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Official Madden '15 PS4 League Thread: We Know DOTA


Greg the council will not hear your pleas. It makes sense to most people but our dear leader FMT thinks otherwise
Anybody tried the Destiny raid yet? I tried last night but I was only level 25 with a level 24, two 25s and two 26s. We played for like 2 hours and couldn't beat the first boss. I did get some legendary armor though!


I need to get back to Destiny but I'm currently hooked on Infested Planet. Tom Chick finally right about a game.

Story when can you play? I'm free around 9 central tonight.

Smokey I downloaded the Forza Horizon 2 demo. Horizon games are arcade like? I have more MS space money than I know what to do with currently so I may get it if I like the demo.


For any of you all wondering how to get good gear: Once you hit 20 just start farming Strikes for Vanguard marks (can get 100 every week) and then get a legendary cloak from one of the factions at the tower and run Crucible (100 marks there as well) with it equipped so you get rep towards the faction where you can eventually buy gear with the Crucible marks. Don't use the cloak during Strikes or Patrols though since you will want to rep up your Vanguard rep to at least level 2 to buy some good gear with those marks. But once you get your Vanguard rep as high as you want you can start wearing your faction cloak if you want for an extra boost there. Try to complete all of the bounties every day as well. And if you're lucky you may stumble upon some legendary engrams along the way!


Smokey I downloaded the Forza Horizon 2 demo. Horizon games are arcade like? I have more MS space money than I know what to do with currently so I may get it if I like the demo.

Yeah. More chill mode than regular Forza. There is a simulation setting I believe, but in general it's less sim and more crazy.


intangibles, motherfucker
For any of you all wondering how to get good gear: Once you hit 20 just start farming Strikes for Vanguard marks (can get 100 every week) and then get a legendary cloak from one of the factions at the tower and run Crucible (100 marks there as well) with it equipped so you get rep towards the faction where you can eventually buy gear with the Crucible marks. Don't use the cloak during Strikes or Patrols though since you will want to rep up your Vanguard rep to at least level 2 to buy some good gear with those marks. But once you get your Vanguard rep as high as you want you can start wearing your faction cloak if you want for an extra boost there. Try to complete all of the bounties every day as well. And if you're lucky you may stumble upon some legendary engrams along the way!

I like the game, but trying to figure this stuff out on the fly without reading up on it is kinda dumb.

Also, when i get a purple mystery drop, i expect it to be a purple item, not blue. That was super disappointing.


I like the game, but trying to figure this stuff out on the fly without reading up on it is kinda dumb.

Also, when i get a purple mystery drop, i expect it to be a purple item, not blue. That was super disappointing.

Bungie's intention I think was to specifically not spoon feed people on how everything works, but I do agree that they could have explained certain things a bit better.

When I go back and think about my early WoW days when the game first came out, I can honestly say that I was in the dark about how everything worked there as well. It's sort of just the nature of how the games are intended to be played. I think that's what made certain aspects of a game like WoW, or Destiny in this case, really fun and rewarding. I understand if it's not for everyone though. I dunno, when I play a game like Zelda or something I don't want to have a map that lays out where every heart piece container is. That may be a stretch comparing it to that, but I sort of feel like it's the same principle in the end. Gamers today want everything right away and don't want to work too hard to get the coolest gear, weapons, etc. Even WoW has changed a lot (for the worse in my opinion) in that aspect. Everything became so much more accessible and easier to achieve. That's what really has hurt that game in the long run in my opinion.

Anyways, guess my point is to just not expect to master a game like this within a week and know all the ins and outs of it. You're not supposed to! This isn't your typical FPS shooter.


intangibles, motherfucker
I think there is a difference in being vague to serve the gameplay well (dark souls), and being vague just for the sake of being vague.

I understand trying to recreate those feelings of the past games its trying to be, but 2004 is very different from 2014. We've come a long way.


Bungie's intention I think was to specifically not spoon feed people on how everything works, but I do agree that they could have explained certain things a bit better.

When I go back and think about my early WoW days when the game first came out, I can honestly say that I was in the dark about how everything worked there as well. It's sort of just the nature of how the games are intended to be played. I think that's what made certain aspects of a game like WoW, or Destiny in this case, really fun and rewarding. I understand if it's not for everyone though. I dunno, when I play a game like Zelda or something I don't want to have a map that lays out where every heart piece container is. That may be a stretch comparing it to that, but I sort of feel like it's the same principle in the end. Gamers today want everything right away and don't want to work too hard to get the coolest gear, weapons, etc. Even WoW has changed a lot (for the worse in my opinion) in that aspect. Everything became so much more accessible and easier to achieve. That's what really has hurt that game in the long run in my opinion.

Anyways, guess my point is to just not expect to master a game like this within a week and know all the ins and outs of it. You're not supposed to! This isn't your typical FPS shooter.

Think about how bad early WoW was. Tons of things were broken back then. That was also when things were just really taking off for the MMO genre.

I honestly think Destiny is really poor at telling you how things work. All the crafting stuff, didn't have a clue how that stuff worked until yesterday. With this being the first game of a long planned franchise, you would think they would introduce the systems and explain things a little bit better.

I like the game, but trying to figure this stuff out on the fly without reading up on it is kinda dumb.

Also, when i get a purple mystery drop, i expect it to be a purple item, not blue. That was super disappointing.

Wait...tell me you're joking.


I think there is a difference in being vague to serve the gameplay well (dark souls), and being vague just for the sake of being vague.

I understand trying to recreate those feelings of the past games its trying to be, but 2004 is very different from 2014. We've come a long way.

Yeah you're definitely right about stuff being outdated, and I do admit a lot of nostalgia comes in to effect for me when I think back on that stuff. But I do think there is a line, perhaps a fine one, at how much you should tell or explain certain things to the player. I guess I just personally prefer figuring things out on my own. Games feel so much more rewarding that way.


Also, when i get a purple mystery drop, i expect it to be a purple item, not blue. That was super disappointing.
You know what's worse? When the purple engram gives you a purple item, but for a different class. At least I have a legendary item for my Warlock now. -_-


intangibles, motherfucker
You know what's worse? When the purple engram gives you a purple item, but for a different class. At least I have a legendary item for my Warlock now. -_-

That doesnt sound worse!. Atleast you got an item that correlated to the perceived quality!


I honestly think Destiny is really poor at telling you how things work. All the crafting stuff, didn't have a clue how that stuff worked until yesterday. With this being the first game of a long planned franchise, you would think they would introduce the systems and explain things a little bit better.

This mentality always gets me. Game's been out a week. Also, all you had to do to "figure that out" was scroll over an upgradeable item and see the mats that are required to upgrade it lol. That's literally the only crafting thing in the game. All that crafting stuff! So much! That stuff was even in the Pre Alpha.


This mentality always gets me. Game's been out a week. Also, all you had to do to "figure that out" was scroll over an upgradeable item and see the mats that are required to upgrade it lol. That's literally the only crafting thing in the game. All that crafting stuff! So much! That stuff was even in the Pre Alpha.

You don't even know it's for upgrading until you even get a rare weapon. One of the tool tips says something about 'this item may be used for crafting armor or weapons' so from level 1 to say about 18 (cause that's when I got my first rare btw), it's okay that I don't know what an item is suppose to do?

"Also that stuff was even in the Pre Alpha" doesn't help someone that was trying to go in 'cold' or with as little information as possible.


You don't even know it's for upgrading until you even get a rare weapon. One of the tool tips says something about 'this item may be used for crafting armor or weapons' so from level 1 to say about 18 (cause that's when I got my first rare btw), it's okay that I don't know what an item is suppose to do?

You do know what it does though. Just read. You literally just said what it does in this post. What more do you want?


None of Destiny's mechanics are hard to figure out, is this real life? I barely followed this game pre release and have had no trouble sorting everything out.

You around to play now Brent?
The only thing I don't like is purple engrams not giving you purple gear or gear for a different class. That may be acceptable if there was an auction house or some type of trading, but for it to just rot in your storage until you maybe decide to level another class is really stupid.


You do know what it does though. Just read. You literally just said what it does in this post. What more do you want?

Crafting and upgrading could two different things. Going back to your WoW comparision do you use crafting mats to make your level 8 weapon stronger? No. You craft new weapons or armor with mats you find. My expectation from

'this item may be used for crafting armor or weapons'

means...oh cool that means I can make a new gun or a new chest piece.

I don't see what's that difficult to understand that it could be confusing.


Other than last Tuesday I haven't had any time to play cause of work. Been put on this crazy project at work and am still level 9... ugh

Just like EVERY MMO something always pops up in my life at launch that takes me away from it and I fall behind.

That gets fixed this weekend!


Crafting and upgrading could two different things. Going back to your WoW comparision do you use crafting mats to make your level 8 weapon stronger? No. You craft new weapons or armor with mats you find. My expectation from

'this item may be used for crafting armor or weapons'

means...oh cool that means I can make a new gun or a new chest piece.

I don't see what's that difficult to understand that it could be confusing.

What mat are you even referring to?


intangibles, motherfucker
im pretty sure i didnt know what most or all of the mats did until i got a rare that actually needed them.


If I was near my PS4, I would have said the exact name to begin with. That's not even close to the point I was making anyhow.

The other reason I asked this was because I'm pretty sure there is no weapon/armor crafting yet. It's only upgrades. That's why I was wondering what it said exactly because there shouldn't be anything that says that.


intangibles, motherfucker
The other reason I asked this was because I'm pretty sure there is no weapon/armor crafting yet. It's only upgrades. That's why I was wondering what it said exactly because there shouldn't be anything that says that.

Most of them dont say anything about what they do. Weapon Parts says for weapon upgrades and repairs.
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