 ticket at price and live in ‘murica. Random person will be contacted via PM after that.
That's what I started doing as soon as I heard that Chris Brown song. Is there a way to add a whole album or do I have to add each song individually?
It's a lot easier to just edit your playlists on a computer. I don't think you even need the software. You just have to pull up their web player in a browser
The MLB servers are up and a couple of people are claiming that online is working better:
This will be the best sports game ever if it works!
They give me hope though! I know what you're saying though. I had games last year that worked perfectly but then I had so many disconnects all the time including several games in the playoffs. I remember we had at least one in our series, FMT, and game 7 of the WS and maybe another game that series disconnected. Please work!
that's the problem. there were games that worked perfectly throughout, but then i'd say half the games (and i'm being generous to Sony's benefit) had some type of moderate to major issue.
it just makes me never want to play again when i play through 8 innings and some stupid ass bug comes up in the 9th making the game reset. i'd estimate i played about 120 or so madden games this year and had 2 games disconnected that i can recall. that's a pretty acceptable rate and if the show could get something even approaching that i would be satisfied
I just came in here to say Coheed and Cambria is great, I should've known Jarate was trash the moment he joined the league, and I'll start taking Blue's opinion seriously when he can afford a $400 console.
if I lived in Scarolina I could!
I just came in here to say Coheed and Cambria is great, I should've known Jarate was trash the moment he joined the league, and I'll start taking Blue's opinion seriously when he can afford a $400 console.
I live in Charlotte now!Still relatively cheap.
Sounds like AZ and Blue should settle this 1v1 mid.
In Infinite Crisis?
I call Batman.
Sounds like AZ and Blue should settle this 1v1 mid.
First to 20 last hits wins.
From the little i remember about that game, the map i saw didnt even have lanes. It was like a big circle.
First to 20 last hits wins.
I don't get it. Why is the skeleton using two mice?
I just came in here to say Coheed and Cambria is great, I should've known Jarate was trash the moment he joined the league, and I'll start taking Blue's opinion seriously when he can afford a $400 console.
That was frustrating. Some games would work perfect for 8 innings and then a passed ball or something happened and the game would just freeze until it disconnected. I can deal with the fucked up baserunning and the ball warping if the games will just finish.
I've had a few more Madden DCs than you but I think that's more to do with my connection. It seemed like it happened against the same people too. I know me and nightz have had trouble playing a few times. It wasn't always in the middle of a game though it would freeze at the loading screen before the game which is way better than fucking up in the middle of the game.
I think the only places worse than LA are SF and NY.
Maybe I'll buy a PS4 and force myself to like Bloodborne just to spite you.
i've heard maybe a handful of coheed and cambria songs. nothing i heard made me want to look into them more. just sounded generic to me
Hey man, that's cool. Coincidentally, I think the only strong song the foo fighters ever wrote was Everlong. The rest of their stuff is pretty generic as well.
You not liking the foos further solidifies their greatness!
I agree on what you say for half of the last 2 albums!
Seriously man, everything after colour and the shape is really awful.
I just came in here to say Coheed and Cambria is great
Seriously man, everything after colour and the shape is really awful.
I feel like you've got to be playing a character at this point.
I feel like you've got to be playing a character at this point.
So, shadow fuckers in the forest. Killing the flamethrower one before they finish transforming is best strat, yes?
Yea you definitely need to try to kill them as fast as possible or just run by them.
It's even worse later in some of them actually summon 2-4 piles of snakes. That place is a nightmare zone lol
So, shadow fuckers in the forest. Killing the flamethrower one before they finish transforming is best strat, yes?
I meant the boss battle with the 3 shadows. But I took care of it.
Anyway, I'm in Byrgenwerth, which seems like a tiny area. I'm about to do the boss fight but I remember reading that you don't get the true ending unless you save the whore before fighting rom. I have no idea where a whore would be and I'm pretty sure rom is on the other side of this door.
pretty much but ludwigs sword make short work of them with the thrust. i would get a distance away, start the charge up well in advance and they'd basically run into the thrust at full power, dying with 1 hit.
the snakes weren't so bad, kind of the same deal only they move so slow you can get relatively close to start the windup and kill them with one hit.
now those big snakes, especially the part with 2 of them in the same little alcove area, was a pain in the ass because when you get close to the first one, the one in back is spitting poison at you.
then those fucking blue guys... lol wtf
you don't need to save the whore.
you only need 3/4 cords for the true ending.
aliens yo