why you have to come at me like that, fam?was socom shit and only took off because ps gamers had nothing else?
niccceeee. elite dangerous 25% off. game got got.
Can't decide if I want to buy Ultra SFIV or not. Love the idea of fighting games like that, but always pretty terrible at them unless it's the UFC games which aren't really the same at all.
I'll play with you and I'm trash too. Buy SF shake and join us in an endless lobby. Rors isn't here to body everyone.
yeah, it was so shit !
I don't want to live on this planet anymore
BUT! Neir 2 by platinum games announced! Keep winning sony!
hate all you want, but I'll still be there for you when your framerate dips to 59!this is all i've ever wanted from you greg!!
this is all i've ever wanted from you greg!!
the reactions to metroid in the announcement thread are hilarious
should i care about neir? are there black people in it?
There are blacks!
fuck metroid
the new hotness
You just know this won't have online.
Do I actually want to play the new Persona game or do I just want to watch someone play the new Persona game?
Someone said the 3DS one had online, so hopefully it will be a given for this.
Campus closed
Flooding imminent
Time to order pizza and play videogames all day in my underwear
Campus closed
Flooding imminent
Time to order pizza and play videogames all day in my underwear
Did you watch Arteezy's stream of the NA in-house league last night?
looks like the north side is getting pummeled by bands
inside the loop we good...for now. hasn't really rained all day just cloudy
should i care about neir? are there black people in it?
Your question made me think of this.
Killer Instinct coming to PC, cross platform play. RIP xbone
FORZA IS COMING TO PS4?!?!time to sell this hunk of garbage since the only good thing about it is no longer exclusive
Cross-Play confirmed. Also, whatever you've bought on XBox One will be there, waiting for you dutifully on Windows 10 #KillerInstinct
pheeniks & crimson starring in: The Two Cowards... of smash bros
now No Man Sky is coming day and date with PS4 version.
There really is no reason to own these trash laptop tier consoles
outside of madden league lul
should be called NightmareNew worst beta invite of all time:
Brigade lets you discover which of your friends support you and on what issues, so you can start having more conversations that matter. Write your own opinions, then poll your friends to see what they think and why.
Just seeing this?Yo, that video of the chick calling LeBron a pussy ass bitch is hilarious.