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Official Madden '15 PS4 League Thread: We Know DOTA

gg LJ. not sure why i passed so much in that horrible weather but kap threw a couple junk balls. the others were my fault! should've just run the ball more but i didn't think i'd be able to run since my o-line has been weird about it.... but i was running ok so i shouldn't kept it up. those 2 missed fg's hurt :(

also, when you are running the clock out on the playcall menu you can press L1 and put "chew clock". it will run the playclock down to 10 quickly


gg LJ. not sure why i passed so much in that horrible weather but kap threw a couple junk balls. the others were my fault! should've just run the ball more but i didn't think i'd be able to run since my o-line has been weird about it.... but i was running ok so i shouldn't kept it up. those 2 missed fg's hurt :(

also, when you are running the clock out on the playcall menu you can press L1 and put "chew clock". it will run the playclock down to 10 quickly

We set offense back a decade in the first 3 quarters. I got tight as fuck after my first int, I couldn't believe your DB broke that fast on off coverage short out route, mind fucked me and went into a shell.

Wish we would have both played better on O, but yeah, you didn't run much until the end of the 2nd quarter when I threw that ridiculous dumb pass. Your run game got going in a hurry, and I was worried but I got that early turnover in the 2nd half and you went to the pass.

Didn't know about L1

LJ getting his swag back. The TD pass to go up 21 to 17 was a thing of beauty.

Man finally. I had to get that LB to sit and try to hit over the top, I wanted to all game, but I was scared because the safeties close in a hurry, I didn't want to turn it over. So many times I had someone try to split the middle, and I would just check it fucking it down worried I'd get hit or the safety would jump it. I'm still trying to pass lead like it's Madden 13.

At times I'm just playing, not trying to read the D, it's fucking stupid.
on that long TD, i was hoping either A) it was all short inside routes funneled to the middle or B) you were just slightly late on seeing the slot receiver down the field. i call that play maybe once every couple games because it is incredibly risky but has been successful because by the time people see what they think they're seeing it's too late in the play. oh well :(


intangibles, motherfucker
Get 30 damn kills in team deathmatch in destiny and still lose.

Fucking worthless teammates!
Me and Nightz are in Madden now, but I and maybe he can play FIFA after.

I saw that v1lla joined the club. And you guys were up 3-0! Or maybe the other way around...


You wouldn't play a MOBA where you could crush guys as Giancarlo Stanton? Aren't you a Marlins fan (or as much of one of those as it is possible to be).
what would their powers be? would an ultimate be like "Team Rage --- All teammates gain movement and attack speed because you were upset that you gave up a homer and the batter trotted too slowly"

I guess that'd be like the centaur warrunner


The positive side to my nightmarish Rubick run was that my MMR dropped so low that I have knocked out OD, Sniper, Lina, Sven and Visage consecutively in just one game each.


Bryce Harper:

Bat Break - Upset that he struck out (because it usually happens), Harper breaks his bat, dealing AOE damage to enemies and creeps around him.

Cannon Arm - With a runner advancing, Harper fields the ball and attempts to throw out the runner. If clicked successfully, the enemy is stunned for a period of time depending on skill level.

Running the Bases - With Harper aggressively rounding the bases, Harper's helmet comes off. Every enemy in the path of Harper's basepath experiences instant damage as well as a dot. Every ally in the path will receive instant health as well as a healing dot.

Ult: Clown Question Bro - During an interview, Harper is asked a clown question which enrages him. Every enemy on the map will feel his wrath receiving 100% increased damage intake for 5 seconds as well as a 25% slowed movement speed.

Welp, that's all I got.
You probably would've loved the Brewers season this year, it was basically a Clemson football game.

Let me tell you something. Clemson Clemsons in baseball too. But I don't watch it, because I'd rather hammer a nail through my dick than watch baseball on any level.


Expect changes soon which decrease the efficiency of cave farming and correspondingly increase engram drops from completing activities.

I really hope this is the case. Since hitting 20 it basically felt like the stupid mindless cave shit was the only way to progress in a timely fashion. If nothing else I am glad they are getting rid of it just because it makes the game look like shit.
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