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Official Madden '15 PS4 League Thread: We Know DOTA


Why you griefing me crow!

lol it just said "lost connection to opponent" on my end. Cowboys up 13-6 early in the fourth so we'll just sim it. Don't want to get through 3 more quarters only for it to happen again. GG CB. Had to pull out the old "chickenshit" fb dive on 3rd and inches since I couldn't convert any of those against wellie last week.


intangibles, motherfucker
lol it just said "lost connection to opponent" on my end. Cowboys up 13-6 early in the fourth so we'll just sim it. Don't want to get through 3 more quarters only for it to happen again. GG CB. Had to pull out the old "chickenshit" fb dive on 3rd and inches since I couldn't convert any of those against wellie last week.

yeah that was a rough game. that throw for a pick 6 was just rookie shit. couldnt believe i did that. when demarco went out on that last series i thought i could have a chance to win. I cant stop the run for shit.

I await my whole team dying to the sim gods.


Let me know when you can play rinse.
yeah that was a rough game. that throw for a pick 6 was just rookie shit. couldnt believe i did that. when demarco went out on that last series i thought i could have a chance to win. I cant stop the run for shit.

I await my whole team dying to the sim gods.
Seriously, what is up with sim injuries in this game.


Damn it, was about to check. Pretty pathetic for Evolution Studios, assuming they run the servers.
apparently they've always been up, but they're at capacity and offline people are put in a random queue... (that doesn't explain my random disconnects the whole 2 times I was connected though)

maybe by the time we win the queue lottery they will patch in open world exploration and a rewind feature!


i've been begging for over 5 years.
This is not a good look for a 'social' racer. From the long ass delay to now all of this trouble I'm afraid this game is doomed. I've yet to connect to the servers at all. If it finally does work I'd love to be in the madden gaf crew if ya'll have room though.

edit: wait.. as I was typing this it finally connected.... faints..
edit2: but I can't actually do shit... LOL Sony, LOL Evolution.


Online in 2k works? Everyone said it was still hot garbage.

You tell me.

Hey bros I'm going to Yosemite tomorrow and won't be back till Sunday afternoon. Make sure this vances at 5:45 pst sharp tomorrow!

Pistol I think we are opponents next week so I hope you can play sunday!
CB, I'm going to the Clemson game this weekend so our options are playing tonight or Sunday sometime. That's if we play this coming week, which I'm pretty sure we do.


Create an alt, send all the mats you get from leveling to your main. Eventually you'll be set to do each weekly twice and then you're rolling in purples.

O you said rep. Yeah that's sucks.

Leveling up factions is so slow as to be almost imperceptible. I kind of hate the time I've spent with the game, but I also play the fucking thing almost exclusively every night.

Please save me Civ: BE


Last night I watched Desolation of Smaug while playing. Been meaning to watch that. At least Destiny is helping me get caught up on movies.

I'm actually enjoying the Iron Banner stuff too. Since control point is kind of all I like playing, it works out! And I guess my gear isn't too shitty because on average (when I pay attention) I am doing better in the IB stuff than the standard crucible.
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