haven't played MUT in 3 daysGot MUTRewards in M16 -- it was 7500 coins. Showed up as "Customer Service Pack". I guess depending on your level the coin amount changes.
no relapse for me, Smokey!
haven't played MUT in 3 daysGot MUTRewards in M16 -- it was 7500 coins. Showed up as "Customer Service Pack". I guess depending on your level the coin amount changes.
haven't played MUT in 3 days
no relapse for me, Smokey!
haven't played MUT in 3 days
no relapse for me, Smokey!
I never even tried my 90 Jameis...me either!
came back to a bunch of packs and coins!
come back greg
#believethey say the first three days are the hardest
matchups (which i used a random internet generator for):
pheeniks vs. brent
fmt vs. crimson
cb vs. bigat
dcx vs. soka
Haven't played much MUT in the last two days because of Rocket League, my buddy and I are decent at this point and it's just stupid fun. We didn't play at all in August so I'm catching up. 3 days of MUT coming up, but I didn't really fuck with the AH at all this week.
I like the gameplay on 16 even if D is shit to some extent, or rather you can't get away with running the same 3 deep shell all game. Man defense is viable unless you have outside breaking routes. Just want to see how bad aggressive catch is against humans. Played a couple of randoms in Draft Champ and I smoked the opponents but one had Green-Beckham and he came down with too many catches. Corners were tiny, and I managed to swat it away with the swat button but he came down with too many.
The canned animations just lock you in as a DB, much more so than the WR.
I've been working the AH for Captain set cards for the past hour or so. I've found multiple for 1.1k or less.
MUT reminds me of why I quit Diablo 3, in that playing the auction house was far more effective than playing the game.
isn't the auction house not in D3 anymore?
or was that just the console version?
swat is square right?
that shit never works for me
If the ball is in the air the DB isn't going to dive
swat is square right?
that shit never works for me
There is only triangle (play the ball) and X (play the man/jar ball loose)
conflicting information going around then
some people say square swats
There is only triangle (play the ball) and X (play the man/jar ball loose)
Yeah, I'm pissed I got on the MUT train a week too late. By the time I was on Monday the badges weren't nearly as cheap as you guys said they were last week.Man the Legends market really picked up. The set cards are now in the 20K range. Glad I got some cheap badges last weekend.
Just completed Joe Horn set tho yis
shit is boring, but just go through the journey challenges - you start getting gold cards, all-pro packs, elite packs, and then double elite packsSomeone give me the basics of what I should be doing in MUT. Looks like we have a long time til the season starts.
I have a 77 overall team, 44k in gold. I'm not really close to completing any sets except the stadiums though.
I like that mango habanero sauce, but I don't really like their wings compared to a lot of placesHot BBQ wings at Buffalo Wild Wings are the shit
Someone give me the basics of what I should be doing in MUT. Looks like we have a long time til the season starts.
I have a 77 overall team, 44k in gold. I'm not really close to completing any sets except the stadiums though.
The "Warehouse" sets don't do anything but get you different degrees of badges, which you can use in other sets.
You should be playing the solo challenges to get more coins and packs. Eventually you'll get better players. You can flip those on the Auction House for more coins. Those coins can be used to purchase packs or better players. Rinse/Repeat. You could go through the Journey challenges like Greg did and get some really good cards by the end.
streaming the grind on youtube.
just seeing how it works
Let's play a MUT game
smokes you ever been to top golf?
in a bit. maybe
yeah. you heading up there some time soon?
it's great
Yeah I got a date there Saturday night. Not sure what to expect... last time I hit a golf ball i was like 16 (and there was no alcohol involved). Did you make a fool of yourself?
Yep. Either with game capture or window capture.Question for streamers here - can you set the stream to only display a specific window (i.e. the game you're playing)? I want to be able to tab out of the game for a moment to check Facebook chat without broadcasting my name to the internet, and I only have one monitor.
maybe if I was invitedNo other tourney games completed... I truly hate all of you!
maybe if I was invited
Yep. Either with game capture or window capture.
maybe if I was invited
Yeah I got a date there Saturday night. Not sure what to expect... last time I hit a golf ball i was like 16 (and there was no alcohol involved). Did you make a fool of yourself?
in a bit. maybe
maybe if I was invited
time for packers GAF only tourney. Lets go brent!
Nah Top Golf is fun man. You get food and drinks brought to your area. It's more of a social setting.
Pro Tip: If you're going on weekend get there mad early. Especially since this is the start of college football. The wait can easily get to 1hr+ on the weekend. Also so you can get a
spot on the 4th level.