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Official Madden Season 3 League Thread: The Imperial March (to the superbowl!)


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I run more than you! :lol

Proof is in the stats :p


Junior Ace
Matrix said:
I'll try this cut move out against Bog with Davis,Im sure it wont make a difference for me cause my back SUCKS ass.

He sucks? Then I'll probably hold him to 200 yards. If he was good... well, 400.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.

I dont think its possible to get 200 yards with Davis.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Matrix said:

I dont think its possible to get 200 yards with Davis.

I got 178 with him in one game online. I am so comfortable with the Texans, I should have picked them.


I can actually play now if you want to get it out of the way. My plans fell through. I haven't had any time to practice, so you'll definitely kick my ass.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
GG Bog...I cant believe that fumble you had and you picked it up and ran like 70 yards for a td :|


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.


Seriously Dskillz,don't EVER complain about someone playing cheap against you.You ran that same fuckin slant play all game and it is how you scored 2 of your 3 TDs.Then I finally started covering it manually,you check down to your RB and it gets picked,shoulda done that earlier I guess,but its still lame.

And they tell me you said I was doing CB screen plays,wtf is a CB screen play?


keep your strippers out of my American football
Ramirez said:
Seriously Dskillz,don't EVER complain about someone playing cheap against you.You ran that same fuckin slant play all game and it is how you scored 2 of your 3 TDs.Then I finally started covering it manually,you check down to your RB and it gets picked,shoulda done that earlier I guess,but its still lame.

And they tell me you said I was doing CB screen plays,wtf is a CB screen play?

Did I post anything about anyone playing cheap? I didn't run any slant play all game. The only play I ran was my WR running straight ahead, beating your bump from your CB that you did every play and leaving him wide open. So now I guess running your WR straight ahead is now a slant play and should be banned?

You are running plays that pick off the CB leaving your WR wide open. Not knowing if you are doing it intentinoally I decided not to post anything about it as my interest in this league is dropping at a rapid rate. But there are plays you are running that do this. Again you might not be doing it on purpose, so I didn't get on this thread bitching and moaning. But you got the win, and still did get on this board to bitch and moan about me.



I wasn't gonna even say anything until they said you were accusing me of running plays like that.Whatever though man,you ran the same fuckin formation and play basically all game,especially at the end,but like I said whatever.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.

awwww who the hell am I kidding......




LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Wellington said:
HG always gives me a tough defensive game. :|

Dude has skillz...Id love to see him use a better team,but he stays loyal and you got to respect that.

PS- Am I the only one other than Ram who hasnt seen a CB screen play? Actually I had never even heard of it before tonight.


gg Slo.

Seriously, fuck this game. I know I'm not the greatest playcaller in the league but for fuck's sake Madden is too dependent upon player/team ratings. My game tonight started with a flurry of TDs by me and Slo--before halftime it was already 21-14--with 2 sub-10 second drives for each of us!!

And who were our TDs to? Our star players: me with two 71-yd TD runs with Portis, Slo with 3 long bombs to Moss--who consistently outran every last one of my defenders, even when I chose prevent plays and sent the DBs back manually to cover the deep threat.

Culpeper always, always, always was able to fire the ball like a rocket to save himself from a sack, even when he could smell the Vodka Tonics Wynn had last night.

Not to mention the extremely predictable fumble patterns programmed into the game--lucky enough to get a hit stick fumble on a runner about 5-6 feet from the sidelines from head on? The ball will fumble backwards 1 yd and immediately bounce 90 goddamn degrees to the sidelines, making it impossible to catch. This happened TWICE, the exact same bounce in the exact same position on the field. For fuck's sake why not just sim the goddamn game and watch the CPU play. It's all going to be decided by Madden's brilliant player/team ratings system anyway.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Ramirez said:
I wasn't gonna even say anything until they said you were accusing me of running plays like that.Whatever though man,you ran the same fuckin formation and play basically all game,especially at the end,but like I said whatever.

And how many times did you run the HB lead about 25 times? You ran bump coverage all game, and getting pressure, so what to do is either:

A. run all game
B. run routes that the WR sheds the bump and get open.

I chose B. Muhammad shed the bump and was open behind your CB. Now that is a slant play? Running straight ahead? That is something that takes advantage of the AI? Running your WR straight ahead, shedding a bump and letting him catch the ball is now cheap? The league has a problem with that? I have played enough games with everyone in this league and they know I don't care enough about a win to do some cheap shit like a banned slant play. All I did was run a play that had Muhammed running straight through your bump. He is the only physical enough WR I have who can do that and have seperation. And no it was not the same play, most plays were in the was in the I-formation, sure, but when I don't have that much time to throw, am I supposed to go 4-wide when I have even less protection? You complaining about a straight route is laughable. If you are going to keep doing the bump coverage, I am going to just keep shedding that bump and getting completions. With my reputation and record, I would be the last person in the league who can be accused of running a cheap play.

Whether you want to believe it or not, several of your pass plays do pick my CB. They pick the CB with another reciever, leaving the main target open. So if you run a primarily man to man defense, you get burned. Maybe you don't realize that, but that is what is happening. Again, I am giving you the benefit of the doubt, because you might not realize it.
I have enough stress in my life without videogames adding to it. This is definitely my last season until next year's Madden. I will play single games every now and then, but as far as a league, forget it.


dskillzhtown said:
I have enough stress in my life without videogames adding to it. This is definitely my last season until next year's Madden. I will play single games every now and then, but as far as a league, forget it.

I feel the same way.


Come on now....FMT has won the championship with the Niners, and DM's bucs (horrible offense and not a top 3 D) have always contended. CK was one of the top passing offenses with the Giants..


Junior Ace
dskillzhtown said:
I have enough stress in my life without videogames adding to it. This is definitely my last season until next year's Madden. I will play single games every now and then, but as far as a league, forget it.

I feel the same way, except it's not because I think certain plays are BS or whatever. I just plain don't have fun. It's boring as shit to me. Even vs Matrix (when I was in the game the whole time), I was falling asleep. Maybe I'm growing out of Madden.
It's all going to be decided by Madden's brilliant player/team ratings system anyway.

by that logic i should be 0 for the game, since the 49ers are (by the numbers) the 2nd worst team ratings wise in the game.

but enough jibber jabber about that. if you guys play a fundamental game and actually understand how to play, you will be successful and have more fun. case in point, MULTIPLE players have told me they don't know how to do the following:

* Double Team
* play bump and run coverage
* tell the defensive line which way to cover without actually moving them
* hot route your TE and/or RB to stay in and block to the left or right
* pressure sensitive juke (shimmy)
* lead the receiver
* stiff arm
* use playmaker to direct the receiver to an open spot
* cover up the ball when you are running so your chances of fumbling on a hit stick are drastically reduced

and that is just the stuff i can remember now. i understand not everyone has played madden as long as me or dm or ram or whoever, but for gods sake dont be surprised when you get stomped or when you have a ricockulous game when you dont even know the games controls. i'm not saying it's YOUR fault. if you just want to play a straight up game and not learn the little control techniques that's your business, but understand that it's not the game it's you. again, this is not an offensive post, but it seems every day someone loses, they get pissed about something or other, and life goes on.

i also realize some of you just don't care to learn how to play correctly or how to compete with the madden vets, and thats fine if all you want to do at the end of the day is lose. i'm the type of person where if i lose i want to bitch and moan about SOMETHING that didn't fall my way (just like in real life games!), but the bottom line is football is a game of luck and a game of chance sometimes and you deal with it.

i will finish by saying this: if you truly want to learn how to play madden effectively, i can personally give anyone tips. not trying to act like cock of the walk or some hardass, i'm just saying i can help. but if you're not going to even try, and then complain when you get stomped, what can i say?


I'm gonna agree with DJ to an extent here... on the defensive side of the ball.

I'm guilty of it with the Bills, he is with the 'Skins (from what I have seen), and Matrix/Fifty took advantage as the Ravens, but less so than us. Sit them back in a zone and let them do what they have to, or run the numbers and put them in man to man formation while calling into consideration a couple of other elements. Like any other computer program, the defense is most certainly a roll of the dice when putting two variables against each other like that (WR/DB, RB/LB). It actually does feel like coaches mode... that is, unless, like I alluded to earlier, you can create on D with whoever it is you are controlling. Fifty is the best I've seen at this, with his CB play. Puts the game right in his hands to win or lose. I felt the same way when I was the Giants using Strahan. I would be crucial at stopping the run, and I would be crucial in the pass rush. Where he and I differ is that Strahan would likely play better than that if I had left him alone. He is taking guys that are rated pretty lowly (MS-DOSS) and making a difference by making plays they normally wouldn't. What's a bit sobering is that other than our own players we control, you'd expect the things that are happening to happen. Moss beating Fred Smoot or whoever is playing him deep? Yeah, it'll happen.

On the offensive side of the ball, it's slightly different, obviously, since the player controls where the ball is going, only two variables are the QB and the offensive line. I've now played all my seasons with teams that have sub-par offensive lines, and man do they ever get beat. I've just had to compensate by holding blockers in and calling quick developing plays. It helped the Giants in real life, helped the real life Bills as well. The QB throws errant passes from time to time (FUCK YOU LOSMAN) and what's worse is the WR drops. However, even with each bad break, you still make the call, you still control the ball. Ask anyone who I've recently played as either the Giants or the Bills and they will tell you that I can make something out of nothing running the ball, and passing. I became so comfortable running with Tiki that I didn't even mind the occasional fumble.

I think there's a LOT that can be done to overcome some of the problems with teams. Look at Matrix's success with the Texans, and FMT with the Niners. I think it's more important to make correct reads and play mistake free than to make the right call and just let your guys play. At the same time though, there's stuff you can't really protect yourself against. Burned in my mind is that game last season with FMT where Eli fumbled twice when they actually looked like incompletions, and then Tiki fumbled as well. Or that time I held Y down and DM was still able to pop the ball lose.

Damn, I am not making any sense. My point is this:

-The superstars WILL make plays because they are indeed superstars. They shouldn't get nerfed in the game.
-It's possible to plan for those superstars and significantly take away their effectiveness.
-You can play as the superstars on your team on the defense, but you will likely reduce their effectiveness unless you are highly skilled at the position.
-On offense, the player must make plays themselves regardless of player stats.
-Playcalling is as important, if not more so, than being able to make the plays on offense or defense. You will have people in the right areas.

You can't really expect to take the Cards to the Super Bowl unless you are a high calibre player. Both player skills and team value play off each other. Just like Matrix said earlier, I bet that HG would be an amazing player with a better team, same with DJ. Hell I actually have a WINNING RECORD as the Bills so far. The reverse is the same. A bad player can't just take a great team and automatically become a great player. He still has to playcall, still has to control one man on the field at all times on D, and he must control the ball at all times on offense.

In conclusion:

-The superstars WILL make plays because they are indeed superstars. They shouldn't get nerfed in the game.
-It's possible to plan for those superstars and significantly take away their effectiveness.
-Playcalling is as important, if not more so, than being able to make the plays on offense or defense. You will have people in the right areas.

Wow, hey, just like in real life!

-You can play as the superstars on your team on the defense, but you will likely reduce their effectiveness unless you are highly skilled at the position.
-On offense, the player must make plays themselves regardless of player stats.

Wow, hey, just like in a videogame!


Oops...didn't get to your message on time, Fifty. GG

I saw that AI controlled player just standing there while I ran. The same thing was happening to me against Ram. The AI just lapses sometimes for no reason.

You completely destroyed me in OT because I was anticipating the pass and you killed me with the run.

*looks at rest of thread* Oh right...er

HEY WTF THAT WAS BS WORST GAME EVER. Wtf was with the fumble? Fargas is all hands and hitstick should be banned from the league PERIOD. And wtf was with the pause when you were about to snap?! Don't tell me it was a slip of the fingers. The Xbox controller is perfectly designed and that could never happen! That messed up my WHOLE game! I quit this league and any future leagues in advance.

GG and good luck in the future. Thanks for playing so late.


31 rushes 200 yards!

FMT is up 10-3 with one minute and 50 seconds left. He has me pinned back at my own 4 yard line after a punt. He tells to run the ball because he isn't going to play run defense. BIG mistake! LT breaks out into the open field, jukes his bitch safety and runs 96 yards for a TD to tie the game! Then RAT throws a choke job INT and I kick the winning FG with 25 seconds left! Don't worry about it too much, though, pal. The baton has been taken away and you just choked the game away against the


With some training though, you may be able to reach the top again!



LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
"Very good Booby-san,always remember when enemy stronger....run run run away"


Mrbob said:
31 rushes 200 yards!

FMT is up 10-3 with one minute and 50 seconds left. He has me pinned back at my own 4 yard line after a punt. He tells to run the ball because he isn't going to play run defense. BIG mistake! LT breaks out into the open field, jukes his bitch safety and runs 96 yards for a TD to tie the game! Then RAT throws a choke job INT and I kick the winning FG with 25 seconds left! Don't worry about it too much, though, pal. The baton has been taken away and you just choked the game away against the

:lol Wow.
let me tell you a story friends. it is a story i like to call "The Play that Should Not have been".

It all started approximately 20 minutes ago, and ended about 15 seconds after that. I'm calling my play, and i'm about to make my defensive line stunt audible (achieved by pressing Y + down on the right stick). Being the cheat and fraud that bob is, he hiked it in the middle of me doing that. The devestation was two-fold: 1. my defensive line was playing the pass (outside run), 2. My safety (who i was controlling) did a hit stick and fell on the ground, thus leaving bob to do as he would in my secondary.

for shame bob... for shame!


Rorschach wins the sportsmanship award. He called no dirty plays. Played a smart game....KICKED THE SHIT OUT OF ME on the ground.....and lost in OT. Good game, you put up with a lot of shit. I dropped some passes early on, but overall you just robbed me of my Madden-hood.
fifty wins a tight game: good game ol chap!




LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.


FrenchMovieTheme said:
fifty wins a tight game: good game ol chap!



:lol :lol :lol

I love this thread.



I can play whenever you want today until like 7.

And tomorrow whenever.

Get at me on AIM if you can

Hendrix 9786


Shadax, I don't know what Coles' numbers are, but you could probably use him the same way I use Moss. Part of taking advantage of a top shelf receiver is utilizing their acceleration. The best way I've found to do this is to use directional passing and try to overthrow the WR on the downfield routes. Moss accelerates like a mad man when you heave it too deep, or lead him too far on a crossing route. This creates seperation from the DBs, and leads to fewer batted balls and more long completions. A normal throw without directional modification usually gives the safety time to close on the play.

On normal routes, Moss is a reliable receiver but really not all that much better than Robinson or Burleson. I get critisized for not getting Moss the ball 10 times a game, but I've found that Moss can be shut down if the defense dedicates all their attention to him. If I use Moss everytime I need a first down, he probably won't be open for the big gamebreakers when I chose to use them.


I'm pretty sure everyone in the league has used the same running play a few times Dskillz,that is simply because most of the running plays don't work no matter what.

I have 5-6 running plays out of the I Form,about 3 on the 2 wide same side I Form,2 draws out of the shotgun, and about 4 running plays out of the Strong I and I run all of them every game,what more do you want me to do?But both of your TDs were of the slant dude,deny it if you want,you ran that straight route a bunch of times too,but the slant is where both of your TDs came from.I didn't blitz hardly at all,you just would hold on to the ball for like 5-6 seconds when you did get sacked,not to mention you scrambled outside with fuckin Delhomme about 5-6 times,of course your gonna get pressure if you take his slow ass out of the pocket.

All I'll say is that I didn't win by that large of a margin to come on here and make shit up.And everyone whose quitting the season is doing so because they are losing,I said the exact same shit in that first season when I started getting stomped,it's only natural.


Slo said:
Shadax, I don't know what Coles' numbers are, but you could probably use him the same way I use Moss. Part of taking advantage of a top shelf receiver is utilizing their acceleration. The best way I've found to do this is to use directional passing and try to overthrow the WR on the downfield routes. Moss accelerates like a mad man when you heave it too deep, or lead him too far on a crossing route. This creates seperation from the DBs, and leads to fewer batted balls and more long completions. A normal throw without directional modification usually gives the safety time to close on the play.

On normal routes, Moss is a reliable receiver but really not all that much better than Robinson or Burleson. I get critisized for not getting Moss the ball 10 times a game, but I've found that Moss can be shut down if the defense dedicates all their attention to him. If I use Moss everytime I need a first down, he probably won't be open for the big gamebreakers when I chose to use them.

I know how to utilize him...here's the problem, because of Madden's inability to call Pass Interference, a play where Coles and his man are neck and neck, or maybe Coles has a slight lead, I should be able to tap the button, analog stick forward or up left up right as appropriate to lead him the ball, and a majority of the time he (or another high-rated WR) should make that push in running that you describe with Moss and other top-rated WRs and make the catch. The problem lies within close coverage, and the game engine not animating things like WR and CB/SS/FS getting tangled up and falling to the ground (which sometimes happens when there's no PI in real-life, but they were just booking so fast and watching the ball they got tripped up) or things like BLATANT Pass Interference (where a player manually controls a DB and pushes into my WR causing him to miss--it may not be their intention to PI, but because they're trying to move in the direction of the ball, it equals pushing the WR).


Maybe your QB just sucks at throwing the deep ball.I played Matrix yesterday with the Chiefs and was making passes with Green I've never made with Palmer,Roth, or Vick.
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