I thought that opened with 2.5 million units, hence the "new biggest entertainment launch". Was it actually more than Brawl?AniHawk said:SSBB did extremely well, but has everyone forgotten about Halo 3?
Both platforms underperformed the markets expectations, leading us to believe that the Wii and DS had directly taken market share from these two consoles.
bcn-ron said:I thought that opened with 2.5 million units, hence the "new biggest entertainment launch". Was it actually more than Brawl?
Flakster99 said:Interesting quote from the simExchange.
The Wii and DS competing and taking away market share from the PS3 and 360. You don't say.
stawnkald said:I'm going to have to go with "because Hot Shots is fucking awesome" as the proper answer.
MobiusPigeon said:i'm starting to think that MS is going to hold the price drop until the MGS4 release.
bcn-ron said:I thought that opened with 2.5 million units, hence the "new biggest entertainment launch". Was it actually more than Brawl?
domokunrox said:I bought Hot shots golf on day 1, and shame on any PS3 owner who hasn't done the same. Its a goddamn excellent game!
BenjaminBirdie said:See, this is why I don't get this idea that Free DLC helps support the game in the long run. CoD4 charged for maps and they're still in the Top Ten. Burnout is being very generous indeed, and that's great for us, but I still don't see how it makes sense from a business stand point to do active development work, after your game has sold in retail, with no direct compensation for it.
DeadGzuz said:If you want to know how things are selling, take all the game sales and normalize by the install base.
MisterHero said:Did you just ask this question in a thread summarizing the release of Super Smash Bros. Brawl?
MobiusPigeon said:i'm starting to think that MS is going to hold the price drop until the MGS4 release.
I wasn't thinking about any of that.charlequin said:The fact that a Nintendo game sells well on the system is not in itself in any way indicative of a comparable difficulty for third-parties to sell games; any third party who's good at their business understands that only the actual sales of their own and comparable third party titles matter, not what percentage of total software sales on the system go to the first party games.
(insert brokenrecordonfire.gif here.)
Karma said:Even if they dropped the price they would still get beat by Nintendo. They are already beating the PS3 in Hardware and Software so I don`t see them dropping the price in the U.S.
domokunrox said:I bought Hot shots golf on day 1, and shame on any PS3 owner who hasn't done the same. Its a goddamn excellent game!
AirBrian said:Nice stuff, donny. Do you have a chart similar to your WW chart but for US only?
BenjaminBirdie said:See, this is why I don't get this idea that Free DLC helps support the game in the long run. CoD4 charged for maps and they're still in the Top Ten. Burnout is being very generous indeed, and that's great for us, but I still don't see how it makes sense from a business stand point to do active development work, after your game has sold in retail, with no direct compensation for it.
donny2112 said:
MobiusPigeon said:i'm starting to think that MS is going to hold the price drop until the MGS4 release.
Can't compete with scalpers and soccer moms.Wilsongt said:That many damn Wiis sold and I did not see a single one in stores throughout the entire month of March. That's messed up.
Wilsongt said:That many damn Wiis sold and I did not see a single one in stores throughout the entire month of March. That's messed up.
Leonsito said:I hope I'm not too late to the party, just made this in ImageReady:
That is not yayharSon said:
DCharlie said:i totally agree - the X360 numbers are turgid too , but the fact that the two are trending in line again means that gap isn't going to close any time soon.
But yeah, Sony fans saw those two months of mild sales victories as an obvious trend upward to ultimate domination.
now it's swung back the other way, they are rational so perhaps X360 on top is good for people's general sanity?
In truth both numbers are poor for this month.
BenjaminBirdie said:See, this is why I don't get this idea that Free DLC helps support the game in the long run. CoD4 charged for maps and they're still in the Top Ten. Burnout is being very generous indeed, and that's great for us, but I still don't see how it makes sense from a business stand point to do active development work, after your game has sold in retail, with no direct compensation for it.
In March 2004 (the same point in the prior gen), PS2 and Xbox sold a combined 493,000 units. PS3 and 360 combined just sold 519,000 units this March.
Software is why we're all here in the first place and software is where the money is made in this industry. The 360 is kicking huge amounts of ass when it comes to software sales and is the rightful winner of this generation at this point!
they've dropped the price $50 within the the past 2 1/2 years. that's pathetic.Karma said:Even if they dropped the price they would still get beat by Nintendo. They are already beating the PS3 in Hardware and Software so I don`t see them dropping the price in the U.S.
BigDubs said:I don't get why so many say that the wii has won this generation. Sure the hardware sales are unprecedented for the wii but the hardware only exists to play the GAMES. Software is why we're all here in the first place and software is where the money is made in this industry. The 360 is kicking huge amounts of ass when it comes to software sales and is the rightful winner of this generation at this point!
BigDubs said:I don't get why so many say that the wii has won this generation. Sure the hardware sales are unprecedented for the wii but the hardware only exists to play the GAMES. Software is why we're all here in the first place and software is where the money is made in this industry. The 360 is kicking huge amounts of ass when it comes to software sales and is the rightful winner of this generation at this point!
BigDubs said:I don't get why so many say that the wii has won this generation. Sure the hardware sales are unprecedented for the wii but the hardware only exists to play the GAMES. Software is why we're all here in the first place and software is where the money is made in this industry. The 360 is kicking huge amounts of ass when it comes to software sales and is the rightful winner of this generation at this point!
Agent Icebeezy said:It is going to end up with the largest amount of sales as well. Might be a funny proportion toward Nintendo games, but with the amount of consoles that it looks like Nintendo is going to sell, Nintendo should overcome what Microsoft is doing on the software side.
BigDubs said:I don't get why so many say that the wii has won this generation. Sure the hardware sales are unprecedented for the wii but the hardware only exists to play the GAMES. Software is why we're all here in the first place and software is where the money is made in this industry. The 360 is kicking huge amounts of ass when it comes to software sales and is the rightful winner of this generation at this point!
This is why you'll never be banned.Drinky Crow said:can we call the ps3 this gen's gamecube officially, now? 2nd most powerful system, lags behind the xbox in sales, and whose hype among the gafcore is driven by a codependent set of japanese gaming fetishists obsessed with retread franchises
BigDubs said:I don't get why so many say that the wii has won this generation. Sure the hardware sales are unprecedented for the wii but the hardware only exists to play the GAMES. Software is why we're all here in the first place and software is where the money is made in this industry. The 360 is kicking huge amounts of ass when it comes to software sales and is the rightful winner of this generation at this point!
Drinky Crow said:can we call the ps3 this gen's gamecube officially, now? 2nd most powerful system, lags behind the xbox in sales, and whose hype among the gafcore is driven by a codependent set of japanese gaming fetishists obsessed with retread franchises and the occasional overmarketed and undelivering western exclusive