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Official Mario 64 DS thread


How is this game going to control without an analog stick? Analog control was a big deal for Mario 64, so I'm a little curious as to how this game is going to handle. Stylus control?

*edit* Just saw one of the videos, and it looks very good in motion. Much better than the pics would suggest.


Woah, the video looks great. I've got a feeling a lot of these DS games will be looking better on the actual units, rather than screengrabs...




Ahem...does this mean that for each character in each level there will be a different boss strategy, or does it mean only one character can fight each boss?

Video looks awesome; definitely picking this up in the spring.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I'm not entirely sure how it works overall, but I'm pretty certain only one character will be able to do each star. It makes sense if you're going to give characters different abilities.

What I want to know is if the extra 30 stars over Mario 64 are within these levels, or if there are new worlds. Either way it's great, it's just in the latter it's greater.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
snapty00 said:
I guess you hate all modern 3D games, too, seeing as how they all use texture filtering.

Show me a modern 3D game that's as blurry as those N64 games. Oh, wait...you can't!! PSX and Saturn games weren't blurry either.


damn that video was nice....60fps and the textures look pretty good and I think the shimmering actually helps. All the geometry from the 64 version seems to be there too.


Mama Smurf said:
I'm not entirely sure how it works overall, but I'm pretty certain only one character will be able to do each star. It makes sense if you're going to give characters different abilities.

What I want to know is if the extra 30 stars over Mario 64 are within these levels, or if there are new worlds. Either way it's great, it's just in the latter it's greater.

I agree with this now; but will you be able to switch characters on the fly, or will you have to re-enter the level. It does seem, however, that the other three can take on Mario's abilities by capturing a Mario hat in each level...



As you can see, that is Yoshi with the Mario Hat on. Also...


The hat can be seen on the mountain here. As can Wario and Luigi Hats. So what? Can Yoshi, since he doesn't have a hat, take on the attribute of every character or something? I haven't seen similar hats in the shots with other characters.

Fuck, I was NOT expecting so many new game elements here...greatly impressed. Don't know if it will be new levels or not; some of the levels can be added onto easily (Ghost House) others cannot (A level like the Block Fortress has little room unless they add entirely new level elements). Either way, this Spring this will be one of the games I pick up.


Won't jumping be a little difficult if you're right handed? Without further control details it is hard to figure out. Either way, I'm a little worried about the normal one; frankly, having to use Y to run will mean holding Y a lot.

Oh...and you start off as Yoshi and have to find the other three? You must find Luigi first, as he fights the second Boss. Neat way of doing it, starting off must feel like a completely different game.
You know, control won't be much of a problem if the camera control is good. Half the problems in Mario 64 were caused by bad camera angles. The ability to walk and run along a narrow plank relied heavily on the analogue stick, but if the camera control is accurate then we'll be fine. It'll just be like SMS.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Memles said:
Won't jumping be a little difficult if you're right handed? Without further control details it is hard to figure out. Either way, I'm a little worried about the normal one; frankly, having to use Y to run will mean holding Y a lot.

Hopefully, and I won't rely on this being in there, but hopefully there'll be an option to change Y to walk and otherwise always run. It wouldn't be that bad holding Y all the time anyway, I'm quite used to holding a button down constantly for long periods of time after racing games.

I'm not sure what you mean about it being hard to jump if you're right handed though.
btrboyev said:
damn that video was nice....60fps and the textures look pretty good and I think the shimmering actually helps. All the geometry from the 64 version seems to be there too.

Of course it helps. Every review of a Nintendo 64 game bitched about the lack of textures. The PSX, which was far worse (When a game was truly 3D), mesmorized the reviewers into thinking shimmering solids were actually textures.

Chibbi Brady said:
You know, control won't be much of a problem if the camera control is good. Half the problems in Mario 64 were caused by bad camera angles. The ability to walk and run along a narrow plank relied heavily on the analogue stick, but if the camera control is accurate then we'll be fine. It'll just be like SMS.

I don't understand this. Both SMS and Mario 64 gave the user complete control over the camera.


Mama Smurf said:
I'm not sure what you mean about it being hard to jump if you're right handed though.

Well, if you're using your right hand with your stylus, and then jump must be mapped to a face button or there's some other way to do it.


Since only one cartdridge is necessary to play multiplayer, would it not be possible to play this game through warp pipe or something like that without owning the game or knowing anybody who does own it?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
btrboyev said:
damn that video was nice....60fps and the textures look pretty good and I think the shimmering actually helps. All the geometry from the 64 version seems to be there too.

Heh, we know it's 60 fps...but it's not like you can tell from that video. :p

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Memles said:
Well, if you're using your right hand with your stylus, and then jump must be mapped to a face button or there's some other way to do it.

Oh I see what you're saying. I imagine they could do something with the controls, but as I understand it you're meant to use your thumb (or this thumb stylus thing they're bringing out), in which case you'd still be using your left hand, just with a normal controller.
ravingloon said:
I don't understand this. Both SMS and Mario 64 gave the user complete control over the camera.

Mario 64 wasn't a completely manual camera. It would often swing around as you made your run for a long jump, the bridge on the first snow level for example.
If you have full control over the camera then little things like that don't happen and you can run around the place confident in where you're going.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I don't understand this. Both SMS and Mario 64 gave the user complete control over the camera.

Oh no it didn't.

Mario Sunshine did you give complete camera control, but Mario 64 most certainly did not. When you pressed a direction on the C-buttons, the camera would move 45 degrees one way or the other. You could not smoothly swing the camera to follow the action as you do in Sunshine.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
You guys HAVE to watch that video. It explains so much, and looks amazing.

Of note:

You appear to have complete control over the camera now via the touch screen, I should have paid more attention but it appeared to move smoothly and not jerk 45 degrees.

There are entire new levels.

The guy who was playing it was using the D pad most of the time and appeared to have absolutely no problems with it.


Mama Smurf said:
You appear to have complete control over the camera now via the touch screen, I should have paid more attention but it appeared to move smoothly and not jerk 45 degrees.

You paid enough attention, I noticed that myself.

Also LOVED the Toad bartender passing by; so awesome.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Did anyone listen to the music in the new level? Was it new? Never thought to take note.

This is how a port should be done. I really thought it was just going to be Mario 64 with a multiplayer, which seemed fair enough, but with the new additions I cannot wait to get my hands on it.


Mama Smurf said:
Did anyone listen to the music in the new level? Was it new? Never thought to take note.

This is how a port should be done. I really thought it was just going to be Mario 64 with a multiplayer, which seemed fair enough, but with the new additions I cannot wait to get my hands on it.

The music in the new level seemed indiscriminate to me...was more focused on seeing Luigi in a 3D Platformer. WOO!


Oh my god the 16 minute video was amazing!

Everything makes perfect sense now. This seems like a brand new game to me, I'm so excited.

I love all the old and new music too. Did anyone notice the Super Mario Sunshine music in the multiplayer level?


mattx5 said:
Oh my god the 16 minute video was amazing!

Everything makes perfect sense now. This seems like a brand new game to me, I'm so excited.

I love all the old and new music too. Did anyone notice the Super Mario Sunshine music in the multiplayer level?

And I proceeded to mark out. Love it.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
As they're making new levels anyway and the engine's already running on the DS, hopefully we'll get a brand new 3D Mario at some point during the system's lifespan.

Sorry, getting way ahead of myself.

Yeah, I did notice the Mario Sunshine music, I'm glad they're putting different tracks in.

The mini-games look really good. Luigi's look like they could keep me addicted for ages if any get it just right, and Mario's just look fun. Look forward to seeing what the other two have in store for us.


It's already posted in the Official SM64DS thread; I'd say we should try to keep it to one thread per game, if only to keep things organized.

That said, the video kicks major ass. Any idea what other demonstrations were given?


So thats the whole touch thing?! Finally I know what it is! Well, I'm guessing I kind of understand. It seems to be a type of cover for your thumb so your screen doesn't get all dirty and grundgy.


Scoobert said:
So thats the whole touch thing?! Finally I know what it is! Well, I'm guessing I kind of understand. It seems to be a type of cover for your thumb so your screen doesn't get all dirty and grundgy.

I think it's actually some sort of holder for the stylus that allows you to easily press buttons AND use the stylus on the touch screen...I think.


I'm glad you posted this cause I couldnt watch the other. After watching this demo, I'm quite excited about it.I'd rather have a whole new game, but this cool.


That 16min vid just explained everything. How I can be this excited over an 8 year old game is beyond me. And in motion, it looks great.


works for Gamestop (lol)
metdroid said:
And original mario 64 music. Man I loved that game.

Yeah, the music sounds great...pretty much the same actually. And they even included that Dolphin Town theme from Super Mario Sunshine in there...rock
Now that video was awesome., Mario 64 really looks slick, runs well, the added features are awesome, plus the new levels? I'm loving this as a launch title. A lot of people spent a lot of time on the original, and I feel they're going to spending a lot more time on this one.

It was too bad the touch control didn't work at the end though, would have loved to really see how that works. I'm sketchy about it as you're not going to have some kind of tactile bump for your fingers to recognize, but it could still work.


I just watched the video. OMFG. That looked great. I can't believe I'm this excited about Mario 64 again. I feel like I did back in 1996 when I first played this game. I totally marked out when Mario got the mushroom powerup and kicked those iron balls around like soccer balls.

The NDS to me seems like the greatest piece of Nintendo technology to hit since the SNES. I think this thing is going to be bigger than the GBA.
Where was this confirmed as being 60 fps? I can live without texture filtering if it truly is 60 fps, that would be incredible.


So mine! So many memories, god i have missed that music, it's just so meaty and i have forgotten how gigantic the game is plus all the meaningful extras and there are many of them. That 16 minute video was outstanding, i am absolutely stoked for this game.

Everyone needs to watch the 16 min. streaming video from Gamespot, it'll blow your mind how beautiful this game has remained/remade. :)
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