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Official Madden '15 PS4 League Thread: We Know DOTA


I see you brentech and raise you the keyboard of men:




The feel holy fuck it blows the G710+ and the BlackWidow I use in my office out of the water. The feedback is amazing. Truly mechanical heaven. I'm having to adjust a bit to no lettering, but I guess that is the point at first. This guy is amazing. May have to get a lower end version for my office.


eh, i specifically targeted the G710 plus for the macro keys. I use a few in dota. mostly just for common multi key commands dealing with the courier


eh, i specifically targeted the G710 plus for the macro keys. I use a few in dota. mostly just for common multi key commands dealing with the courier

I found in all of my time of having the 710, I never used the macros. Plus that orange strip was has started to bother me lately.


intangibles, motherfucker
Shadow of mordor really does change when you can start branding people. Its pretty jarring (in a good way) when you've been wrecking orcs all game then suddenly you're in a battle with a group of them under your control


Guys, I think I may resub WoW for a bit since the big patch came out today. Who wants to log in and run old raids with me?

Somnia, you don't count. You'll just say you will and then at the last minute say you have plans with someone else.

Play Guild Wars 2 instead and save 15 dollars per month.


GG Ferny, I can't believe those ints I threw. That one where you got it in the middle of the field looked like it was moving in slow mo, I thought the guy was so open too. Luckily McCluster bailed me out again!


gg Bob. Tough luck for you not getting that spike off in time before the first half ended, but I couldn't believe the pick that set that up. Such an awful miss by Brees. The second pick was all me and I knew before I even pressed the button that chances are it'd be intercepted. Terrible.

Really patient game from your team, and it paid off in the end. I was pretty screwed by the time I got the ball back.


Ugh. Tree game was going swimingly as usual and then one of our guys decided to idle and abandon for 20 mins and our tinker decided pushing was bad. Game over. Hate this gaaaame!

Oh, and there were 4 5 min pauses in the game... just a total waste of time.


intangibles, motherfucker
You guys seem to be having trouble. Every time i look over to the monitor its the team wipe screen

AFC seeding + remaining games:

1. Patriots (12-2) - @ Jets, Vs. Bills
2. Titans (11-3) - @ Jags, Vs. Colts
3. Steelers (11-3) - Vs. Chiefs, Vs. Bengals
4. Chiefs (10-4) - @ steelers, vs. chargers
5. Ravens (8-6) - @ Texans, Vs. Browns
6. Chargers (8-6) - @49ers, @chiefs
7. Browns (8-6) - @ Panthers, @ Ravens
8. Texans (7-6) - @ Colts, Vs. Ravens, Vs. Jags
9. Raiders (7-7) - Vs. Bills, @ Broncos

Kind of jumbled in here, but here's what I see:
* Patriots are the only team to have officially clinched a playoff berth. Could potentially finish with #1 seed or possibly #3
* Ravens have beaten the browns, chargers already. They win out and they have a guaranteed playoff spot
* Browns also control their own destiny (since they play the ravens in the final week). they win out and THEY have a guaranteed playoff spot
* Chargers control their own destiny too! Due to the fact that either the ravens or browns are guaranteed to have 7 losses, the chargers just need to win out to secure a playoff spot.
* Texans will need help but they can help themselves by winning out and then hoping the browns also beat the Ravens
* Raiders need a lot of help. I don't think they're mathematically eliminated but they need to win out and have some weird combination of losses between the other teams happen. Unlikely but like my boy dave G said, stranger things have happened!

NFC Seeding + remaining games:

1. Seahawks (11-3) - @ Cardinals, Vs. Rams
2. Buccaneers (10-3) - @ Panthers, Vs. Packers, Vs. Saints
3. Redskins (9-5) - Vs. Eagles, Vs. Cowboys
4. Bears (9-5) - Vs. Lions, @ Vikings
5. Rams (10-4) - Vs. Giants, @ Seahawks
6. Eagles (9-5) - @ redskins, @ giants
7. 49ers (9-5) - vs. chargers, vs. cardinals
8. Packers (8-5) - @ Bills, @ Bucs, Vs. Lions
9. Lions (8-6) - @ Bears, @ Packers
10. Saints (7-7) - Vs. Falcons, @ Bucs

NFC is even less straight forward than the AFC!
* No one has clinched a playoff spot
* If the bucs win out, they have homefield advantage on account of having a better conference record
* The seahawks can clinch the division, and a first round bye, by beating the rams
* The rams can clinch a guaranteed playoff spot by winning out. If the rams were to lose one of their final 2 games, they should still be in the playoffs but the tiebreakers could come into play. Still, it appears they would have a spot even with only 1 more win.
* The packers control their own destiny: Win out and they are division champs
* The lions need to win out and need the packers to lose one of their other 2 games
* The bears need to win out AND have the packers lose somewhere to win the division
* The lions, bears and packers could potentially be in line for a wildcard but i think it's unlikely
* The eagles and redskins control their own division destiny: they play each other and that will likely determine the winner of the division although it is possible that the loser could grab a wildcard spot
* If the 49ers win out, they would secure a wildcard spot on account of either the eagles or redskins having at least 1 more loss
* The saints would need a lot of help to get in. They would need to win out and then just everyone else ahead of them to shit the bed. Like the raiders, it's possible!


Destiny kicked me off and I couldn't sign back in. Kind of glad since I was pretty burned out at that point in the raid.


I don't get how to level up once you have all legendary stuff. Just hunted shit on the moon for 45 minutes, upgraded my helmet, got 3 light points.

Nope. NOPE.
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