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Official Madden '15 PS4 League Thread: We Know DOTA


Not usually, but sometimes.

Other options are we can play in your early morning or anything like before 11:30am PST.

Playing in the morning for me would be like 6:30AM EST or something. I work from 9AM - 6PM so it may be hard for us to make it work during the week.


Dude this is basically Eznark's house


And he pretty much had to get his internet by digging holes and wiring shit together manually

Doesn't surprise me[/QUOTE]

He has to run CAT5 cable through his house.



I downloaded Madden, the Golf Club, PvZ and the PSN portions of Destiny in one evening. The in-game portion of Destiny has taken over 24 hours at this point.

My connection is shit (5 down 1 up) but I am pretty sure Madden is at least 16 gigs and that was done in a few hours.

I had an unrelated meeting with my ISP and afterward asked them when fiber would be run to the compound if I didn't pay to have it done myself and they laughed.....sigh


My options are the podunk local ISP's DSL or satellite DSL...or $15,000 to run a spur off of the line that is going to a relatively close industrial park.

It is faster than my 4G verizon modem though.


Every once in awhile I'll stumble upon once of these gamer gate things and just be baffled. A female writer is apparently leaving the industry over it.

End of the day, and this is true about all things (except sports obviously!), people care way too fucking much.


she probably sucked at her job

perfect time to make a scene of it!

I haven't read the story and have no clue what you're talking about


"Mario Golf Advance Tour coming to Wii U VC Sept 25 in America"

You guys should totally check this game out. It's really well done, with some great RPG mechanics added onto a really good golf game. It's definitely my favorite of the Camelot golf games.


Sounds like the initial reaction to Destiny has been a bit...Luke-warm.


intangibles, motherfucker
(12:05:19 PM) CB3: you dont seem like a RPG guy but there are a ton of the classics on there
(12:07:08 PM) dboythagr8: I've never played chrono trigger is that on there

Smokey making me so proud right now.


Atari Jaguar.


I did play FFT as a kid when it launched . I remember getting a fucking gameshark for it cuz that game was too stronk

I haven't tried it in my superior gaming form of today

I'm pretty sure I'm going to make up for a lot of lost time with the retro stuff on Vita
I downloaded Madden, the Golf Club, PvZ and the PSN portions of Destiny in one evening. The in-game portion of Destiny has taken over 24 hours at this point.

My connection is shit (5 down 1 up) but I am pretty sure Madden is at least 16 gigs and that was done in a few hours.

I had an unrelated meeting with my ISP and afterward asked them when fiber would be run to the compound if I didn't pay to have it done myself and they laughed.....sigh

Wow I have slightly faster internet than somebody. I never thought I'd see the day that anybody would have slower internet than me.

I did play FFT as a kid when it launched . I remember getting a fucking gameshark for it cuz that game was too stronk

I haven't tried it in my superior gaming form of today

I'm pretty sure I'm going to make up for a lot of lost time with the retro stuff on Vita

Chrono Trigger is designed to be pretty much a beginner's RPG.
I have 0 neighbors.

Brad's "movies from 60 years ago don't make sense anymore" was dumber than anything Dan has ever even thought of saying.

Lol well you have me beat there. The town I grew up in had less than 100 people and my closest neighbor then was several miles away. I've moved on up to the big city since then though. Over 200 people in my current town!
(12:05:19 PM) CB3: you dont seem like a RPG guy but there are a ton of the classics on there
(12:07:08 PM) dboythagr8: I've never played chrono trigger is that on there

Smokey making me so proud right now.
chrono trigger is only one of the GOATs




Can't hate on the CT soundtrack as it is legit great, but I thought we all decided the Chrono Cross soundtrack is better.
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