Well that game was intense. I need to play some Animal Crossing after that one.
So, I bitch about how poor a writer GRRM is all the time and people always bitch and moan that I hate everything. Well I just read what is probably one of the more impressive feats in literary creativity, intelligence and consistency that I've ever read. I've never read Mieville before mostly because he is a pinko socialist who calls his shit "weird fiction" but a buddy convinced me after like five years that I needed to read The City and The City.
Hoy fuck.
The story is meh, the point is obvious and the character are generally one dimensional but god damn the actual work and care and brain power that had to go into writing this book is pretty incredible. I can't really explain it but I haven't been so impressed since reading Father and Son or Babylon Revisited. Brilliant stuff.
I am trying to start Uncharted 3 right now and honestly, what's the point? This fucking nonsense tripe written by high school failures and ITT Tech Brit lit majors is like the dingleberrys clinging to the shit stained ass cracks of the worst authors in America. Gamers better fucking pray that publishers never let go of guns and gams because if they do and decide to really feature the noxious narratives created by half wits and full tards gaming will truly see an economic collapse.
Fucking video games. Stop trying to be serious business. It's a shit medium for telling a story with shit storytellers and a shit audience.
Wait, where in that little bolded nonsense was there anything about people voting with their wallets AGAINST the Xbox?
In the DOTA world, this game was FANTASTIC http://www.twitch.tv/d2l/b/420047234?t=1h6m Navi vs Fnatic
trash/luke, time to run that shit back.
Shake/CB redemption tour begins today!
That's a long fucking tour
I was playing a severely under-leveled support against some pretty fat carries. What was i supposed to do?!
I wasn't even using SD's 'W' ability which is supposedly really good.
You were supposed to not feed!
I'll be getting on soon. Anyone interested in playing?
You were supposed to not feed!
I'll be getting on soon. Anyone interested in playing?
If trasher is going to dumpster dive I will throw a couple with him
I hope AT is drafting some winners for Team Meatball.
I might make a new smurf. LOL
I feel like i just started playing madden again
fucking elites making everyone feel like garbage!
This is why no one was too keen on bugging to Luke to play. Judgy Judgerson ruins everyone's fun.
This is why no one was too keen on bugging to Luke to play. Judgy Judgerson ruins everyone's fun.
cant. Dealing with garbo, hopefully done soon.Luke and I were very coach like last night.
You coming? We need a 5th.
Luke and I were very coach like last night.
You coming? We need a 5th.
The first game they were coaching us up pretty good. It was nice.
2nd game they were just telling me and cb how much we suck tho![]()
I think CB deserves it though
FFXIV beta doesn't break my heart!
This is why no one was too keen on bugging to Luke to play. Judgy Judgerson ruins everyone's fun.
I should just dig up the steam history of you asking me to come play DOTA. Fucking shit is miles long