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Official Mario 64 DS thread


Panajev2001a said:
In the screen-shot I just posted... look at the snowflakes coming and the backgrounds seems to have a little bit less draw distance (somehow I feel that in many stages the far backgrounds are flat bitmpas, more so than what Super Mario 64 used).
Er, Mario 64's snowflakes were sprites in the original (not particle effects), the draw distance is identical from what we've seen and all Mario 64's backgrounds were bitmaps. Seriously Pana, maybe you should fire up the N64 and take a look at the game again...

Panajev2001a said:
Yes, the character detail increased, but remember the N64 was not T&L limited (it could do more in that area... all of it could do more... main RAM latency and lack of speed killed the N64 :p) and Super Mario 64 was not pushing the platform as much as people think (it was a first generation game).
Just as this game is fisrt generation, and likely not pushing DS full tilt? ;)

Sho Nuff

>>Er, Mario 64's snowflakes were sprites in the original (not particle effects),

But the engine is 3D, hence the particles ARE sprites?


The filtering is the only drawback IMO. I think the increased detail in models and the added art to the backgrounds make this look a lot better than the original game.


God. Some of those textures look absolutely awful. And Bowser's flames look starkishly ugly.

I really wish the DS had some built-in texture filtering.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
cybamerc said:
It's too bad Nintendo didn't go all out on the 3d hardware. With some texture filtering this would look about as good as Ape Escape on the PSP.

So, if they "went all out", this would look about as good as the second worst looking PSP game? Not too bad, considering the price and hardware differences...

Seriously though, it looks really nice. Having Mario 64 on the go is really damn cool.


I doubt texture filtering will make much difference on a small screen anyway. Regardless.. its all about the touchscreen. :drool


akascream said:
I doubt texture filtering will make much difference on a small screen anyway.
No. Maybe anti-aliasing wouldn't make much of a difference, but texture filtering would. Even if the screen is small, when these textures get ugly, they're taking up a significant portion of the screen, making them no longer small.

Sure, if every game on DS were in overhead view where nothing got closer to the screen, texture-filtering wouldn't help much, but that's not how it is.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
jarrod said:
Er, Mario 64's snowflakes were sprites in the original (not particle effects), the draw distance is identical from what we've seen and all Mario 64's backgrounds were bitmaps. Seriously Pana, maybe you should fire up the N64 and take a look at the game again...

Just as this game is fisrt generation, and likely not pushing DS full tilt? ;)

Particles effects are done usually with front-facing, quads split in two triangles... but that is just because we prefer triangles anyway ;))... what do they remind you of ;) ?

No, I remember for example the area around the castle showed in the firs Mario 64x4 demo and it looked different background wise.

Still, until I see long videos and I play Mario 64x4 myself, I will not be able to judge how faithful of a port this game is.
Panajev2001a said:
Particles effects are done usually with front-facing, quads split in two triangles... but that is just because we prefer triangles anyway ;))... what do they remind you of ;) ?.

are you being a) cheeky b) obscure c) techy?

My guess = pubic region / bikini? Isn't the reason for triangles because most engines can't deal with quads?

Sho Nuff

Panajev2001a said:
Still, until I see long videos and I play Mario 64x4 myself, I will not be able to judge how faithful of a port this game is.

I just watched some of the long videos at IGN, and the framerate seems much more consistent than the N64 one. The videos are only 30fps of course, but I remember Mario 64 dropping below that quite frequently.

Geometry seems to be about the same level of the N64 version, but it's OBVIOUS that MANY environment textures have been repainted.

I can't tell if the lack of filtering works or not, because a lot of the Mario 64 textures were blurred out mush. Gotta love that old 4k per texture limit on the N64.


Mario64 at DS resolution.


Mario 64x4 has better textures but without filtering it's going to look worse then Mario64 regardless.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Sho Nuff said:
I just watched some of the long videos at IGN, and the framerate seems much more consistent than the N64 one. The videos are only 30fps of course, but I remember Mario 64 dropping below that quite frequently.

Geometry seems to be about the same level of the N64 version, but it's OBVIOUS that MANY environment textures have been repainted.

I can't tell if the lack of filtering works or not, because a lot of the Mario 64 textures were blurred out mush. Gotta love that old 4k per texture limit on the N64.

You're wrong, actually. Mario 64 ran at a flawless 30 fps. Unlike most N64 games, Mario 64 really didn't slowdown...


Panajev2001a said:
Particles effects are done usually with front-facing, quads split in two triangles... but that is just because we prefer triangles anyway ;))... what do they remind you of ;) ?

Panajev2001a said:
No, I remember for example the area around the castle showed in the firs Mario 64x4 demo and it looked different background wise.
From the DS media we've seen? I can't find any real difference, could you poin t it out?

Insertia said:
Mario64 at DS resolution.


Mario 64x4 has better textures but without filtering it's going to look worse then Mario64 regardless.
How about using a shot running off a N64 rather than a PC emu?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
How about using a shot running off a N64 rather than a PC emu?

That's a pretty tall order...

Finding decent quality N64 shots is not particularly easy to do (especially for the older games).


That's a pretty tall order...

Finding decent quality N64 shots is not particularly easy to do (especially for the older games).

I guess that settles it then. The PC platform rocks the DS' 3D output. :p


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
akascream said:
But just for non-copyright demo's, right?

Absolutely! That Mario 64 screenshots really isn't Mario 64, you see. It only looks that way due to the small size. :D


Tag of Excellence
dark10x said:
More PC shots, eh?
Oops, I trusted Shacknews to have actual shots of the game and not emu grabs. I clicked on the links and sure enough, blatent emu grabs. The only other thing I could find that was quasi decent was a horribly blurry Mobygames grab.

EDIT: Although small these are nice:

Some quasi-decent shots:




Odd proportions but it looks about right:


The truth is Mario 64 DS does look less "stable" compared to the N64 version (like many people said here, resembling PSone hardware).
But the truth is also that on the little DS screen it does look very good, much, MUCH better than those screens suggest (just download the video). It also has improvements that are very welcome.
I should probably point out a few things here. The most important thing to note here is that DS games look a lot better in motion. Where-as some PSX games had strange texture warping in motion (not sure what the technical terms are), the DS games actually look more clear in motion because the textures become more solid.

Think of it this way. Looking through one of those "grained" windows on doors and standing still will only give you part of the picture. As soon as you start moving around, your brain starts to fill the holes with an increasingly solid picture. That's how the DS games work as well.
Looks pleasant enough....still shocked that Hunters is the pack-in, and not this.

Has any game been shown yet that actually uses the touch screen for something more than a status/map screen (I'm assuming the touch screen is the bottom screen on all of these DS screenshots)?
wtf? How did I get down to 5 from 6? I haven't even posted since this tag was added yesterday! This is getting ridiculous, Mike.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
DJ Demon J said:
Has any game been shown yet that actually uses the touch screen for something more than a status/map screen (I'm assuming the touch screen is the bottom screen on all of these DS screenshots)?

Yes, lots.
Mama Smurf said:
Yes, lots.

OK, my question was a serious one, and not a troll. I'd like to know which games have, because the only one I recall in all the DS game threads I've seen is Hunters (due to the gameplay screen being on bottom versus top in screenshots). If I'm going to get a post count ticked each time I even enter a Nintendo thread then just fucking ban me now for Christ's sake. :rolleyes


Tag of Excellence
DJ Demon J said:
OK, my question was a serious one, and not a troll. I'd like to know which games have, because the only one I recall in all the DS game threads I've seen is Hunters (due to the gameplay screen being on bottom versus top in screenshots).
Here's a nice little flash video that shows off a lot of the games and fun stylus use:

Take a loot at Nintendogs (Puppy Time now according to IGN) and that Surgery game, it looks pretty fun!


Geomon, Wario Ware, Project Rub all use the touchscreen...

The new Yoshi game too...

heck tons of them do, just look through the big thread or something...
TekunoRobby said:
Here's a nice little flash video that shows off a lot of the games and fun stylus use:

Take a loot at Nintendogs (Puppy Time now according to IGN) and that Surgery game, it looks pretty fun!

A surgery game eh? Now that sounds cool. Is it coming to the US? I could see an "Operation" Hasbro (or is that Milton-Bradley?) game for DS that would appeal to kids.

A stealth action game with a bomb disarming sequence done on the touch pad would be neat as well. Maybe Ubi's already got that planned; has SC been announced for DS yet?

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
The only reason I didn't give you a list of games is that there are so many. efralope has named some, then there's Advance Wars and Egg Monster Hero, many puzzle games...there's plenty anyway.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I'm actually thankful for the lack of filtering. That's one thing I never liked about the N64...all the games were blurry as hell.


Mario 64 DS still retains the style of Mario 64 and it still looks good so I'm not going to put the 64 and DS versions to an arm wrestling match

the more important thing is NEW CONTENT. This is almost a total remake it seems!


Tenguman said:
the more important thing is NEW CONTENT. This is almost a total remake it seems!

Exactly; Four Playable Characters and THIRTY EXTRA STARS.

Definitely picking it up this Spring.


Will start substantiating his hate
JC10001 said:
I'm actually thankful for the lack of filtering. That's one thing I never liked about the N64...all the games were blurry as hell.
That's because the N64 could only handle small textures.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Where-as some PSX games had strange texture warping in motion (not sure what the technical terms are)

PlayStation lacks a Z-buffer, for one thing. It would seem that the DS is perfectly capable of perspective correction. That, in and of itself, makes a huge difference.

I'm actually thankful for the lack of filtering. That's one thing I never liked about the N64...all the games were blurry as hell.

Honestly, in many cases, I found this to work out well. A game with bright, primary colors could simply use textures as a means to producing bright, smooth surfaces devoid of detail. This allowed for a rather cartoonish appearance that could be beautiful. When games attempted to display detail through textures, however, the limitations really caused some issues...


JC10001 said:
I'm actually thankful for the lack of filtering. That's one thing I never liked about the N64...all the games were blurry as hell.
I guess you hate all modern 3D games, too, seeing as how they all use texture filtering.
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