is it possible to play MGS V having only played the first?
should I even bother asking considering I did not play the witcher past the tutorial
From what I've read of the story spoilers, you REALLY shouldn't. The game relies upon you knowing a bunch of characters from the PSP games as well as MGS3 and then MGS4 and 2 to a much lesser extent.
Supposedly the game is less cutscene heavy than MGS4 though.
I just want to say deep jump balls with a really good TE seem almost dumb, but maybe it was just draft Champions where Shannon Sharpe and Mike Evans (I know he's not a TE) both stole the ball away from DBs who clearly had it first. I guess its nice to actually have contested catches not just be picks.
I seriously just pick deep pass players and cheese deep throws for draft champions. The quarters are too short for me to want to run the ball except to ice it.