Dave Lang ruining dreams.
Did Iron Galaxy do the port or something? I don't understand.
Dave Lang ruining dreams.
Did Iron Galaxy do the port or something? I don't understand.
glad someone asked
fuck WB for outsourcing that shit
30fps cap? on PC?
i refuse to play with a 30fps cap. won't do it. can't do it. NOPE
Pretty sure you can unlock it in the ini file.
fuck WB for outsourcing that shit
30fps cap? on PC?
i refuse to play with a 30fps cap. won't do it. can't do it. NOPE
Umm, there's no cap. I was playing with 70FPS with all the gameworks stuff turned on.
Guess it's not everyone, weird.
Picked up a cheap Xbone on eBay. What are the best exclusives to pick up?
Picked up a cheap Xbone on eBay. What are the best exclusives to pick up?
So how about that 94 minute techies game last night?
Boy am I glad I went to bed.
Play sunset overdrive and then sell your system.Picked up a cheap Xbone on eBay. What are the best exclusives to pick up?
Boy am I glad I went to bed.
holy shit you were way behind for like 70 minutes. 94 minute game and FMT was at level 22??
Might get MCC if someone sells a cheap code in the b/s/t thread. Sunset Overdrive is in my Gamefly queue. Forza Horizon is on my list.Are you talking no PC at all or games ONLY on xb1?
I'd get Master Chief Collection for the campaigns, Sunset Overdrive (great game), Killer Instinct, Forza Horizon 2, Ori and the Blind Forest if you don't have it on PC, State of Decay Year One if you don't have it on PC.
You can probably snag Dead Rising 3 for cheap which was fun, but also on PC.
In August get Rare Replay for sure.
Play sunset overdrive and then sell your system.
Might get MCC if someone sells a cheap code in the b/s/t thread. Sunset Overdrive is in my Gamefly queue. Forza Horizon is on my list.
I'm happy with the price I got. Can probably sell it for more if it comes down to me not liking it!
Don't listen to Bob, there are a ton of great upcoming games for the XB1 this year and next.
Sold my first exploration data in Elite Dangerous. Going to try to go all in on the exploration and mining. Sold my shield cells (repairs shields on the fly) and replaced with a mining refinery, along with swapping my rail gun for a mining laser.
Had only picked up the combat related stuff because for a short moment I felt like I was constantly running into wanted NPCs, but that's really not how I want to play the game. Maybe if I do that in the future I'll do it with another ship.
(legit asking, considering getting one just for skype on the TV...you'v had long enough, Sony!)
Rare Collection, Halo 5, Forza 6, Rise of Tomb Raider (ya I know it'll be on others later), Inside, Below, Cuphead, Scalebound, Recore, Quantom Break, Sea of Thieves, Gears 4 and more. Couple of those are also on PC, but ya.
edit: Bob this ain't some list war crap so don't go listing PS4 games, just telling Eznark what's coming.
Check the edit, scrub. And no it didn't include the cap for everyone. On my file, it didn't have 30FPS locked.Umm...yes there is. Unless you're accusing the entire AK Performance Thread of lying. I just went in and changed mine to 144 a few minutes ago...
Now I am prepared for the inevitable stuttering that comes along with removing the cap > 30. I am hoping Gsync will really help me out here...
I'd get it just for Viva Piñata alone. Loved the first one.After the initial novelty wears off, I can't imagine I'd ever touch rare collection again. And sea of thieves is not this year. I'd be surprised if it was next year, to be honest.
Yeah I'd do viva piñata again. Would definitely replay the original Banjo Kazooie, then Id probably start Tooie and never finish it..I'd get it just for Viva Piñata alone. Loved the first one.
Check the edit, scrub. And no it didn't include the cap for everyone. On my file, it didn't have 30FPS locked.
Go play Batman for 10 minutes, comment about it being terrible or whatever your usual Smokey response typically is and then never play it again, scrub!
Also, you're asking me to tell you if a thread on GAF isn't filled with people overreacting to shit...cmon bruh.
But yeah, this wasn't a great port in general to PC.
I'm sure this has been asked so many times but
Is Arkham asylum and knight worth revisiting?
I downloaded arkham asylum, 7.3 gigs, in 9 minutes. god bless time warner for doing something great for once!
After the initial novelty wears off, I can't imagine I'd ever touch rare collection again. And sea of thieves is not this year. I'd be surprised if it was next year, to be honest.
You have never played them or want to know if you should play through them again? If you've never played them, they are definitely worth playing, absolutely. As far as replaying, Asylum is really fun to play through again and pretty quick if you know what you're doing. I think I've beaten it like 3 times or so at this point. Arkham City might be a bit big to play through a second time.I'm sure this has been asked so many times but
Is Arkham asylum and knight worth revisiting?
I downloaded arkham asylum, 7.3 gigs, in 9 minutes. god bless time warner for doing something great for once!
Arkham Asylum is one of the greatest games ever.
But we both know you wont play it.
After the initial novelty wears off, I can't imagine I'd ever touch rare collection again. And sea of thieves is not this year. I'd be surprised if it was next year, to be honest.
Looking at that list again I think it's a stretch to call ReCore, Quantum Break, Scalebound and Sea of Thieves "upcoming"
I basically only watched the GB talk over press conference stuff. During those, there was very few things they seemed excited about compared to all the stuff they mocked.
Then, their post e3 podcasts are like "what a great show". Kind of scratching my head.
Looking at that list again I think it's a stretch to call ReCore, Quantum Break, Scalebound and Sea of Thieves "upcoming"
You forgot Crackdown.
You forgot Crackdown.