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Official March 2008 NPD - There are no words. Almost $1B in SW sales

Rlan said:
- Guitar Hero III Still in top 10 on Wii.

Lol, Harmonic (or Activision?) must be shooting themselves in the foot for not releasing Rock Band for the Wii with the other versions. I hope it bombs to teach them not to try this crap again


Sailor Stevenson
Rlan said:
Interesting notes:

- Despite Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 360 being the second best selling game of the month, the PS3 version didn't make the cut - yet Army of Two 360 and PS3 are both on the list.

- God of War 1 Release March 22nd, 2005 - 214,028 in first month (PS2 sells 495K)
- God of War 2 Release March 13th, 2007 - 833,000 in first month (PS2 sells 280K)
- God of War COO Release March 4th, 2008 - 340,500 in first month (PSP sells 297K)

- Final Fantasy VII - Dirge of Cerebus - August 15th, 2006 - 200,000 in first month
- Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII - March 25th, 2008 - 301,600 in first month

- Wii + DS > Everything else combined

- Guitar Hero III Still in top 10 on Wii.

I don't know if the PS3 version of R6:V was received as well by the PS3 community compared to the X360 release, at least from my experience. Could be why they didn't get the repeat sales? (just throwin it out there)


DevelopmentArrested said:
"Hot Shots Golf (PS3) 36,200"

I'm one out of that. That's a fucking horrible number for Hot Shots.

Me too. PS3 owners who don't own HSG should be kicked in the balls. Since PS3 owners who don't own uncharted should be stabbed in the face, that means really bad PS3 owners will be bloody-faced and swollen-balled.

You don't even want to know what should happen to PS3 owners who don't have PJM.


bigmakstudios said:
But the games I like are good. Wii Sports, Carnival Games, and the countless other shovelware titles that sell in truckloads for Wii are not.



Brakara said:
Some more software numbers from The simExchange (sorry if already posted):

NR Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (PS3) 99,900
NR Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates 67,300
NR Bully: Scholarship Edition (Wii) 37,400
NR Hot Shots Golf (PS3) 36,200

Besides R6:V2, all three of those link to totally different games. FF:CC links to Layton, Bully links to NMH, and HSG links to Advance Wars. Are all these being correctly identified by simExchange? It's really confusing.


truly101 said:
Last year at this time, the PS3 was losing to the GBA and nowhere close to 200k. I think Sony can't be too disappointed with over 250K sales.

Who honestly knows where Sony's expectations lie. However, considering the PS3 sold more than double the units they did compared to last March, there is no need for artificial spinning on their end. Also most consoles in the PS3's position at this point in a lifespan (ie third place by a considerable margin) are dying slow deaths, but that clearly isn't happening to the PS3.


Zoramon089 said:
Lol, Harmonic (or Activision?) must be shooting themselves in the foot for not releasing Rock Band for the Wii with the other versions. I hope it bombs to teach them not to try this crap again

Try EA.


fly high ~ayunite~ said:
Wow Wii is in a league of it's own


Just now figuring that out are we?

INSANE numbers for Brawl

That's freaking EPIC right there. 2.7 Mil and it shipped like mid month??

Plinko said:
:lol :lol :lol

1st week: 01./00. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (Capcom) - 880,468 / NEW
Now: 02./01. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (Capcom) - 222,000 / 1,590,000

Yeah, that's not a major title.
how about some american numbers. this isn't a media create thread now is it. oh that's right.


I have a feeling that we will sit here in one year and will still debate if the wii is a fad or not
Zoramon089 said:
Lol, Harmonic (or Activision?) must be shooting themselves in the foot for not releasing Rock Band for the Wii with the other versions. I hope it bombs to teach them not to try this crap again



I'm still trying to figure out when GC-level graphics became bad. Not as good as what's possible, but the revisionist history around here is kind of frightening.


MisterHero said:
I don't know, maybe Square fans feel they aren't getting 'the real deal' on the DS when PSP gets FFVII Crisis Core and Dissidia.

I don't feel I'm getting the real deal on the DS when S-E applies the $5-10 "Oh Hi We're Square-Enix" tax to every game they release.


Some more numbers from IGN:

Call of Duty 4 PS3+360 = 390k
Rock Band PS3+360 = 300k
Guitar Hero 3 All versions = 631k
MLB 2K8 All versions = 415k


Man I'll admit it, some PS3 gamers have some odd game spending habits. Too many people on my list are still playing COD4 and Resistance. :lol


Sharp said:
Besides R6:V2, all three of those link to totally different games. FF:CC links to Layton, Bully links to NMH, and HSG links to Advance Wars. Are all these being correctly identified by simExchange? It's really confusing.

Those are just the games simExchange was tracking last month. The numbers for the games don't line up, so I'd guess it's just a mistake with the links.


Sucks at viral marketing
Sharp said:
Besides R6:V2, all three of those link to totally different games. FF:CC links to Layton, Bully links to NMH, and HSG links to Advance Wars. Are all these being correctly identified by simExchange? It's really confusing.
I think its left-overs from last month's report. The numbers are probably correct, but the links are old.


jman2050 said:
I'm still trying to figure out when GC-level graphics became bad. Not as good as what's possible, but the revisionist history around here is kind of frightening.

I'm not sure what's so hard to understand. Graphics are and have always been judged based on what's available. Sony and MS raised the bar, and Nintendo sat on it to count their money. They were right that a bunch people didn't care about graphics, but that doesn't make them look any better in comparison to what's available.

Loved my GC, and it looked gorgeous for it's day, but I felt the same way about my Activision.


Banstick Emeritus
chespace said:
trolling who, a videogame genre? huh? Oh. MGS4. F that. I am pumped for the game like any red-blooded gamer. Just venting about the beta sign-up experience so far.

also, while the industry analysis here is uninformed, nobody is forcing you to read it.
It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it


Junior Member
Frillen said:
Some more numbers from IGN:

Call of Duty 4 PS3+360 = 390k
Rock Band PS3+360 = 300k
Guitar Hero 3 All versions = 631k
MLB 2K8 All versions = 415k

So around 150K for PS3 COD 4.


bigmakstudios said:
But the games I like are good. Wii Sports, Carnival Games, and the countless other shovelware titles that sell in truckloads for Wii are not.

Heh. Your opinion and taste are in the minority.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
jedimike said:
Publishers have to consider the "Nintendo" factor. The best selling software is still Nintendo software. On the whole, 3rd parties are better off catering to the 360 and secondly, to the PS3.
this is a non-point though. I mean I realize it's what developers have used for years (though you note how they never used that excuse on the SNES, GB, GBA, or DS). Nintendo isn't the best selling software on the Wii, it's the best selling software in THE INDUSTRY. It's like activision saying they're not going to release games on xbox because EA is. Pointing to Nintendo manufacturing the system is just crying wolf.

We've seen that when developers create great titles on Wii, they are successful. Sure there are some great titles on Wii that bombed, but that happens on ALL platforms.

I seriously think the lack of AAA publisher attention has been because publishers have up until recently (even now?) considered the possibility that the wii is a bubble waiting to burst. when the floor drops from the wii it's going to crash hard. I don't think ANY publisher thought it was still going to be selling out 16 months after launch, that it was going to post the largest non-holiday numbers in the history of the industry, and that all of this is just getting started with arguably two even BIGGER releases set to hit in back to back months. AAA publishers have been placing bets this entire time, and they keep losing money at the table only to place another bet that maybe THIS will be the month when the bottom drops out.

Mark my words... support will pick up eventually. The ONLY way I'd be wrong is if the bottom in fact did fall out from the Wii sales. But if they haven't by now, and Wii actually overtakes 360 by June or July, Wii will handedly win this generation in both units and support.


Gold Member
chespace said:
Wait for MGS4!

Or the Konami ID website!

Or the bittorrent of a patch of a beta that hasn't gone live yet! :p

I'm glad to see you've been banned. Let no one accuse the GAF mods of favortism.


Clinton514 said:
Man I'll admit it, some PS3 gamers have some odd game spending habits. Too many people on my list are still playing COD4 and Resistance. :lol

So because a game isn't considered new, they shouldn't be playing it anymore? Are you serious?
Brakara said:
Some more software numbers from The simExchange (sorry if already posted):

NR Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (PS3) 99,900
NR Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates 67,300
NR Bully: Scholarship Edition (Wii) 37,400
NR Hot Shots Golf (PS3) 36,200


Vegas 2 number is wrong.

[360 Guitar Hero III] = 121.2K
[360 Lost Odyssey] = 65K
[NDS FFCC: Rings of Fate] = 67.3K
[PS3 Hot Shots Golf 5] = 36.2K
[PS3 Rainbow Six Vegas 2] = 154.7K


Brakara said:
Hot Shots Golf (PS3) 36,200


Maybe for the next game they can have it take place in the Middle East where you shoot terrorists with a gun built into the handle of the club while playing golf at the same time. That'll sell.


-Wii sales are fucking amazing. Hardware... software... accessories... everything! Shipping and selling damn near 800,000 in North America in just the month of March is unprecedented.

-SSBB took 3 million in sales in just one month, Wii Play will be the highest selling "game" this generation, and Guitar Hero III continues to sell extremely well because it fits perfectly on the system. I hope there's continued success for Super Mario Galaxy (GOTF) somewhere in the top 20.

-What happened to accessory sales? I'd assume Nintendo would dominate that just as well (Nunchuk, Wii Remote, Classic Controller, Zapper, etc.)

-Get ready for increased Wii production, Mario Kart Wii (the bridge between gamers and non-gamers), and Wii Fit!

-E3 should be huge for Wii. What's in the pipeline? Kirby? Animal Crossing? We know next to nothing from Nintendo. Sonic Unleashed, Red Steel 2, Guitar Hero IV, etc. will be monsters for Wii this holiday season. We need to see this.

-GTA WII needs to happen. Imagine the publicity it will get... and I have faith Rockstar could nail the engine and combat.
borghe said:
We've seen that when developers create great titles on Wii, they are successful. Sure there are some great titles on Wii that bombed, but that happens on ALL platforms.

How many were from 3rd parties, that weren't your obligatory launch games.


jman2050 said:
I'm still trying to figure out when GC-level graphics became bad. Not as good as what's possible, but the revisionist history around here is kind of frightening.

Same reason saturn and playstation graphics are bad or your old girlfriend isn't as cute as you remember her. Your eyes adjust to newer better graphics and you realize what you were looking at before wasn't a good as you thought.


vertopci said:
So because a game isn't considered new, they shouldn't be playing it anymore? Are you serious?
Yes, turn my comment into something else.

My point is that I've noticed that most haven't even purchased or even rented games beyond those two titles. The sales reflect that observation.

Where am I claiming that they shouldn't play it anymore? :|


sonycowboy said:
Vegas 2 number is wrong.

[360 Guitar Hero III] = 121.2K
[360 Lost Odyssey] = 65K
[NDS FFCC: Rings of Fate] = 67.3K
[PS3 Hot Shots Golf 5] = 36.2K
[PS3 Rainbow Six Vegas 2] = 154.7K
Not surprising. I did not see any advertisement for this game.
chespace said:
Wait for MGS4!

Or the Konami ID website!

Or the bittorrent of a patch of a beta that hasn't gone live yet! :p

I downloaded the patch via p2p and installed successfully.

Must be user error on your part.
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