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Official March 2008 NPD - There are no words. Almost $1B in SW sales

and now we've arrived at the "My subjective opinion is more correct than your subjective opinion" portion of the thread. All rational passengers are reminded to disembark here for their connecting flight to ANYWHERE ELSE.


tanod said:
Because the 360 outsold it by 5,000 units?

+1 The 360 outsells the PS3 by 5k units in one month (after the PS3 outsold the 360 by significantly more than that in the previous two months) and all of a sudden the NPD thread is once again full of the "zomg, teh Sony is dOOmed" crowd. Must have been a long two months, eh? :lol
Wii Sports is a bigger hit than Halo because it has a 100% attach rate opposed to Halo 3's ~50%.

This thread is so full of Nintendo flag waving it is almost sickening. You people make fun of PS3forums.com, but this is the same type of drivel that they would be posting had the PS3 sold 700K this month.
Wtf at the amazement that the most hype wii game sold shit loads. This just like if people go ape shit when mgs4 sell like porn on friday. Wtf did u expect?


Matt, do you really want to argue that sales equals quality? Really?

Because Wiiplay and Carnival Games would like a word.

Segata Sanshiro said:
and now we've arrived at the "My subjective opinion is more correct than your subjective opinion" portion of the thread. All rational passengers are reminded to disembark here for their connecting flight to ANYWHERE ELSE.

FO REALS, Sega man.
DevelopmentArrested said:
BU its POPULAR it must be good!

I never said that, but the overall consensus from gamers and critics is significantly better than his assessment that they were "weak" titles, and the sales are just another vote of confidence.
dammitmattt said:
Well, I've played through both games multiple times and I disagree with his assessment. Bluemercury's credentials are considerably more suspect.

So does that improve my argument?

yes. Using sales to say a game's good is very wrong

EktorPR said:
Great analogy, Einstein. Try again.

oh, you hurt me


Lobster said:
You just proved my point.

Wii doesn't have 3rd party games that are comparable to 360/Ps3 games.

Not that I am moaning about it, due to enjoying some of the finer quality ports and niche Wii software, but yeah, completely true.
Some posters continue to ignore said fact for numerous reasons, some purposely to have a little fun, some due to sheer ignorance.


DevelopmentArrested said:
Well a lot of people bought Wii Play and I've played Wii Play and enjoy it - so it's good!

I don't have a problem with it either, It's not great, but it's fine for what it is. I just know what a symbol it is to some people.


CassidyIzABeast said:
Wtf at the amazement that the most hype wii game sold shit loads. This just like if people go ape shit when mgs4 sell like porn on friday. Wtf did u expect?
I thought feigning amazement at the obvious and expected was de rigeur in NPD threads.


Super Member
FirstInHell said:
Wii Sports is a bigger hit than Halo because it has a 100% attach rate opposed to Halo 3's ~50%.

This thread is so full of Nintendo flag waving it is almost sickening. You people make fun of PS3forums.com, but this is the same type of drivel that they would be posting had the PS3 sold 700K this month.

the fanboy card



jaaz said:
+1 The 360 outsells the PS3 by 5k units in one month (after the PS3 outsold the 360 by significantly more than that in the previous two months) and all of a sudden the NPD thread is once again full of the "zomg, teh Sony is dOOmed" crowd. Must have been a long two months, eh? :lol
Just like the same way the "TIDE WAS TURNING" when the ps3 edged out the 360 by 20k for the past two months.

FirstInHell said:
Wii Sports is a bigger hit than Halo because it has a 100% attach rate opposed to Halo 3's ~50%.

This thread is so full of Nintendo flag waving it is almost sickening. You people make fun of PS3forums.com, but this is the same type of drivel that they would be posting had the PS3 sold 700K this month.

Actually it would probably be more acurate to say that the Wii has a 100% attach to Wii Sports than the other way around ;)


dammitmattt said:
I never said that, but the overall consensus from gamers and critics is significantly better than his assessment that they were "weak" titles, and the sales are just another vote of confidence.

I'm sure they're decent games, but put a gun to my head before I have to play another modern military shooter.


Tobor said:
I don't have a problem with it either, It's not great, but it's fine for what it is. I just know what a symbol it is to some people.
I didn't get Wiiplay since I already have an extra wiimote.


Wait, what's this?
next-gen.biz said:
Frazier added, "Across hardware, software, and accessories, the Wii contributed the most to total industry sales, representing 31 percent of total industry dollars for the month."


Super Smash Bros. was the top-seller, as it sold to 31 percent of the Wii installed base, according to Frazier. Compared to last March, she said that twice as many SKUs achieved sales in excess of 100,000.
Can anyone take this data and use it to figure out total Wii software sales (retail $)? The last fact is just interesting. Weird that this hasn't been posted yet, unless I missed it. The site has the NPD Group's analysis as well.
dammitmattt said:
I highly disagree. Casual gamers aren't buying stuff for potential. PS3 owners do that. Wii buyers are buying it because Wii Sports looks fun and it's the hot thing to get.

I think very few people understand what the so called "casual" gamers/non-gamers are up to on this forum.

The most awkward thing was sitting in a class where people were talking about video games, I was actually blown away by it all.


dammitmattt said:
I never said that, but the overall consensus from gamers and critics is significantly better than his assessment that they were "weak" titles, and the sales are just another vote of confidence.

Not that I necessarily disagree, but surely you can see how this argument could immediately be thrown back in your face to "prove" that the Wii is, in fact, the most fun system ever, based on its lifespan thus far.


jaaz said:
+1 The 360 outsells the PS3 by 5k units in one month (after the PS3 outsold the 360 by significantly more than that in the previous two months) and all of a sudden the NPD thread is once again full of the "zomg, teh Sony is dOOmed" crowd. Must have been a long two months, eh? :lol

Except the demise of HD-DVD really should have benefited Sony's sales more. Then again, the only person I knew who bought a PS3 once this happened got a used one.


And even i am moderately surprised
This thread is so full of Nintendo flag waving it is almost sickening. You people make fun of PS3forums.com, but this is the same type of drivel that they would be posting had the PS3 sold 700K this month.

why make the journey to PS3forums.com for crazy PS3 spouting when you can get it right here!?

I think we got all platform crazies in here.

Also , i don't think you have to even hit 700k for drivel, you get that at about 250k!
DevelopmentArrested said:
A game's quality has no correlation with its sales. Try again.

OF COURSE there's a correlation. It's not necessarily causal, but if you look at the top-selling games each month, they are generally well-reviewed and well-received. This is even more so for the top-selling games of all-time.

Maybe you meant another word than correlation, or you didn't mean to make it an absolute?


Ceres said:
Except the demise of HD-DVD really should have benefited Sony's sales more. Then again, the only person I knew who bought a PS3 once this happened got a used one.
PS3 is up quite dramatically from last year. If we're comparing apples to apples (PS3 pre- and post-death of HD-DVD) there's a substantial impact, and I don't think other factors like new game releases account for it.
Tobor said:
Matt, do you really want to argue that sales equals quality? Really?

Because Wiiplay and Carnival Games would like a word.

FO REALS, Sega man.

It was more meant to be snarky, but critic + user reviews denotes an overall level of quality (it's the only measures we have), and AoT and Vegas 2 did fairly well in this respect.


clashfan said:
After carefully looking at these hardware and software sales number, I don't know how anyone can deny the fact that MS is winning the console war.
How. They are dominated in hardware, and lately software sales is a wash between the MS and Ninty


The Sphinx said:
PS3 is up quite dramatically from last year. If we're comparing apples to apples (PS3 pre- and post-death of HD-DVD) there's a substantial impact, and I don't think other factors like new game releases account for it.

I very much agree.

Yes, the Wii trampled all over the 360 and PS3 this month. Yes, the 360 sold a hair more. Yes, the PS3's sales this month are down week-over-week from last month.

But still, sales are up nearly 200% from last year at this time. That's very unusual for a third place system at this point in a generation (i.e. sales "should" be trending downward as it begins a slow death), but that clearly isn't happening to the PS3.

Given that there weren't many major titles to cause this sort of growth (virtually every PS3 game that has sold well in the west in the last 3 months was also on the 360, which did not see similar growth), I would suspect that a large portion of the sales bump comes from Blu Ray.
dammitmattt said:
OF COURSE there's a correlation. It's not necessarily causal, but if you look at the top-selling games each month, they are generally well-reviewed and well-received. This is even more so for the top-selling games of all-time.

Maybe you meant another word than correlation, or you didn't mean to make it an absolute?

eh, Carnival games, Zack and Wiki.

perhaps there's a correlation in some cases, but definitely not always

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
I'm always late to these threads so while no doubt this thread has long devolved into pointless comparisons and petty fanboy squabbling I'd just like to toss in my page one reaction: One b-b-b-illion? WOW!
FirstInHell said:
This thread is so full of Nintendo flag waving it is almost sickening. You people make fun of PS3forums.com, but this is the same type of drivel that they would be posting had the PS3 sold 700K this month.

"how does the wii sell like this when i have never seen one in a store in my life? what greatness does it have that the ps3 and 360 does not? the way sales are going you would think the wii was going up against gameboy. im not hatin on the wii but sales this gen are misleading as hell.



FirstInHell said:
Wii Sports is a bigger hit than Halo because it has a 100% attach rate opposed to Halo 3's ~50%.

This thread is so full of Nintendo flag waving it is almost sickening. You people make fun of PS3forums.com, but this is the same type of drivel that they would be posting had the PS3 sold 700K this month.

Pfft, hell, spend some time there, you'll find some people who do that kind of flag waving with things as they stand NOW. :lol


next-gen.biz said:
Frazier added, "Across hardware, software, and accessories, the Wii contributed the most to total industry sales, representing 31 percent of total industry dollars for the month."


Super Smash Bros. was the top-seller, as it sold to 31 percent of the Wii installed base, according to Frazier. Compared to last March, she said that twice as many SKUs achieved sales in excess of 100,000.

Sharp said:
Wait, what's this?

Can anyone take this data and use it to figure out total Wii software sales (retail $)? The last fact is just interesting. Weird that this hasn't been posted yet, unless I missed it. The site has the NPD Group's analysis as well.

I wonder how many titles sold over 100k last year in comparison to this year's figure. That is a lot of 100k + software titles.

Foxix Von

I'm late.

But holy shit @ wii @_@

Pretty much slaughtered the competition, and over 1 billion in sales? My god. That's pretty much just pure win for the industry as a whole.

Anasui Kishibe said:
eh, Carnival games, Zack and Wiki.

perhaps there's a correlation in some cases, but definitely not always

Of course not. There are great pieces of entertainment in EVERY industry that are criminally overlooked, and shitty pieces of entertainment that are consumed at an alarming pace.

However, I think most people would agree that there is generally some level of correlation between sales and quality, especially in the games industry where there is generally a higher correlation between sales and quality than there is in the movie and especially TV industries (hello reality TV!).

The post I responded to said that there was no correlation, which is absolutely ridiculous, and that's why I asked if he meant something different.


Flakster99 said:
I wonder how many titles sold over 100k last year in comparison to this year's figure. That is a lot of 100k + software titles.
Yeah, it is. No need to put down other consoles, guys, it seems like everyone's doing remarkably well.


Darunia said:
Eeeh, am I reading these posts wrong or did the wrong guys get banned in these bets?
omg rite said:
Er, yeah. I noticed that too.
I think you are reading it wrong. I'm pretty sure total PS3 sales between January and March were greater than total 360 sales, despite a marginal lead by the 360 this month.


AndyIsTheMoney said:
I may sound kind of "hippy" here by saying this...but looking at the money rolling in like this we should seriously put aside strong fanboyism and be happy gaming as an industry is advancing so well, its good for all of us.



Darunia said:
Eeeh, am I reading these posts wrong or did the wrong guys get banned in these bets?

Did Psychotext get banned because he sided with the PS3 but Shamrock is the only one that took the 360 as the winner Jan-Mar and he's banned.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Slavik81 said:
I think you are reading it wrong. I'm pretty sure total PS3 sales between January and March were greater than total 360 sales, despite a marginal lead by the 360 this month.

oh yeah of course, i was thinking along the lines of 'ps3>360 in every month'

carry on


The Wii has dominated the sales charts in EVERY region in the world since it launched and 3rd parties STILL don't think that a AAA developed title for the Wii would sell??

This generation of video games is the most baffling one ever. Historically, the top seller gets the most support. In this case, one of, if not THE FASTEST selling console in HISTORY can't get a AAA 3rd party title to save it's life even more than a full year after release (I'm exaggerating, of course, but not by much).

Strange times we are living in....
fahr said:
The Wii has dominated the sales charts in EVERY region in the world since it launched and 3rd parties STILL don't think that a AAA developed title for the Wii would sell??

This generation of video games is the most baffling one ever. Historically, the top seller gets the most support. In this case, one of, if not THE FASTEST selling console in HISTORY can't get a AAA 3rd party title to save it's life even more than a full year after release (I'm exaggerating, of course, but not by much).

Strange times we are living in....

Its far more easy to develop games that show the graphics with high-power consoles than low powered ones....
i just want some cool 3RD party stuff on wii (like the snes) era, all I own right now are the nintendo stuff (and re4, and remakes gc).

(oh and old vc stuff, I WOULD KILL FOR SE SHIT)
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