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Official March 2008 NPD - There are no words. Almost $1B in SW sales

Stumpokapow said:
December: Wii beats 360 for software
January: Wii edges 360 for software
February: 360 edges out Wii for software

This attitude of "top 10 is all that matters" does not present an accurate software picture.

what selling on wii are nintendo games, 3rd party games sell on xbox 360.


y'all should be ashamed
I'm a bit glad that Burnout Paradise underperformed the way it did, since it was taking the franchise in a horrible direction (ie open world).

Hopefully they'll get back to the Burnout roots next time and just give us an awesome arcade racer.


MobiusPigeon said:
they've dropped the price $50 within the the past 2 1/2 years. that's pathetic.

I agree with you. I just don`t think Microsoft will do it soon. Love to be wrong about that.


totally irrelevant, but new
Drinky Crow said:
can we call the ps3 this gen's gamecube officially, now? 2nd most powerful system, lags behind the xbox in sales, and whose hype among the gafcore is driven by a codependent set of japanese gaming fetishists obsessed with retread franchises and the occasional overmarketed and undelivering western exclusive

At least get your facts straight.


y'all should be ashamed
Drinky Crow said:
can we call the ps3 this gen's gamecube officially, now? 2nd most powerful system, lags behind the xbox in sales, and whose hype among the gafcore is driven by a codependent set of japanese gaming fetishists obsessed with retread franchises and the occasional overmarketed and undelivering western exclusive

Drinky Crow
formerly a dumbfuck admin, now just a dumbfuck
(Today, 01:27 AM)
Reply | Quote

Wow, what did you do exactly to get that tag?! :lol


Wii Sports is the quite possibly the best system selling pack in game of all time. Super Mario Bros, Tetris, and Wii Sports. The holy trinity of how to sell systems.
called the admin who gave me my last tag a dumbfuck, because s/he was dumbfucktious (tm me) enough to give me a cryptic and even stupider tag. at least this one indicates a Troll Well Done, for what little that's worth here at NeoGamefaqs


Wii is just its own beast. Those crazy ass sales indicate that it's simply more than a simple video game console to the public.

lul at the next-gen consoles.
"After all the Wii is half the price of the PS3, so sales wise they should look a lot closer on paper."

directly from the notiorius forum

I literally sprayed my coffee on the monitor


y'all should be ashamed
Drinky Crow said:
called the admin who gave me my last tag a dumbfuck, because s/he was dumbfucktious (tm me) enough to give me a cryptic and even stupider tag. at least this one indicates a Troll Well Done, for what little that's worth here at NeoGamefaqs

Drinky Crow said:
can we call the ps3 this gen's gamecube officially, now? 2nd most powerful system, lags behind the xbox in sales, and whose hype among the gafcore is driven by a codependent set of japanese gaming fetishists obsessed with retread franchises and the occasional overmarketed and undelivering western exclusive

Meh, you tried too hard. You should have been more subtle.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Anasui Kishibe said:
"After all the Wii is half the price of the PS3, so sales wise they should look a lot closer on paper."

directly from the notiorius forum

I literally sprayed my coffee on the monitor

WAT?? :lol :lol :lol :lol
Stumpokapow said:
December: Wii beats 360 for software
January: Wii edges 360 for software
February: 360 edges out Wii for software

This attitude of "top 10 is all that matters" does not present an accurate software picture.
True, and neither does total revenue or total units sold. Since Sales-Age is all about predicting who gets what software we're kinda screwed without the full NPD to figure out what's actually selling and how much.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
I really liked the Castellanus tag, why didn't Drinky liked it?
Anasui Kishibe said:
"After all the Wii is half the price of the PS3, so sales wise they should look a lot closer on paper."

directly from the notiorius forum

I literally sprayed my coffee on the monitor

There are certain true to this, it is like luxury car don't sell more than standard model.
But of course, there are other factor in the sale difference, and price is a big one.


The industry posts tremendous sales as a whole, and all we can do is rip at each other. It'd be nice if we could just, you know, celebrate that fact that the industry we love is kicking the shit out of other media at an unprecedented rate.

I continue to be cheered by the constantly increasing sales all around. The PS3/360 sales are up from their last generation counterparts, and the Wii selling eight zillion units is even better. The more the merrier. All the concerns that Wii domination would destroy traditional gaming are pretty much out the window, as the PS3/360 are doing fine. The Wii's just found a new market and is shooting up like a star.

It's all good.
This is how my night went:

meijintwo (9:38:43 PM): ..................
meijintwo (9:38:46 PM): okay no
G Cube (9:38:47 PM): LOL
meijintwo (9:38:47 PM): thats
meijintwo (9:38:49 PM): thats
meijintwo (9:38:50 PM): not possible
meijintwo (9:38:52 PM): no
meijintwo (9:38:56 PM): the wiis been out
meijintwo (9:38:59 PM): for almost 2 years
meijintwo (9:39:00 PM): and
meijintwo (9:39:02 PM): it sold
meijintwo (9:39:05 PM): almost a MILLION
G Cube (9:39:09 PM): uh
meijintwo (9:39:09 PM): in some RANDOM month
G Cube (9:39:11 PM): not quite two years
meijintwo (9:39:15 PM): what
meijintwo (9:39:15 PM): the
meijintwo (9:39:16 PM): hell
meijintwo (9:39:21 PM): that is wrong
meijintwo (9:39:23 PM): just wrong
meijintwo (9:39:24 PM): no
meijintwo (9:39:28 PM): it cant be real
meijintwo (9:39:32 PM): JESUS
meijintwo (9:39:34 PM): THE DS
G Cube (9:39:35 PM): ahahahahaha
meijintwo (9:39:37 PM): GREG
meijintwo (9:39:39 PM): THE DS
meijintwo (9:39:48 PM): 698 THOUSAND
meijintwo (9:39:49 PM): wow
meijintwo (9:39:52 PM): what the fuck
meijintwo (9:39:56 PM): thats all there is to say
G Cube (9:39:57 PM): wow
meijintwo (9:40:02 PM): omg
meijintwo (9:40:08 PM): nintendo owns everyone
meijintwo (9:40:09 PM): jesus

Yeah, this is just crazy. And there isnt a single PS2 game in the top 10 and only 1 PS3 game...


Super Member
Drinky Crow said:
can we call the ps3 this gen's gamecube officially, now? 2nd most powerful system, lags behind the xbox in sales, and whose hype among the gafcore is driven by a codependent set of japanese gaming fetishists obsessed with retread franchises and the occasional overmarketed and undelivering western exclusive
no, because the Wii is a gamecube

wait, make that two gamecubes

so if Nintendo sells 100 million wiis, they might a well have sold 200 million gamecubes

+20 million canonically-original gamecubes

= A LOT of Gamecubes

clearly the PS3 is the Xbox1 of last generation


rollin' in the gutter
sonycowboy said:
Vegas 2 number is wrong.

[360 Guitar Hero III] = 121.2K
[360 Lost Odyssey] = 65K
[NDS FFCC: Rings of Fate] = 67.3K
[PS3 Hot Shots Golf 5] = 36.2K
[PS3 Rainbow Six Vegas 2] = 154.7K

Can I get Rock Band numbers, please?


Deadly Monk said:
This is how my night went:


Yeah, this is just crazy. And there isnt a single PS2 game in the top 10 and only 1 PS3 game...

Why are you discussing NPD numbers on AIM when we could be playing Halo 3? :mad:


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
besada said:
The industry posts tremendous sales as a whole, and all we can do is rip at each other. It'd be nice if we could just, you know, celebrate that fact that the industry we love is kicking the shit out of other media at an unprecedented rate.

I continue to be cheered by the constantly increasing sales all around. The PS3/360 sales are up from their last generation counterparts, and the Wii selling eight zillion units is even better. The more the merrier. All the concerns that Wii domination would destroy traditional gaming are pretty much out the window, as the PS3/360 are doing fine. The Wii's just found a new market and is shooting up like a star.

It's all good.

Agreed. It still amazes me that the fanboys emerge from their caves on NPD day every month to bash anything and everything that they disagree with.

Watching people fish for excuses as to why the Wii is selling so much is humorous, though.


beermonkey@tehbias said:
Relative to Wii.

In March 2004 (the same point in the prior gen), PS2 and Xbox sold a combined 493,000 units. PS3 and 360 combined just sold 519,000 units this March.

The numbers aren't poor at all. They just aren't Wii.

Given the dead heat in March, it's going to be very obvious who gets the bigger GTA IV bump in April.

Actually, you should be looking at March 2003. By March 04, PS2 had been out for close to 3.5 years, and the Xbox had been out for close to 2.5 years. 360 has only been out for 2.5 years, and the PS3 close to 1.5 years.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
donny do you have precise U.S LTD's? I think my numbers might be a bit off...


After carefully looking at these hardware and software sales number, I don't know how anyone can deny the fact that MS is winning the console war.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Sony response:

PlayStation by the Numbers

March 2008

PS3 Sales Up Nearly 100% Year-Over-Year; PS3 Momentum Continues

Total PlayStation Hardware Unit Sales Top 770,794

PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3™) continued the strong momentum with 257,120 units sold in March. (according to NPD March 2008 sales data). This represents a year-over-year sales growth of over 98%. More than 1.9 million software units were sold for PS3 in March, representing a year-over-year growth of 139.2%.

The Season of Monster Titles Has Begun: The April releases of Gran Turismo 5 Prologue and Grand Theft Auto IV kick off the waterfall of blockbusters coming to PS3 this year, including the exclusive titles Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, LittleBigPlanet, Resistance 2 and SOCOM: Confrontation to name a few. These mega hits combined with enthusiasm for Blu-ray promise to further drive PS3 sales throughout 2008.
PLAYSTATION®Network Continues to Thrive: In North America, there are over than 3.7 million registered PLAYSTATION Network accounts and more than 67 million pieces of content have been downloaded from PLAYSTATION Store to date.

PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) continued to boast strong sales with 297,011 PSP hardware units sold in March, up 22.1% over the previous month and representing a sales increase of 65% growth year-over-year. Sales were fueled by the of recent exclusive blockbuster releases of God of War: Chains of Olympus and Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, the two best-selling handheld games in the month of March.

PlayStation®2 (PS2) also had an excellent month in March with hardware unit sales reaching 216,485 units. The PLAYSTATION exclusive hit title MLB® 08 THE SHOW™ debuted as the top-selling title for PS2 in March.
BigDubs said:
I don't get why so many say that the wii has won this generation. Sure the hardware sales are unprecedented for the wii but the hardware only exists to play the GAMES. Software is why we're all here in the first place and software is where the money is made in this industry. The 360 is kicking huge amounts of ass when it comes to software sales and is the rightful winner of this generation at this point!

Lobster said:
This month that would only put it down 409k..

It would still be pretty close.

This month Wii had Smash Brother, xbox 360 had no killer app. Plus only games that sell really well on a consistant base are Nintendo games. Third parties still pick Xbox 360 as top console probably


when is my burrito
Couple things:

1. Hot Shots Golf sales are terrible. I blame the name partly but it's also one of those games that Sony needs to seed out there for the casual people who primarily buy their Playstations for the movie player.

2. It's time for Sony to drop the price on the PS2. If they wait until the fall, it will become completely irrelevant.
With GTA 4, expect 360 numbers to pull away from the PS3 nicely, especially with MS's GTA 4 campaign in full force in the up coming weeks, nothing can be said about software, wow.
Lobster said:
This month that would only put it down 409k..

It would still be pretty close.

Truth. Plus, discounting Wii Play's sales figures would be straight-up dumb. Not everyone buys it merely as a controller. There's an option to buy a single controller on the next shelf over from Wii Play, yet people choose to buy Wii Play. Why would we discount it from the discussion? It's software-sold that deserves to be calculated like any other.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
clashfan said:
After carefully looking at these hardware and software sales number, I don't know how anyone can deny the fact that MS is winning the console war.

They're not winning the console war, they're just doing third parties a really fucking big favor (whether they intended to or not) after Sony dropped the ball on PS3 pricing. It's basically this gen's PS2 for third party support despite not selling nearly as well. Hell, I think it's getting more games from Japanese publishers than the original system did despite selling even less.

It's time for Sony to drop the price on the PS2.

Typo? At this point they need to phase the PS2 out and get the PS3 down to $299.99.
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