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Official Madden 2005 Thread


The thing is, anytime someone formation shifts someone might supsect them of glitching. Especially if they do it repeatedly during a drive. They could be doing it accidently and not even know the consequences. Sucks ass.

And playing with fatigue off just allows for the no huddle, vick scrambling, jamal lewis pounding scrubs to let loose.


Please,you can't even begin to compare this one bug to the broke ass game of ESPN :p

With that said,I'm fucking tired of playing this people online who just blitz the fuck out of you every play and you still can't beat them no matter how many WRs you put out there.Fucking Coakley should not be able to keep up with Hines Ward and Randle El,but yet he does -_-

I lost 17-0 just now because of this stupid shit...:(
PhatSaqs said:
The thing is, anytime someone formation shifts someone might supsect them of glitching. Especially if they do it repeatedly during a drive. They could be doing it accidently and not even know the consequences. Sucks ass.

This I doubt. Formation shifts aren't even discussed in the tutorials, it's only found in the manual. So far, I think I haven't run into this online, but if I got to, I'm audibling into zone.


Seriously, both games are broken IMO. Madden has its super DBs/LBs, joke of a running game, no pass interference, etc. ESPN has its DBs that can suffer amnesia at any time, overpowered shoulder charge, QB Scrambling issues, etc.

Pick your poison. I enjoy both for what they offer but can understand why someone might prefer one over the other.

but if I got to, I'm audibling into zone

Doesnt matter. The glitch affects the D no matter what you call.


Yea I haven't had anyone formation shift on me ever in 60 games online :p

Maddens running game is not broke,ESPNs,yes...I fail to see how anyone finds ESPN's momentum while running fun.


Wow, that does look like a shitty bug. I don't play online (GC version), but I do use the formation shift a few times a game. It's helpful when going no-huddle and/or using audibles.


Ramirez said:
Maddens running game is not broke,ESPNs,yes...I fail to see how anyone finds ESPN's momentum while running fun.
With ESPN, you just have to layoff of the extreme shifts in direction. I agree it a might be a little too sensitive, but it's definitley manageable. Maddens running game is much better than last years but the pinballing is still there as is the ability to slow down (too effectively) the run out of primarily passing sets (Dime/Quarters). Not to mention the amount of plays that are blown up in the backfield is ridiculous.


I actually use formation shifts...but 1-2 times in a drive maybe, if I'm in a 2 TE set and the guy is in nickel coverage. My TEs will catch and bowl over the nickelback so I can line them up in a 4wide formation. :D


Just out of curiosity, are pump fakes effective against the CPU? I never really tried since I thought it'd be a wasted effort...
Madden's running game works well if you actually follow out the play. You keep trying the run, eventually you break through. It's just harder for most people to stick with it 4 mins a quarter, but it will work.


Damn my last 2-3 games have been frustrating. I've been playing against running teams with strong defenses like the Ravens, Titans or the Panthers. They just sit back in the nickel or dime and make me run against them, then milk the clock because my swishy defense can't stop their running game. Rushing the ball exlusively is annoying, sometimes I can get 10 yards rushing per play, sometimes I go three and out.


Yeah seriously. Outside of issuing a recall or patching the game via hard drive, what can they do? They can obviously patch the Xbox version but for PS2 owners?

Bob White

I appreciate all the reports of this serious exploit. We, through your help, have identified a game play issue regarding formation switches on offense that could affect the fatigue level of the defense. This issue would affect both online and offline play.

This issue can be resolved in one of two ways. The first is to turn fatigue off; when this option is off, the issue can not be observed or exploited. The second is to audible to your original play (audible L2) if the offense shifts; while this works, it makes it very difficult to make pre-play adjustments, as the audible resets any adjustments.

For online play, we will be patching the servers and disabling fatigue, so that this issue will not be used as an exploit online. This change will be made tomorrow morning at 1 AM PST for both the Xbox and PS2 servers. The update will be invisible to users and will not require a client side patch. Online games will still show fatigue as “on” but it will really be off. While this isn’t a perfect solution, we felt it was the best way to counter the exploit.

We have also modified the settings at the Madden Challenge events and alerted the staff to this so that this issue can not be used as an exploit in the events.

We wanted to make you aware of this so you could inform your members for their normal offline games, and wanted to take this chance to thank you for helping identify this issue and bringing it to light, the power of the community really helps make Madden the great game that it is.

Be sure to send me any questions.


Nathan F

EA SPORTS Community Producer

Bullshit. Now Vick is going to be like fucking superman. FUCK EA. This is my last Madden. This isn't fixing a damn thing. It's just fucking more shit up.


Bob White said:
Bullshit. Now Vick is going to be like fucking superman. FUCK EA. This is my last Madden. This isn't fixing a damn thing. It's just fucking more shit up.

damn, sadly, i was right


Wow @ EA. So the idea of playing the game realistically goes entirely out of the window? At least give the players a choice.


Ramirez said:
I've honestly never noticed fatigue in the game anyways...

Hah Hah Just make believe it was VC/ESPN that pulled this crap and let me know how you really feel. And to think, all this at only $49.99!


Fanboy shit aside...That sucks. I run with Jamal throughout the game, and while this won't change my play style (Since I play with people I know, no way will I run every play with him...even if I could) it still really really bites. Fumbles increase when your players are tired...and now you can just run on every down with an elite RB, and suffer no consequences. Weak.
PhatSaqs said:
Wow @ EA. So the idea of playing the game realistically goes entirely out of the window? At least give the players a choice.

Well, you yourself wondered how they were going to do it, and how can you give players a choice? Disable formation shifts? Don't think that's possible. My guess is that everything is hardcoded already, and this is really the best they can do. If you build in a loopholes for possible fixes, who's to say that some other wise ass won't take advantage of it by hacking around?

And I doubt they'd reprint games for a replacement. 1.35 million copies the first week? The Madden franchise would lose so much money trying to replace copies. This is the best they can they do.


they should at least keep it for unranked games as an option. Turning it off for everyone is a little drastic outside of ranked games. At least they did something about it, but with the way online games are patched nowadays, it would have been a pleasant surprise. oh well.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Fifty said:
Fanboy shit aside...That sucks. I run with Jamal throughout the game, and while this won't change my play style (Since I play with people I know, no way will I run every play with him...even if I could) it still really really bites. Fumbles increase when your players are tired...and now you can just run on every down with an elite RB, and suffer no consequences. Weak.

My poor Texans :p


I don't see why they couldn't do a HD patch but can you blame them for taking off fatigue? The game would become almost unplayable with random folks once the cheesers got in on it. Anyone who tries to run all game will just meet an equally un-tired defense so it's not that bad IMO.

Although I'd love to see the reactions if Sega pulled something like this :D


Cloudy said:
Although I'd love to see the reactions if Sega pulled something like this :D

Yeah, that's the only reason I keep "trolling" this thread anytime some beef comes up. And this most certainly qualifies.
Cloudy said:
I don't see why they couldn't do a HD patch but can you blame them for taking off fatigue? The game would become almost unplayable with random folks once the cheesers got in on it. Anyone who tries to run all game will just meet an equally un-tired defense so it's not that bad IMO.

Well, for starters, I don't think they've ever come up with some sort of contingency plan, just quick fixes. This, of course, sets up a bad precedence for the future of console games. And if XBox 2 does not have a HD built in, what happens then? The bigger issue is QA.

And bob, congrats, you get the be the very first person banned by me. You clearly don't own the game, and back on page one, trolling was warned. You've earned a good 2 weeks.


Konex, why are you still posting in the madden thread? You haven't had the game for like 2-3 weeks now and as you can see, posting in the Madden thread without owning Madden makes you go bye bye...*waves to bob_arctor*


Poor bob...



Well I guess running with the same person every down can be done,but since your D won't get tired either it isn't an advantage,especially considering their really isn't a "super" back on here.Any RB can be stopped by any team as long as you know how to play the right D.There is no shoulder charge in Madden :p


WasabiKing said:
Well, you yourself wondered how they were going to do it, and how can you give players a choice? Disable formation shifts?
By give the players a choice (in reference to EAs "solution"), I meant to have the ability to choose to play with fatigue on or off instead of having it done for us.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Ramirez said:
GG,btw Matrix :p

Man your D was in the backfield on every running play,I was like UGH!! -_-

The Broncos suck =\

GG,I still cant get over how good you are at kicking FG's :(


I wonder if they can explain exactly how this sort of glitch made it into the game? Im no programmer or anything but how exactly does "if formation shift=yes, then defensive players fatigue increase=yes" compute?


hgplayer1 said:
I wonder if they can explain exactly how this sort of glitch made it into the game? Im no programmer or anything but how exactly does "if formation shift=yes, then defensive players fatigue increase=yes" compute?
:lol :lol :lol


I tried out the formation shift thing against my friend yesterday. I warned him ahead of time. I told him I was doing it, he agreed cause he wanted to see if it really worked and how the hell something like that could slip through.

So...I roll out...sit around with Carr for a while. Andre Johnson has 2 guys around him....so I throw to him. Catch, breaks 2 tackles. Runs to the 5, turns around, runs BACK, to the other 1, then runs 99 yards for the touchdown. :lol


Miguel said:
I tried out the formation shift thing against my friend yesterday. I warned him ahead of time. I told him I was doing it, he agreed cause he wanted to see if it really worked and how the hell something like that could slip through.

So...I roll out...sit around with Carr for a while. Andre Johnson has 2 guys around him....so I throw to him. Catch, breaks 2 tackles. Runs to the 5, turns around, runs BACK, to the other 1, then runs 99 yards for the touchdown. :lol

I tried this against the computer, but it doesn't work for me...? Do you have to let the formation shift become fully complete before doing another formation shift? I really wanna see what kind of effect it has...


Miguel said:
I tried out the formation shift thing against my friend yesterday. I warned him ahead of time. I told him I was doing it, he agreed cause he wanted to see if it really worked and how the hell something like that could slip through.

So...I roll out...sit around with Carr for a while. Andre Johnson has 2 guys around him....so I throw to him. Catch, breaks 2 tackles. Runs to the 5, turns around, runs BACK, to the other 1, then runs 99 yards for the touchdown. :lol

if you really did that, that's hilarious. If you only had a video of that, i can only imagine madden diehards seeing that and putting there heads in their hands. haha


Oh yeah, I'm joining a Madden Tourney on Sept 18th. I'll be sure to let them know about this little "trick" cause I'm sure other's know about it, and I'll be damned if I let some cheeser beat me. (Not like it's hard to begin with :p)


Miguel said:
Oh yeah, I'm joining a Madden Tourney on Sept 18th. I'll be sure to let them know about this little "trick" cause I'm sure other's know about it, and I'll be damned if I let some cheeser beat me. (Not like it's hard to begin with :p)



Im done playin this shit online outside of tournies here.

No one fuckin plays football,they exploit every single flaw in the game.Dude I just played stopped fucking 4 and 5 wide with a 4-3 every fuckin time and had Simeon Rice in the backfield before the snap every fuckin play.Fucking bullshit ass game,EA needs to get their head out of their ass and realize that a fucking LB can't catch up with a WR once their burnt.Everyone has too much recovery speed,doesn't matter what team,like I said a couple days ago,Coakley off the Cowgirls shouldn't be able to shut down fuckin Hines Ward,I mean c'mon.


GAF Madden 2006 Season 1 NFC Champ
Ramirez said:
Im done playin this shit online outside of tournies here.

No one fuckin plays football,they exploit every single flaw in the game.Dude I just played stopped fucking 4 and 5 wide with a 4-3 every fuckin time and had Simeon Rice in the backfield before the snap every fuckin play.Fucking bullshit ass game,EA needs to get their head out of their ass and realize that a fucking LB can't catch up with a WR once their burnt.Everyone has too much recovery speed,doesn't matter what team,like I said a couple days ago,Coakley off the Cowgirls shouldn't be able to shut down fuckin Hines Ward,I mean c'mon.

Kind of like playing Prevent Defense all game long. :)


Who does that?

And before you try to say me,my most used Defensive Formation is 3-3-5,I didn't know that was prevent D.


And to reiterate how much of a joke rushing in ESPN NFL 2K5 is:

S. Davis, 44 att for 403 yds rushing, 8 TDs, 5 2pt conversions

On Patriots Defense

That included a TD runs of 31 and 62 yds.

Also had a 93yd INT Ret for TD by Mark Fields

Final Score: 76-10 Panthers

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