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Official Madden '15 PS4 League Thread: We Know DOTA

Okay. Now that we're in the 3rd,i have to say it's pretty legit just clock running. 4 seconds left with every play.
This is really annoying when the games are already limited possession. 6 plays in a row now. Little early for this, but same thing in the first quarter. Someone said he was slow to pick plays , but holy fuck we're on the field and it runs forever before any snaps.

Not even worth bothering to play

the ol clock milking issue. we haven't had that in years!

i'll put it in the OP but lets avoid clock milking outside of the 4th quarter.... as a favor to me! you don't have to quick snap it but running the clock down to next to nothing in a 10 point game early 3rd (for instance) is just... it's too much on 8 min quarters. not going to get so specific as to say you need to snap it with at least X amount of seconds left but just don't milk it to nothing on EVERY play in a game that is within striking distance
Gq said in my stream he wAsn't trying to burn clock, just being thorough. with that being said I would try to call plays faster. It would be annoying playing against someone who kept taking forever even if it isn't intentional.

you can tell if someone has burn clock setting on by the way the clock moves


Gq said in my stream he wAsn't trying to burn clock, just being thorough. with that being said I would try to call plays faster. It would be annoying playing against someone who kept taking forever even if it isn't intentional.

you can tell if someone has burn clock setting on by the way the clock moves
It wasn't even like I was down when I first mentioned it. It was the third play of the game when I pointed it out on my twitch stream and asked ram if it was normal.

Saw his comments in your stream, lol at acting like it had anything to do with losing.
Like I said, he played a good offense, and it was an otherwise competetive game.
I agree, you're not a sour grapes kind of person anyways and even if I was kicking someone's ass, it's annoying. Last year against deftech I think he would basically put the controller down on defense and would call plays only on offense, so it always took the whole ten seconds for the defense to call. Definitely not fun.


the ol clock milking issue. we haven't had that in years!

i'll put it in the OP but lets avoid clock milking outside of the 4th quarter.... as a favor to me! you don't have to quick snap it but running the clock down to next to nothing in a 10 point game early 3rd (for instance) is just... it's too much on 8 min quarters. not going to get so specific as to say you need to snap it with at least X amount of seconds left but just don't milk it to nothing on EVERY play in a game that is within striking distance
So what's the list of things we CAN'T do, cause it seems it's grown even more this year?
So what's the list of things we CAN'T do, cause it seems it's grown even more this year?

I don't think this is necessarily on the things we can't do, we're not going to be that Gestapo about it, but just a "Hey if you can help it, please don't take fucking forever, kthx"


From the outside looking in, it seems to me that it's far less than it ever was.


Oh yea. Looks like vita remote play is my MUT solution during the games today. Works great up till all-pro where the R2 rear pad is a little to slow to use exactly how you'd like.


9/33 Training Camp games
32/256 Regular Season games
4/32 Elite games

My current status. FUCK the Broncos and 49ers in Elite. They are 94 and 95 OVR and those games are on All-Madden. I knocked them out but it was brutal.

Kind of want a Vita for remote play...how does that work? Is it pretty easy to set up?


I have not been able to connect outside of my house.

Works amazing though ,even with my garbage internet and walls that are not conducive to wireless connections.
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