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Official Mario 64 DS thread





















Super. I dig that slot machine that uses not only old sprites from NES and SNES, but also SMB1-era art. Bowser looks so goofy. :)

Sho Nuff

Can someone reassure me that the original game is included in its entirety and it's not just a bunch of minigames?

(All that stuff is nice but Mario 64 is GOLD, goddammit)




Tag of Excellence
Hah and I was thinking of passing this game up. Atleast it gives me an excuse to make my girlfriend play it!
Originally posted bySho Nuff:"Can someone reassure me that the original game is included in its entirety and it's not just a bunch of minigames?

(All that stuff is nice but Mario 64 is GOLD, goddammit)"

Check out the pic with Yoshi in the desert. He has 79 stars.
You can play the single player as Mario, Luigi, Wario, or Yoshi.

Which begs the question: does Yoshi meet himself on the roof when you get 120 stars? :D A girl Yoshi maybe?

Hey what the hell, one of the pics shows Yoshi with 150 stars!!!!!!!


Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
Hey what the hell, one of the pics shows Yoshi with 150 stars!!!!!!!

Yeah I noticed that too. Is this game Super Mario 64 with new levels added on? This game is getting better and better.
People definitely were counting their chickens early when calling this a mere port. New levels and bonuses? Very cool. Perhaps it'll end up being a whole lot larger than the original.


Tag of Excellence
DarthWufei said:
People definitely were counting their chickens early when calling this a mere port. New levels and bonuses? Very cool. Perhaps it'll end up being a whole lot larger than the original.
Yes! I initially counted 12, now we have 24, these multiply like rabbits.

No really, I feel silly for thinking it was going to be a mere port with a gimmicky multiplayer mode. Now I'm actually excited for it!


Tag of Excellence
Straight from 1UP.com:
"...The versus game takes those same characters and pits them against each other in a race to collect the most star fragments, while the mini-game collection contains more than 30 challenges based on the DS touch screen. Using the DS game download feature, four players can compete with just one DS game card."

Straight from IGN.com:
"...New characters, stages and puzzles await players. In addition to Mario, players will be able to play as Yoshi, Luigi and even Wario, each of whom has different abilities integral to collecting every last one of the 150 Power Stars hidden in the castle and grounds. Play through Adventure mode, tons of new touch-sensitive mini-games or battle up to three friends in Wireless Versus mode, which you can play with only one DS Game Card."

Doesn't get any more official than that kids. 150 stars, tons of mini-games that use the touchscreen and play wirelessly with only one game card.
Wow, throw away all that 'port' talk. If you just showed me these screens and didn't tell me it had anything to do with Mario 64, I'd swear this was a new game.

SHIT! Now I have to buy a DS at launch!



Will start substantiating his hate
It's too bad Nintendo didn't go all out on the 3d hardware. With some texture filtering this would look about as good as Ape Escape on the PSP.


Sho Nuff said:


LOL, exactly what i thought when i saw the pics.

if this game is good, i might buy it, but i never thought Mario 64 was that great. i like the retro slot machine thing though - they should include the NES Super Mario Bros., or even the SNES version as a secret or smthing.

i'd buy the game just for that, though that's just wishful thinking.


I love it, everyone here is so excited about DS at the moment, so excited about games again. IMO it's because there is suddenly a wealth of potential originality staring us in the face. I don't know about anyone else but I feel like a 5 year old again. WOOHOO!


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Super MArio 64 was a careful mix of game-play, music and graphics.

I hope music is intact from Super Mario 64 in quality: the graphics... lost a bit, not only in textures, but also in alpha blending effects, particle effects (
), etc...

Game-play should be very close although with analog control missing.

Am I still wanting it ? Yes, where else am I going to play Super Mario 64 on the go ?

Will I buy an enhanced version of this Super Mario 64 with even better graphics after I buy this one ? Yes.


Tag of Excellence
Judging from the shots I don't think anything is lost in terms of texture quality but there's no filtering going on hence why it appears that way. The models also have an increase in polygonal detail and I know they've released a very paltry amount of screengrabs but I don't see any hint of particle effects or alpha blending being downgraded. Then again this is from observing a small amount of screenshots, I don't pretend to know anything about the actual graphical upgrades/downgrades of the game.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
TekunoRobby said:
Judging from the shots I don't think anything is lost in terms of texture quality but there's no filtering going on hence why it appears that way. The models also have an increase in polygonal detail and I know they've released a very paltry amount of screengrabs but I don't see any hint of particle effects or alpha blending being downgraded. Then again this is from observing a small amount of screenshots, I don't pretend to know anything about the actual graphical upgrades/downgrades of the game.

In the screen-shot I just posted... look at the snowflakes coming and the backgrounds seems to have a little bit less draw distance (somehow I feel that in many stages the far backgrounds are flat bitmpas, more so than what Super Mario 64 used).

Yes, the character detail increased, but remember the N64 was not T&L limited (it could do more in that area... all of it could do more... main RAM latency and lack of speed killed the N64 :p) and Super Mario 64 was not pushing the platform as much as people think (it was a first generation game).

Edit: guys I am not raining on youjr parade.

I alreayd told you, I want a portable Super Mario 64, so you know that when I get the budget aligned correctly I will want to own the DS as well.


Panajev2001a said:
Super MArio 64 was a careful mix of game-play, music and graphics.

I hope music is intact from Super Mario 64 in quality: the graphics... lost a bit, not only in textures, but also in alpha blending effects, particle effects (
), etc...

Game-play should be very close although with analog control missing.

Am I still wanting it ? Yes, where else am I going to play Super Mario 64 on the go ?

Will I buy an enhanced version of this Super Mario 64 with even better graphics after I buy this one ? Yes.

can you guess who's Pana in this skit...


Panajev2001a said:
At least you are too living up to your tag ;).

Way to go with personal attacks :).
it was a joke dude...

but seriously, after reading all this threads, it was amusing to me to imagine that music after reading that post...

like I said though, joke comment...


GAF's Pleasant Genius
efralope said:
it was a joke dude...

but seriously, after reading all this threads, it was amusing to me to imagine that music after reading that post...

like I said though, joke comment...

Sorry, I am in a sad moment... my second PlayStation 2 is dying... it will not read my PlayStation 2 Linux DVD disc :(.
Bluemercury said:
That looks better than most psone games......but maybe its just me.....

It's not just you.

I actually like the way this looks a LOT better than the original Mario 64. Maybe it's just the updated character models, but for some reason it looks a lot more....'Mario-ish' than the original.
im jealous of all u guys thatll have people to play this with, none of my friends will buy this and this isnt exactly a game cafe type town either, now if your looking for trampy hs girls playing pool on friday nights.... :D


thanks for the 4 players-mode answer... That seems to be a great move by Nintendo ! I hope this will be the same with other games (Made in Wario and Mario Kart especially).


Someone noticed you'll play it with da stylus ?

"Zusätzlich gibt es für jeden Charakter mehrere Minispiele; Luigi hat z.B. etwas mit Karten zu tun. Gesteuert wird in der 3D Welt via Stylus; Wireless-Duelle mit Freunden sind möglich, in denen man Sterne mit seinem Helden sammelt. Für die Mehrspielereinsätze ist nur ein Modul erforderlich."

I wonder how that'll play like


Queen of Denmark
1.) I think some people need to re-acquaint themselves with platformer PSX games before they draw comparisons to a first-generation DS platformer...especially when said platformer runs at 60 FPS.

2.) That being said, I really wish Nintendo would've included better (any?) texture filtering. It's really my only true complaint about the DS thus far.


Seems like the stylus play seems to mean that you can actually choose to use the stylus to control movement...somehow. So very odd.

In other news, definitely interested in this. The entrance of the different characters should be fun. And that King Goomba has to be new.


Hang out with Steve.
Panajev2001a said:
Super MArio 64 was a careful mix of game-play, music and graphics.

I hope music is intact from Super Mario 64 in quality: the graphics... lost a bit, not only in textures, but also in alpha blending effects, particle effects (
), etc...

Game-play should be very close although with analog control missing.

Am I still wanting it ? Yes, where else am I going to play Super Mario 64 on the go ?

Will I buy an enhanced version of this Super Mario 64 with even better graphics after I buy this one ? Yes.

Note however that that level in the original game did NOT have snowy mountains in the background -- it was just plain blue.
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