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Official Madden '15 PS4 League Thread: We Know DOTA


Kicking someone out of the league because you hold a stupid internet grudge on them? Embarrassing.

Ramirez has been in this league for how long? Calling a fake punt once during an entire season isn't that uncommon... Thought this was a sim league. They do that in the real NFL from time to time to try and lock down a game. I don't see the issue. All I see is a bunch of internet nerds jumping on their favorite heel here. For shame.

So what he did to the CPU is sim?
I really don't care what happens either way. Just putting that on the record.

All I see is a bunch of internet nerds jumping on their favorite heel here.

I find this line oddly hilarious.


Kicking someone out of the league because you hold a stupid internet grudge on them? Embarrassing.

Ramirez has been in this league for how long? Calling a fake punt once during an entire season isn't that uncommon... Thought this was a sim league. They do that in the real NFL from time to time to try and lock down a game. I don't see the issue. All I see is a bunch of internet nerds jumping on their favorite heel here. For shame.

He was quitting anyway, this was just some scripted stage bullshit McMahon and CB came up with.


He was quitting anyway, this was just some scripted stage bullshit McMahon and CB came up with.

Kicking someone out of the league because you hold a stupid internet grudge on them? Embarrassing.

Ramirez has been in this league for how long? Calling a fake punt once during an entire season isn't that uncommon... Thought this was a sim league. They do that in the real NFL from time to time to try and lock down a game. I don't see the issue. All I see is a bunch of internet nerds jumping on their favorite heel here. For shame.

Blizzard keeps sending emails to desperately remind me I'm in the Heroes of the Storm alpha.


I haven't played it in months. I didn't even reinstall it after they updated and it couldn't find my existing installation.


We are going to attempt the impossible tonight: 10 player private team up match in 2k15. If you have the game join as we try and achieve this momentous task.
Ferny I will be on very shortly after 7 CT

Go ahead and shoot me an invite around that time and I should be getting in around then, I'm leaving my game on

Also there's an update in case you don't have it already


It's my birthday. Think I'll order myself that third monitor I've been wanting.
Mostly just need to figure out where I'll place it since I really want to keep my tower on my desk. It might need to go above my other monitors.


It's my birthday. Think I'll order myself that third monitor I've been wanting.
Mostly just need to figure out where I'll place it since I really want to keep my tower on my desk. It might need to go above my other monitors.

Happy birthday buddy. Have a party.

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