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Official Madden '15 PS4 League Thread: We Know DOTA


Glad we still play Smash on 3DS. At least I have a cartridge to sell.

Did you ever even install Guild Wars Bob?

Yeah I've played Guild Wars 2 a decent chunk. Haven't played in awhile but I am thinking about getting back in. However, Civ Beyond Earth alongside Bayonetta 2 are only 9 days away and those games are going to take up a bunch of my gaming time.


My account is frozen, but it looks like its because I'm not paying anymore. Wish I could see my character.

I think I was a cow shaman.


Alright, subbed for a month. Apparently I was an orc shaman. I was way off!


Character Not Available

This character profile could not be displayed, possibly for one of the following reasons:

The character has been inactive for an extended period of time.
The character name or realm was spelled incorrectly.
The profile is temporarily unavailable while the character is in the midst of a process such as a realm transfer or faction change.
Characters that have been deleted are no longer available.

So I might have to start a new one anyway. I was only level 44. I did have two alts though!

According to my account page though I have up through Mists of Pandaria, which means I am caught up right?


Alright, subbed for a month. Apparently I was an orc shaman. I was way off!


So I might have to start a new one anyway. I was only level 44. I did have two alts though!

According to my account page though I have up through Mists of Pandaria, which means I am caught up right?

Yea MoP is the most recent one that let's you get to 90. If you purchase WoD you get a free boost to 90.


Maybe I will. Kind of feel like I need an extended break from playing dota (watching is still great!) but I enjoy having 5-10 people to play video games with every night.


That's why I stopped playing shooters and l4d a few years ago... I felt like I needed a group of people to play those games with.


The expansions were $40 I think, they've increased the price

I can't speak for the rest, but BC was definitely $40.

You guys think Destiny has a lot of requirements and grinding to do?



My problem with Destiny isn't that I have to grind, it's that I have no idea if my grinding is actually accomplishing anything.


My problem with Destiny isn't that I have to grind, it's that I have no idea if my grinding is actually accomplishing anything.

It's getting you a shiny new number. The problem is that number seems so pointless. Like I feel like light level 21 vs 25 means pretty much nothing. It doesn't feel like a substantial upgrade. Sure i'm getting more defense, but that's because of the gear.


Initially I thought I might do the raid again, but now I'm not so sure. Had the same feeling. Just don't see the value. It's not like it's getting me ready for something else other than DLC content.

Hit the peak too fast, and there is little to no customization. The perks are so meaningless it's basically just picking which special move you want.


I never bothered with BC raiding, I just did arena and BGs. WSG is the most fun ever... well except for hutt ball in The Old Republic. I wish WoW would copy that :(


intangibles, motherfucker
Its kinda why i liked "similar" games like Diablo 2 or PSO. The level cap was 99. And the drops were always getting better. YOu were just running the same area's at a higher difficulty. So even when you were grinding or doing runs for items, you were always achieving a goal in the background of leveling up. You were always progressing in some way.


Sega of America need to stop being a jerk and give us PSO2. Though the rumor is Relic is working on bringing it over. Hope it is true.

Destiny's end game seems terrible from everything you guys are describing. Lots of work for little to no payoff. I'll wait for Bungie to fix the game before I dive in again.

Edit: Holy shiznit HBO Go access without a cable subscription incoming:



Sega of America need to stop being a jerk and give us PSO2. Though the rumor is Relic is working on bringing it over. Hope it is true.

Destiny's end game seems terrible from everything you guys are describing. Lots of work for little to no payoff.

I'm not waiting. My weird robot dude is still rolling through the forest. Those damn Rappys trying to be cute by playing dead but I'm on to them.
How'd the Raid go for you guys last night? I amazingly got the one piece of Raid armor I was missing so I could hit 30 now but I'm going to wait for my exotic chest instead and just get to 29 by upgrading my new gauntlets. Hopefully Xur sells that chest armor on Friday but I doubt it.

So according to the Destiny thread I just have to find materials to level up. These materials are on the moon...the second world in the game. In 45 minutes I found about 9-12 can't remember exactly. You actually need 16 per upgrade it looks like. That let me level up the defense on one of my pieces of armor. I got three light points. I need roughly 30 more to hit 27. So I'll be generous and say that I can get 16 shards in an hour. So in 10 hours I will hit level 27. 10 hours of walking around the second world of this game. And this is the efficient way recommended to me. Or maybe I will get lucky and a random item will drop!

Holy God is that basically the worst end game ever created?

This is probably why I never played any end game content in WoW
My friend, I can show you a circuit you run where you'll get between 60-100+ Helium in about an hour. You can also youtube it but I have no problem running you through it. When it comes to farming mats, it's all about finding the loot chests, the actual mats on the ground is just icing on the cake. The chests respawn regularly in a handful of random places and by the time you start the loop over again, they've respawned.
I don't get how to level up once you have all legendary stuff. Just hunted shit on the moon for 45 minutes, upgraded my helmet, got 3 light points.

Nope. NOPE.
If you have all Legendary armor, you just have to upgrade it to go up higher. For every defense increase perk, you'll get more light points on top of your defense going up some. About 1-2 light per perk. You can get to 28 with two legendary pieces maxed out and the other two upgraded up to the point where you have to start using Ascended shards. If you want to get to 29, you'll have to either get Raid gear which have more light points maxed out than regular legendary, or I think you might be able to achieve it with an exotic and the rest legendary, all maxed out. The only way to get to the max 30 rank is to have an exotic and the rest Raid armor, all maxed out. I don't recommend wasting shards on all your legendaries since you do the raid, just be patient and get the raid gear and max those out (except the one you plan on getting an exotic version of). Do you have any yet?
Know what would stupidly make it actually like 10x better...have some motherfucking variety. Put boots material on the moon, helm material on Venus, cod piece material on Mars.

It's just so baffling. The worst part about it is that the parts I really love about the game, the strikes/raids and the Crucible, are a total waste of my fucking time if I actually want to progress.
Not true at all, fortunately. The Raid is THE best thing to do to level up once you're strong enough to run it since the Raid gear is the best stuff in the game outside of the one exotic you can equip. Strikes and Crucible are still really useful because you rack up the Vanguard and Crucible marks, respectively and then buy Legendary equipment from them which you then destroy for guaranteed ascended shards and can do the same for weapons to get ascended energy. Ascended shards are the biggest pain in the ass for upgrading your equipment but if you're careful on what you blow the shards on it shouldn't be too bad. You can do the technique I listed above, doing a Public event a day can earn you one and the Heroic Daily nets you two guaranteed shards or energies if you do it on lvl 28 difficulty. You'll also get plenty of them in the Raid. There are a couple chests in there that only give shards or energies.

Also, different equipment does have you going to different planets for resources. I have a few things than need blooms from Venus, another couple need Helium from the Moon, and that badass Icebreaker sniper Xur sold last week takes Spinmetal from Earth.


* Buyback cooldown increased from 6 to 7 minutes
* AoE Gold NWFactor reduced from 0.06/0.06/0.05/0.04/0.03 to 0.05/0.05/0.05/0.04/0.03
* AoE XP XPFactor reduced from 0.3/0.3/0.2/0.15/0.12 to 0.23/0.23/0.2/0.15/0.12
* Mystic Flare damage is now dealt over 2.4 seconds instead of 2.2 seconds
* Ancient Seal cooldown increased from 11 to 14
* Crypt Swarm damage rescaled from 100/175/250/300 to 75/150/225/300
* Exorcism cooldown increased from 135 to 145
* Juxtapose max illusions reduced from 6/8/10 to 5/7/9
* Bloodrage now only amplifies for half of the value when the dealer and the receiver are over 2200 range apart
* Primal Split cast time increased from 0.4 to 0.65 seconds
* Primal Split delay after cast time (while invulnerable) reduced from 0.85 to 0.6 seconds
* Ethereal Blade projectile speed increased from 1100 to 1200
* Song of the Siren cast point increased from 0.65 to 0.8 seconds
* Guardian Angel no longer provides HP Regeneration
* Metamorphosis movement speed reduced from 315 to 290
* Conjure Image damage intake increased from 300% to 425%
* Sunder no longer interrupts the target
* Sunder cast range increased from 250 to 325
* Haunt illusion outgoing damage decreased from 40% to 30%
* Spectre movement speed reduced from 295 to 290
* Chronosphere cooldown increased from 120/100/80 to 130/110/90
* Eye of the Storm Scepter interval increased from 0.55/0.45/0.35 to 0.6/0.5/0.4
* Static Link cooldown increased from 25 to 32/30/28/26
* Flaming Fists damage type changed from Magical to Pure (pierces Spell Immunity)
* Flaming Fists damage reduced from 100/150/200 to 80/115/150
Damnit Icefrog! I didn't even get a chance to play terrorblade before EE made you nerf him.
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