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Official March 2008 NPD - There are no words. Almost $1B in SW sales


Bluemercury said:
Its far more easy to develop games that show the graphics with high-power consoles than low powered ones....
But the average consumer could give two fucks about graphics. Developers not seeing this is what is baffling.
fahr said:
The Wii has dominated the sales charts in EVERY region in the world since it launched and 3rd parties STILL don't think that a AAA developed title for the Wii would sell??

This generation of video games is the most baffling one ever. Historically, the top seller gets the most support. In this case, one of, if not THE FASTEST selling console in HISTORY can't get a AAA 3rd party title to save it's life even more than a full year after release (I'm exaggerating, of course, but not by much).

Strange times we are living in....

It's an odd situation to be sure. But it will inevitably correct itself. Either third parties will try to angle into the Wii's pool, or Nintendo will just soak up even more of the total software market share and enter the next console cycle as an absolute behemoth in this industry (as if it weren't already). Either way, the status quo as it was before the Wii cannot and will not hold.


in my area, everyone sees Wii Sports as a demo.

even i consider it a demo.

i think it wouldn't have sold on its own but as a pack-in, it gives more value to the package since you can play as soon as you buy it. that's how i think casuals see it.
the whole is more than the sum of its parts.

btw, incredible SSBB numbers. i wonder how much the dojo contributed to the hype.
Holy crap Wii, holy crap Smash, holy crap $1 billion in software sales.

That about sums this month up, but I would like to congratulate the Wii for having the largest non-holiday hardware sales seen in this industry.
studio810 said:
But the average consumer could give two fucks about graphics. Developers not seeing this is what is baffling.

Well the thing is most AAA teams want to improve the graphics the most......the rest well comes second.
Quick and dirty last gen ports, mini games and party games, cartoons and experiments.

That's the summary of 3rd party support for the Wii. Love it, leave it, or just do what most Wii fans do already and just buy Nintendo games.

If there is a silver lining, it's that if you give them enough darts, even the blind will eventually hit a bullseye or two. (Isn't that right, Travis?)


(more a nerd than a geek)
clashfan said:
After carefully looking at these hardware and software sales number, I don't know how anyone can deny the fact that MS is winning the console war.

Er... you are joking, right? Please tell me you're joking... especially when MS is going to lose their "#1 IN THE USA INSTALL BASE!" thing in 1-3 months and they have been consistently outsold by Nintendo's Wii for ages...
Bluemercury said:
Its far more easy to develop games that show the graphics with high-power consoles than low powered ones....
I am trying to read this and I think it makes sense the way you phrased it, but the way you phrased it is impenetrably stupid

It's like saying "It's far easier to develop games that use waggle for the Wii than the 360"
when's mgs come out? is it within a month of gta? because if it is scratch my price drop theory. you'd have thousands of customers going back to the stores to get the difference refunded. the drop HAS to be within the next week if solid is coming within a month.


listen to the mad man
Flakster99 said:
I wonder how many titles sold over 100k last year in comparison to this year's figure. That is a lot of 100k + software titles.

13-14 titles sold 100k+ last year. (Number based on public data; IGN released a top 20 with no numbers, and we got numbers separately for numbers 13 and 15 that showed #13 at 114k and #15 at 90-someodd-k).

So, 26-28 titles sold 100k+ this month.


Survives without air, food, or water
Holy shit, my vocabulary has no adjective big enough to describe this month. Also, JESUS CHRIST if this is how much they can sell in March than I shudder to think how much they will sell after GTAIV/Wii Fit releases.

What the hell is going on?


Incredible numbers for the industry. Only means better times for the consumer.

The wii is unbelievable, it struck a vein of people that no other tapped before that's for sure.

Such a super tight race between the 360 and PS3 now in NA, I certainly didn't think this was going to happen, especially for how it started a couple months sooner than this. Crazy. EU is going to be the real battleground for those 2.

I assume a lot of consumers are tied up, trying to figure out what pack ins the better route. GTA/MGS4 could put a strain on some people haha. It'll be interesting to see the following NPD's.
Shockgamer said:
Quick and dirty last gen ports, mini games and party games, cartoons and experiments.

That's the summary of 3rd party support for the Wii. Love it, leave it, or just do what most Wii fans do already and just buy Nintendo games.

If there is a silver lining, it's that if you give them enough darts, even the blind will eventually hit a bullseye or two. (Isn't that right, Travis?)
I bought New Blood.

I'm part of the solution!


Osuwari said:
in my area, everyone sees Wii Sports as a demo.

even i consider it a demo.

i think it wouldn't have sold on its own but as a pack-in, it gives more value to the package since you can play as soon as you buy it. that's how i think casuals see it.
the whole is more than the sum of its parts.

btw, incredible SSBB numbers. i wonder how much the dojo contributed to the hype.

I quickly scanned and didn't notice a reply so hopefully this hasn't been said already but....

Japan says hi.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Fantastic job, that has to be one of the highest non Holiday openings ever for a game... and the best is, Smash is gonna continue to sell all throughout the Wii's lifespan. If any game deserves the sales, it's this one... game of the forever indeed.


Wow at Nintendo's hardware numbers - they are just insane. I can't figure out who buys that shit month after month. Other than that pretty much as expected - amazing month for gaming compared to last year.

Just image the numbers for GTA next month!!!


I dunno why some are happy with the Wii sales. Sure some of us gamers here on gaf may have it as our secondary console and/or third. But we all should have a 360 or ps3 as our main consoles since we are real gamers. Cheering for the sucess of the console for non-gamers is a cheer for the death of our hobby.


Ceres said:
I quickly scanned and didn't notice a reply so hopefully this hasn't been said already but....

Japan says hi.
The Japanese and North American markets are VERY, VERY different. That's why they didn't sell Wii Sports in the same way in both markets.
Pimpbaa said:
I dunno why some are happy with the Wii sales. Sure some of us gamers here on gaf may have it as our secondary console and/or third. But we all should have a 360 or ps3 as our main consoles since we are real gamers. Cheering for the sucess of the console for non-gamers is a cheer for the death of our hobby.

Our hobby is doing better than ever. What the fuck are you smoking?!?

jak stat

Pimpbaa said:
I dunno why some are happy with the Wii sales. Sure some of us gamers here on gaf may have it as our secondary console and/or third. But we all should have a 360 or ps3 as our main consoles since we are real gamers. Cheering for the sucess of the console for non-gamers is a cheer for the death of our hobby.
wtf "real gamers"?


Pimpbaa said:
I dunno why some are happy with the Wii sales. Sure some of us gamers here on gaf may have it as our secondary console and/or third. But we all should have a 360 or ps3 as our main consoles since we are real gamers. Cheering for the sucess of the console for non-gamers is a cheer for the death of our hobby.
Your tag fits you very well.


listen to the mad man
Pimpbaa said:
I dunno why some are happy with the Wii sales. Sure some of us gamers here on gaf may have it as our secondary console and/or third. But we all should have a 360 or ps3 as our main consoles since we are real gamers. Cheering for the sucess of the console for non-gamers is a cheer for the death of our hobby.

I have a 360. I love it. I have a Wii. I love it. I wouldn't say either is really my "primary" or "secondary" console. Recently I've been playing more Wii, but in terms of backlog I've got a bigger Wii backlog so I expect I'll be playing more Wii this summer.

Where's the insane need for conflict?

Big/Cool Wii games this year: Endless Ocean, Dragon Quest Swords, House of the Dead 2+3 Returns, Brawl, Opoona.
Big/Cool 360 games this year: Lost Odyssey, Condemned 2, Army of Two, DMC4, Turok.

Spread the love.
ShockingAlberto said:
I am trying to read this and I think it makes sense the way you phrased it, but the way you phrased it is impenetrably stupid

It's like saying "It's far easier to develop games that use waggle for the Wii than the 360"

I'm pretty sure his point is that most developers are more geared towards improving the graphics and technical specs of games than the actual gameplay.


jj984jj said:
Tabris must be disappointed in CC sales, he expected it to sell 2 billion. It seems to be difficult for S-E to replicate the portable success they had on the GBA, but at least it did better than FFIII here, right?

Actually I said it would sell over a million and it now has exceeded that worldwide. SE must be very happy with these numbers and we should see them releasing more games on PSP now that it's taking over Japan slowly. FYI, FFVII:CC has now outsold every single game Square released on the GBA.

Anyways, Playstation family is on the rise and after the Brawl spike and MGS4, things will be changing. They are already starting with the PSP, PS3 will follow suit soon.

Expect good things in the next couple of months unless you like jacking off Nintendo sales, then you might not have as much fun. Sort of like in the media create threads.
Pimpbaa said:
I dunno why some are happy with the Wii sales. Sure some of us gamers here on gaf may have it as our secondary console and/or third. But we all should have a 360 or ps3 as our main consoles since we are real gamers. Cheering for the sucess of the console for non-gamers is a cheer for the death of our hobby.

Pretty obvious which company is willing to lose gamers to advance a non-gaming agenda.


jak stat said:
wtf "real gamers"?

Yeah those with a 360 or PS3 as their main console. I'm pretty unbiased, it doesn't matter to me if your 360 or PS3 is your main console. Both are cool.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Pimpbaa said:
I dunno why some are happy with the Wii sales. Sure some of us gamers here on gaf may have it as our secondary console and/or third. But we all should have a 360 or ps3 as our main consoles since we are real gamers. Cheering for the sucess of the console for non-gamers is a cheer for the death of our hobby.
The mass market will dicate what system will be the one of choice for game sales. "Real Gamers", based on every stupid thread on GAF during the past 5 years, are the ones who "buy all the systems" to play "all the games". Thus, as real gamers should already own a Wii, they should be in no way threatened as Wii dominance will fail to impact their ability to buy "all the games".


Aside from all that, the Wii's sales are good as it might mean that the NEXT generation of game systems will have more reasonable prices for systems -and- games.

(Mutters something about folks who ignore one of the top industry publishers/developers when they discuss "real games".)
Tabris said:
Actually I said it would sell over a million and it now has exceeded that worldwide. SE must be very happy with these numbers and we should see them releasing more games on PSP now that it's taking over Japan slowly.

Anyways, Playstation family is on the rise and after the Brawl spike and MGS4, things will be changing. They are already starting with the PSP, PS3 will follow suit soon.

Expect good things in the next couple of months unless you like jacking off Nintendo sales, then you might not have as much fun. Sort of like in the media create threads.

You speak as if you live in a world where the 360 does not exist.


Pimpbaa said:
I dunno why some are happy with the Wii sales. Sure some of us gamers here on gaf may have it as our secondary console and/or third. But we all should have a 360 or ps3 as our main consoles since we are real gamers. Cheering for the sucess of the console for non-gamers is a cheer for the death of our hobby.

So then how should I feel about Ps3 sales if Wii is my primary console and Ps3 is my secondary?


Yes, the Wii is my secondary console... to the DS.

The PS3 is third yet the games are even secondary to the blu-ray movies at this point.


dammitmattt said:
You speak as if you live in a world where the 360 does not exist.

360 is my most played console but it's going to be third place this generation once the PS3 starts exploding with sales later this year.
Pimpbaa said:
I dunno why some are happy with the Wii sales. Sure some of us gamers here on gaf may have it as our secondary console and/or third. But we all should have a 360 or ps3 as our main consoles since we are real gamers. Cheering for the sucess of the console for non-gamers is a cheer for the death of our hobby.
No. Wii success = Good for the hardcore gamer.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
dammitmattt said:
You speak as if you live in a world where the 360 does not exist.

Apparently the DS and Wii dont exist either! Tabris has found the secret to happiness.



Tabris said:
360 is my most played console but it's going to be third place this generation once the PS3 starts exploding with sales later this year.

Why would PS3s selling effect your playing?


FitzOfRage said:
Pretty obvious which company is willing to lose gamers to advance a non-gaming agenda.

Here is my self-imposed one zinger (I've been saving it for this precise response) for the thread. Oh snap!
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