So I talked to 5 of my old employees from GameStop who are all now store managers and just got back from the GameStop managers conference out in Vegas. Thought I'd share some of their opinions on stuff:
XB1: They all agree'd it's a nice controller, but not as good as the DS4. They said the new controller is smaller than the 360 one and not as comfortable. The new sticks are smaller which most of them did not like. They did like the new rumble on the triggers though in Forza.
PS4: All 5 of them loved this controller and only one of them liked the dual shock 3 on the PS3. They said the shape of the controller is perfect, the new analog sticks are great and the new triggers work really well. They said the controller is very comfortable and pretty much all of them walked away hyped about the new controller which surprised me considering I knew what they liked last gen.
Dead Rising 3: Major framerate issues, while it looked ok parts of it screamed current gen. My friend Jake said the game felt fun, but the framerate issues killed any excitement he had for the game along with the screen tearing.
Ryse: Janky as fuck, easy as hell to play and no one liked it.
Killzone: Looked amazing, had major framerate issues still. Control wise they all said it felt majorly improved over KZ2 and 3. This is where I was told the new DS4 is amazing for FPS's to go along with what Luke has said.
Knack: It is what it is, thats what I was told by the only person who played it lol
GTAV: They saw a 40 minute demo of the game. They were all amazed and said it looks to return to San Andreas form of amazing for GTA. Get hyped!
That's all for now... no one got to play Titanfall out of them due to the line. A few saw Battlefield and played it, but they didn't tell me anything new that we don't know already.