Fantastic choice. It's no St Bernardus Abt 12 but it's pretty fucking fantastic.With apologies to Mr. Manning and Anheuser-Busch, Matt Barkley is a man of higher class. Popping bottles for victory.
Fantastic choice. It's no St Bernardus Abt 12 but it's pretty fucking fantastic.With apologies to Mr. Manning and Anheuser-Busch, Matt Barkley is a man of higher class. Popping bottles for victory.
This is fuckin nuts.. did he win?
there is only one person whose judgement i trust on slam dunks... and that is Greg. what is the verdict gregory?
Wait what we can't sign players? Why did we advance then?
Ok, because these teams apparently have "Sign Off-Season Free Agents" enabled to the CPU, YOU NEED TO CUT THESE PLAYERS ASAP PLEASE. OR ELSE I DON'T KNOW WHAT WE'LL DO
Rams - MLB Daren Bates
Buccaneers - WR Brandon Marshall
Patriots - CB Sam Shields
Buccaneers - TE Martellus Bennett
Redskins - ROLB Tamba Hali
Patriots - MLB Brook Reed
Huh? I put in bids on them, not the CPU.
was going to offer AJ all of the money I had left but of course Lonestar has already made him an offer. Thought I was gonna get the GOAT for cheap.
roofles superbowl wins - 0
barkley superbowl wins - 1
Fantastic choice. It's no St Bernardus Abt 12 but it's pretty fucking fantastic.
So next advance tomorrow at 10AM CST/8AM PST?
I have actually won a SB with Roofles already! There was a season where Ram and I traded QBs and Roethlisberger and the Giants won the Super Bowl.
God damn, how did this not win? This is the least impressive angle of it too.
God damn, how did this not win? This is the least impressive angle of it too.
because levine was doing fucking insane shit too. it really was a classic contest. gordon's behind the head then between the leg was underrated as fuck by the judges. that was really the difference.
gordon shouldve won imo, but cant be mad at levine either for the shit he was doing.
If we can get 2 or 4 more we'll have enough for a R6 in house
thing about that dunk, when I first saw it, I was like "whatever he ran out of ideas, looked too easy" then you see what he did and it's GG
Do you have a Total Wine near you? That's my favorite spot for craft beers.It's my favorite beer ever. The only problem is I have such a hard time tracking it down I can't grab it as frequently as I would like.
Cola pls accept my Psn invite
Russian teammates are so aggravating in DotA :'(
Do you have a Total Wine near you? That's my favorite spot for craft beers.
I've been craving some Southern Tier stuff lately. I rarely drink beer anymore as I have a ton of wine I need to try still*, but I love Imperial Stouts as well as the Belgian Quads.
*Tried a 2002 Opus tonight. Was left unimpressed especially given the price tag on those bottles.
what server did you queue?
South Korea
This whole FA class is fucking garbage. Goddammit.