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Official NBA League Thread - Season 2!


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
I just got an update on my 360...........

I will have it back by Tuesday morning. So for the people that got a fake win over me, prepare to be tarnished.

Next week I'll be open for make up games between 7pm and 2am est.

Make Your Time.
ChrisJames said:
Good game. You're not that bad on offense, you had me scared in the 2nd half. I think you just need to figure out how to get your stars to score more effectively (Peja mainly).

P.S. stats saved [happy dance]

ColdBlooded, I know that you're usually gone on weekends (at least someone here has a life :D ) so maybe you could play your game tonight since we're going to be advancing on sunday. I don't know what Juan's schedule is, but it's no big deal if you don't get it in. Just doing my best to speed things along.

That's a trend I've been noticing lately...I'm a second half team. I have no idea why, but in my game against true the other day I had like 10 points in the first two quarters and suddenly 38 in the third. Too bad I got 8 in the fourth...


Fifty said:
Kems, if you scored 72 out of 100 points in the paint, and tried to force you way in using moves like the hop step again and again, that's just unacceptable. If the 72 points were legit, then, despite that being a messed up ratio, I have no issue with it..but if you're abusing the game by repeating the same moves again and again, that doesn't belong in the league.

this is too funny. i didnt even score one point off the dropstep. everytime i did it (by habit -(which was at most 5-7 times) i passed out of it instead of taking the shot. ask wellie and he'll tell you.

i coudnt make a shot to save my life in the first half (i shot around 35%) so i made an effort to take closer shots in the second half.

it was a fair game. i dont know what else you guys want me to do.


kememsi said:
this is too funny. i didnt even score one point off the dropstep. everytime i did it (by habit -(which was at most 5-7 times) i passed out of it instead of taking the shot. ask wellie and he'll tell you.
Er... from our AIM convo last night:

[23:04] kememsi: yeah i made a concious effort to go straight to the rim cause i coudnt hit a jumpshot to save my life. no rules against that. the times when i did the spin (on reflex), i'd pass it back out instead of shooting it
[23:05] InsecureKillah: i disagree, with the last part of your statement

But, like I said in the convo last night, even though I tried the 2-3, box, and the 1-3-1 to see if I can try and stop your super spinning drive penetration, there had to have been a way. And had I made just one more FT, we don't go to OT.


well then were not going to agree then. i know i passed when i did the dropstep which wasnt even that often. imo if i lost the game this would be a moot point.

moving on...


Steroid Distributor
I wonder if Ray Allen having the quickest release in the NBA makes it harder in this game because his release point sweet spot would be smaller. Just a thought.

Ray shot 4 for 19.

Best shooter in the NBA. Yup. 4 for freakin 19.

Truelize said:
I wonder if Ray Allen having the quickest release in the NBA makes it harder in this game because his release point sweet spot would be smaller. Just a thought.

Ray shot 4 for 19.

Best shooter in the NBA. Yup. 4 for freakin 19.


When my shooters suck ass I usually stop shooting with them, unless it's a dunk or something. I feel like that's just how this game is operating with me...


Steroid Distributor
pheeniks said:
When my shooters suck ass I usually stop shooting with them, unless it's a dunk or something. I feel like that's just how this game is operating with me...

But it's Ray. You don't have any shooters as good as Ray. Ray should be able to shoot 45% drunk.
Truelize said:
But it's Ray. You don't have any shooters as good as Ray. Ray should be able to shoot 45% drunk.

Riiiiggghhhht Face it True, Dude's gettin' old.

I think you might be confusing him with Dirk, Kobe, or D-Wade.

(I'm just giving you a hard time, he's still pretty damn good)

p.s. I'm tired of apologizing; Ray sucks.


Steroid Distributor
ChrisJames said:
Riiiiggghhhht Face it True, Dude's gettin' old.

I think you might be confusing him with Dirk, Kobe, or D-Wade.

(I'm just giving you a hard time, he's still pretty damn good)

p.s. I'm tired of apologizing; Ray sucks.

So does your mom. :)

Ray is hands down the best shooter in the NBA. He might not be an allstar anymore but he's still the best shooter.


Cloudy said:
I really suck right now :(

Trading Jamison before you played a single game was the worst move anyone's made this season. Add in the fact you haven't been able to dominate with Gilbert and no wonder you're struggling..Outside of those two guys that team is nothing.


Steroid Distributor
Wellington said:
Stop saying that. Even if you get rid of all centers and power forwards he's still not even top 10 this season:

http://www.nba.com/statistics/playe...AME&qualified=N&yearsExp=-1&splitDD=All Teams

Whatever. I would like you to name 10 players that have a better shot than Ray. I wonder why in every televised game they always go off about how he is the best shooter. They didn't say that until Reggie retired.
You don't have to like a player to understand and respect their skills. I'm not much of a Kobe fan but even I wouldn't put the ball in any other players hands at the end of a game. I think Kobe is the best at finding a shot or getting a shot off against whatever is thrown at him.

But Ray is the best catch and shoot shooter in the league. The only other players close to him when it comes to this is Richard Hamilton and Michael Redd. Hamilton only has consistent two point range when catching and shooting and Redd's release isn't as fast (he bobs it a bit). Ray can come off a screen, get bumped while going around, catch the ball, start his shot, turn in the air and still bang a three. His release is ridiculously fast.


Truelize said:
But Ray is the best catch and shoot shooter in the league.

Maybe you should run more plays with draw and kicks. Often times he'd try to create his own jumper in our game, to little success (I admit he missed more than in reality), but perhaps you should try drawing the D with the pg, using icon passing and having him shoot as soon as he gets it when there's no D around, or at least an out of position defender.

I tried to play him real tight in our game, and I pride myself on my D...but if you make me think he's not the one the play is for, I won't have time to adjust by the time he gets the ball. I'm just trying to offer constructive advice. This strategy I mention might not even work with that team, I'm just offering it because I used it well with Harris to Howard in our game.


Truelize said:
Whatever. I would like you to name 10 players that have a better shot than Ray.

You don't have to like a player to understand and respect their skills. I'm not much of a Kobe fan but even I wouldn't put the ball in any other players hands at the end of a game. I think Kobe is the best at finding a shot or getting a shot off against whatever is thrown at him.
It's not about me liking the guy or not, it's about their being empirical data saying that he is not the best shooter in the league. As for ten guys, it's clear you didn't even look at my link, but here is a list of ten guys that have a better FG% this season and aren't PFs or Cs.

Steve Nash
Luol Deng
Tony Parker
Grant Hill
Brent Barry
Carmello Anthony
Dwayne Wade
Caron Butler
Trevor Ariza
Shawn Marion



Well to be fair, almost all of those guys aren't their team's first option of offense, and therefore more teams will give them room compared to Ray, who is clearly his team's #1 threat. Aside from Carmelo and Wade, all of those guys on your list will have more space than Ray on any given night.


Fifty said:
Well to be fair, almost all of those guys aren't their team's first option of offense, and therefore more teams will give them room compared to Ray, who is clearly his team's #1 threat. Aside from Carmelo and Wade, all of those guys on your list will have more space than Ray on any given night.
Furthermore, Melo and Wade aren't shooters, more slashers and they mainly shoot as a way to set up drives. Allen is far better off of a screen ala Reggie Miller. Now even if, for instance, Avery Johnson shot 52% from the field and Miller shot 47%, i would say in a million years Johnson was the better shooter.

Wellington said:

Hey assholes, I was trying to set up Truelize.


funny shit :lol

In other news, I can't wait for my shot to knock off Mr. AKAballa next week. It's do or die time for me and the Pistons :(


ChrisJames said:
funny shit :lol

In other news, I can't wait for my shot to knock off Mr. AKAballa next week. It's do or die time for me and the Pistons :(
Beware of the leaping stealing centers, rebound!!!, and trying to contain McGrady...other wise, good luck, let the power of RIP guide you, use the FORCE!



Steroid Distributor
Wellington said:
It's not about me liking the guy or not, it's about their being empirical data saying that he is not the best shooter in the league. As for ten guys, it's clear you didn't even look at my link, but here is a list of ten guys that have a better FG% this season and aren't PFs or Cs.

Steve Nash
Luol Deng
Tony Parker
Grant Hill
Brent Barry
Carmello Anthony
Dwayne Wade
Caron Butler
Trevor Ariza
Shawn Marion


Yeah that list is garbage. A shooter isn't someone that has a high field goal percentage. It's a player that gets the majority of their points of off just taking mid-range to long-range jumpers. Grant Hill is a strict midrange jump shooter. I think he's attempted less than 20 threes all year so far. Ray takes 8 threes a game and still manages to shoot over 44%. Barry is kinda a shooter but it's not like his team runs 60% of their plays to get him an open shot.

Ray is hands down the best shooter in the league right now. Just like JJ. Reddick was the best shooter in college last year.

Marion a shooter. :lol I don't know if that is really a shot that he takes. It's more like a shove or a push.
When we start talking about who shoots the best from their navel you can bring Marion into the mix. :)


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
JJ > Ray in 2k7


Steroid Distributor
Matrix said:
JJ > Ray in 2k7

At least for you. Heck everyone has a shooter better than Ray when they are playing against me. Fifty uses Josh Howard like he's the second coming of Larry Bird.


After that game is done, I'm going to advance the league just until tomorrow afternoon. We've really got one game left (not counting jobber's) and I don't think Cold's ever played on a saturday, so people might be able to get some games in tonight, instead of the league just sitting there with no one playing.

Oh yeah...and everyone should vote in the poll I put up. It's not definitive, but I'd like to get a feel for what people like. We only have 5 votes so far. It's on the main league page, bottom right corner.
AKAballa with the league advancing today do you want to play our game tonight? It would be best for me if we could start before 5 or else late tonight.


Boooo, another 15+ point win for Aka. I'm advancing the league now just for tonight for the sad sacks who are around and able to play. It'll go back tomorrow afternoon and stay there until tomorrow late night, so Cold and Juan can play.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
noooooooooooooo I'm out the playoff standings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

I need to win 4 out of the 5 games I missed to stay in this

thanks to DCX for keeping 2nd place warm for me
Damn.... apparently AKA's got a bunch of superhumans in disguise as the Houston Rockets on his team. **** they can do anything. I got some practicin' to do :(


63% to 36%..Jesus. T Mac with 44 points on 20/26 shooting. At this point I know I have no chance of taking the #1 seed..I'll just sit back and shake my head at these blowouts.


You now belong to FMT.
I need to actually play this game more than once a week before the playoffs start, I dont even know what I am doing out there.. gg Aka


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Truelize said:
Aka is all Johny Nemonic with this game.

"He's inside it. He sees everything before it happens. He is the game"


I use to feel like that. I knew every stupid animation in the game. The key is to play an unorthodox style. Don't use your best player to score because obviously, that's where the other person will put the tightest D. It can work with a little practice.

Now since I haven't played a game in 3 weeks, I have no idea how I'll fair in the league because all I know how to play now is 2K6 on XB :\


jobber said:
I use to feel like that. I knew every stupid animation in the game. The key is to play an unorthodox style. Don't use your best player to score because obviously, that's where the other person will put the tightest D. It can work with a little practice.

Now since I haven't played a game in 3 weeks, I have no idea how I'll fair in the league because all I know how to play now is 2K6 on XB :\
You should have stayed away from 2k6...it might kill you when you touch 2K7 again.



Admins... Idea for next season if we have another is....

If the rosters arent accurate we can have a fantasy draft and everyone in the league will need to prerank there rosters. Example I'm the Celts ill have Pierce, West, Jefferson, Wally etc..... on my prerank list. However you may only keep 12 players on your team so choose 12 of the best players that you'll use on your team. Goodbye..


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Count me out if the league has trades where a team like Dallas can pick up Shaq.


Well at the beginning of the season it was your best 2 players on the team Rating wise but then it was changed due to Konex/Fifity wanting to deal Marquee players..

Like i proposed before a no trade list of players that we all select.

Miami = Wade and Shaq..

Dallas = Dirk & Terry

Wash = Jamison & Arenas etc.......

We should have gone that route but i'm not an admin.. So sorry you feel that way..:)


You might well be a commish, and then you can argue with konex instead of doing what I did and letting him change the rule. I probably won't be back in S3.
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