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Official Madden '15 PS4 League Thread: We Know DOTA


intangibles, motherfucker
I don't get how to level up once you have all legendary stuff. Just hunted shit on the moon for 45 minutes, upgraded my helmet, got 3 light points.

Nope. NOPE.

I just leveled to 28!

Its just grinding. Eventually you'll find shit with a higher base light or you'll level up your current shit enough to get up in level


intangibles, motherfucker
I found this pretty funny.

My level 4 bonus item from the future war cult? A Legendary Warlock bond. One of the two available that you have to buy at the very start to even grind rep for the faction. Why is this even a possible drop at any level for this vender! I can and did buy it from the vender for 2500 crystal bucks (which might as well be free because what the fuck do you even need crystal bucks for past level 6 or something) way back at level 20. Shouldnt it be some dope ass weapon or something?

Its the little things like this that drive me up the wall about this game.



Kind of jumbled in here, but here's what I see:
* Patriots are the only team to have officially clinched a playoff berth. Could potentially finish with #1 seed or possibly #3
* Ravens have beaten the browns, chargers already. They win out and they have a guaranteed playoff spot
* Browns also control their own destiny (since they play the ravens in the final week). they win out and THEY have a guaranteed playoff spot
* Chargers control their own destiny too! Due to the fact that either the ravens or browns are guaranteed to have 7 losses, the chargers just need to win out to secure a playoff spot.
* Texans will need help but they can help themselves by winning out and then hoping the browns also beat the Ravens
* Raiders need a lot of help. I don't think they're mathematically eliminated but they need to win out and have some weird combination of losses between the other teams happen. Unlikely but like my boy dave G said, stranger things have happened!

NFC is even less straight forward than the AFC!
* No one has clinched a playoff spot
* If the bucs win out, they have homefield advantage on account of having a better conference record
* The seahawks can clinch the division, and a first round bye, by beating the rams
* The rams can clinch a guaranteed playoff spot by winning out. If the rams were to lose one of their final 2 games, they should still be in the playoffs but the tiebreakers could come into play. Still, it appears they would have a spot even with only 1 more win.
* The packers control their own destiny: Win out and they are division champs
* The lions need to win out and need the packers to lose one of their other 2 games
* The bears need to win out AND have the packers lose somewhere to win the division
* The lions, bears and packers could potentially be in line for a wildcard but i think it's unlikely
* The eagles and redskins control their own division destiny: they play each other and that will likely determine the winner of the division although it is possible that the loser could grab a wildcard spot
* If the 49ers win out, they would secure a wildcard spot on account of either the eagles or redskins having at least 1 more loss
* The saints would need a lot of help to get in. They would need to win out and then just everyone else ahead of them to shit the bed. Like the raiders, it's possible!

Interesting scenario between a 2 way tie or 3 way tie if multiple teams finish 11-5. If it is a two way tie between the Bears/Niners the Niners would get the wild card due to head to head. However if it is a 3 way or more tie at 11-5 then the Niners would be out as their conference record would be worse than the Bears.

LJ, finish 11-5 bro. Together we can keep FMT out of the playoffs. Trasher, this is worth tanking against me.


Ugh. Tree game was going swimingly as usual and then one of our guys decided to idle and abandon for 20 mins and our tinker decided pushing was bad. Game over. Hate this gaaaame!

Oh, and there were 4 5 min pauses in the game... just a total waste of time.

I was waiting for your tree game to be over to join you but I ended up passing out.



So did anyone (AZ) resub to wow? I'm curious about gearing up my warlock if I do get back into it. I haven't played in about a year and a half (the longest I've ever been hiatus). I stopped playing about halfway through the Throne of Thunder. Will it take awhile to gear up my main? I want to be able to attempt Siege of Orgrimmar and do revamed UBRS.

And also want to get on that new toon mess.

And Rust looks pretty cool.


So did anyone (AZ) resub to wow? I'm curious about gearing up my warlock if I do get back into it. I haven't played in about a year and a half (the longest I've ever been hiatus). I stopped playing about halfway through the Throne of Thunder. Will it take awhile to gear up my main? I want to be able to attempt Siege of Orgrimmar and do revamed UBRS.

And also want to get on that new toon mess.

And Rust looks pretty cool.
Im waiting for Az to tell me when we are starting.
Yeah I resubbed yesterday. I told you guys I was. I was doing the destiny raid last night but I should be around to night to do some new UBRS or something. I play a tank so if one of you guys is a healer, it should be pretty easy to put a group together.


Yeah I resubbed yesterday. I told you guys I was. I was doing the destiny raid last night but I should be around to night to do some new UBRS or something. I play a tank so if one of you guys is a healer, it should be pretty easy to put a group together.

How geared is your dude?


Yeah I resubbed yesterday. I told you guys I was. I was doing the destiny raid last night but I should be around to night to do some new UBRS or something. I play a tank so if one of you guys is a healer, it should be pretty easy to put a group together.

Who's going to be the guy that runs into the eggs?


man, I was so good at WoW

wrecking people in PvP was the greatest

I'm glad I cashed out before Wrath though because it looks like the game turned to shit


So according to the Destiny thread I just have to find materials to level up. These materials are on the moon...the second world in the game. In 45 minutes I found about 9-12 can't remember exactly. You actually need 16 per upgrade it looks like. That let me level up the defense on one of my pieces of armor. I got three light points. I need roughly 30 more to hit 27. So I'll be generous and say that I can get 16 shards in an hour. So in 10 hours I will hit level 27. 10 hours of walking around the second world of this game. And this is the efficient way recommended to me. Or maybe I will get lucky and a random item will drop!

Holy God is that basically the worst end game ever created?

This is probably why I never played any end game content in WoW


Geared enough, I suppose. I'm not gear restricted from any of the Raid Finder raids, and it doesn't look like UBRS is locked out to me either.

Edit: I just checked the armory. My ilvl is 512.

Crap. Let me check what I am.

Edit: My ilvl is 500. I guess I can do some Timeless Isle and more ToT LFR... or just go right into SoO LFR.

Wait, people seriously run UBRS still?

It was revamped to level 90 and will jump up to level 100 when WOD comes out. They've been releasing old instances every expansion for people to run.
Wait, people seriously run UBRS still?

They redid it for lvl 90 and added it with yesterday's patch. It's kind of a little stop gap until the xpac comes out next month.

So according to the Destiny thread I just have to find materials to level up. These materials are on the moon...the second world in the game.

Holy God is that basically the worst end game ever created?

I spent 20 minutes yesterday while we waited for the raid to start getting materials on the moon for my armor. I found 4. And 2 of them came from a chest I found at the very end. It is seriously the very worst. The fact that there's no in game map (that I've found anyway) makes it so awful trying to remember all the spawn locations.


Know what would stupidly make it actually like 10x better...have some motherfucking variety. Put boots material on the moon, helm material on Venus, cod piece material on Mars.

It's just so baffling. The worst part about it is that the parts I really love about the game, the strikes/raids and the Crucible, are a total waste of my fucking time if I actually want to progress.
WoW end game progression is all raids and heroics actually. There used to be a lot of farming back in Vanilla/TBC WoW days. Which I think is where Luke and co. took their inspiration. But if all you like doing is running raids/dungeons, WoW would actually be right up your alley. Plus it has group finder for all those things.


Yeah vanilla and tbc had crazy farming. I remember AQ required you to be above 60 nature resistance... that meant throwing on lvl 30 gear if it had 15+ nr on it. Nowadays it's just click on Looking for Group and sit back and click your abilities. Still damn addicting though.


So did anyone (AZ) resub to wow? I'm curious about gearing up my warlock if I do get back into it. I haven't played in about a year and a half (the longest I've ever been hiatus). I stopped playing about halfway through the Throne of Thunder. Will it take awhile to gear up my main? I want to be able to attempt Siege of Orgrimmar and do revamed UBRS.

And also want to get on that new toon mess.

And Rust looks pretty cool.

Yesterday I hit 90 and was able to go to Siege of Orgrimmar a few hours later. You just go to Timeless Isle and you can get geared up pretty quickly, you can also buy ilvl 550 weapons for honor now so I got one of those too

Wait, people seriously run UBRS still?

I did them while leveling up a few days ago even though they are shorter and low level instances are a joke now it was still terrible. BRD is worse though
Me and some hunter friends used to sit on the archway in the town by AQ and aim shot some1 at the same time to instantly kill them.
Good times. WoW ain't what it used to be. It had a ton of flaws, but I liked it more then what it's turned into.


Thanks soka! That's refreshing to hear that it wouldn't take too long.

And yeah BRD will always be that one instance that sucks to run but will always remain high on my nostalgia list. I remember running a 7 hour BRD back in the day.


I don't think I even ever hit 60, but tbuc has been bugging me to get back into it. We used to play the fuck out of vanilla wow.


I liked when strat, scholo, and the brs' required 10+. Felt like they were like stepping stone adventures to the big 40 man raid.


if you just buy a new wow account it includes all expansions up to Pandaria for $20 I think, maybe there's a cheap upgrade price too I dunno


Do it Ez! We can actually play a MMO for once together! I think I've only ever played with Az cause Somnia was a bastard and never wanted to group up.
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