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Official NBA2K9 GAF Season...6(?) Thread!

So we discovered last night...

-3 pt shooting has to be bumped up. Barbosa, James Jones, and Raja Bell bricked every open three...

-It was harder to score inside but it seemed easy to get there..like my defenders were not physical at all when Wade would drive in and he'd just get an easy dunk

-Still too easy to score in point. As konex has demonstrated...


I just saw your message to me Cerrius. Yeah, I know you were playing a zone (most likely to stop Snaq) and that's why I kept shooting those threes. and I made like....I think one? :lol


pheeniks said:
So we discovered last night...

-3 pt shooting has to be bumped up. Barbosa, James Jones, and Raja Bell bricked every open three...

-It was harder to score inside but it seemed easy to get there..like my defenders were not physical at all when Wade would drive in and he'd just get an easy dunk

-Still too easy to score in point. As konex has demonstrated...


I just saw your message to me Cerrius. Yeah, I know you were playing a zone (most likely to stop Snaq) and that's why I kept shooting those threes. and I made like....I think one? :lol

3pt and and Points in paint can be fixed, but I dunno about the Wade deal. I remember reading in some interviews before the game dropped, that there are certain players that really can score at will just like in the NBA (Lebron, Kobe etc) so I dunno if that's just how the game is or what for superstars.
Smokey said:
3pt and and Points in paint can be fixed, but I dunno about the Wade deal. I remember reading in some interviews before the game dropped, that there are certain players that really can score at will just like in the NBA (Lebron, Kobe etc) so I dunno if that's just how the game is or what for superstars.

yeah. well we played more and i'm making adjustments here and there, i'll let yo uknow what i get


  1. Shawn - Lakers
  2. CB3 - Bucks
  3. Truelize - Cavs
  4. Malley(?) - Jazz
  5. kirbybreezy Blazers
  6. viakado Hawks
  7. Hunter D Spurs

Still need to sign into league..


Steroid Distributor
I'll have to check the sliders that Smokey put up but if they are the ones he and I used a couple of nights again then the 3pt slider does NOT need to be adjusted at all. We both shot pretty well in our games and I shot incredibly well in one of them.

I'm signing into the league right now. Been a busy week :D


I wanna get a game in with the league slider tonight, around 9 est. Let me know if any one is around to make that happen.



kirbybreezy said:
Where am I supposed to find the League. Was I supposed to get an invite? And I already checked my PM for the info.

Go to leagues on your 360...join league...enter GAF League in search...enter password in PM.

DCX said:
Smokey, let's do this, are you around?


Yeah i've been online waiting for you since like 905 your time:lol


They seemed to work for you, but it did nothing for me. Threes were realistic, but man you hit every shot it seemed. 58% damn, i went for 42% and i missed a shit load of shots at the rim and man Yao is going to kill this league lol. Them seemed right, the problem is the Knicks, like my Falcons, are rated soooo much lower than they should be that it reflects bad in game as i try to play with them as they play in real life :/ Oh well, gg.



You like me, you really really like me!
DCX said:
They seemed to work for you, but it did nothing for me. Threes were realistic, but man you hit every shot it seemed. 58% damn, i went for 42% and i missed a shit load of shots at the rim and man Yao is going to kill this league lol. Them seemed right, the problem is the Knicks, like my Falcons, are rated soooo much lower than they should be that it reflects bad in game as i try to play with them as they play in real life :/ Oh well, gg.


post players in general will kill this league. i had a dude lighting it up on me with varejao the other day(even after I tripled team him). post game is retarded this year :lol


viakado said:
hey smokey, im still on vacation til the 27th.

oh ya I forgot.

pheeniks said:
we need to lower shot close a lot for sure...and quickness/speed even more

On post game yeah they made it pretty powerful. At the same time though, Yao is what he is. He's rated at 94 @ 7'6 I believe and before he got hurt last season was the best big man in the league so lowering the inside shots to nerf him or anybody else that has a good post rating in the game doesn't seem right. If that's the case then close shots need to be made 5 or something.

I think because of last year (2k8) there were a lot of missed buckets that should've been good and the mid range game wasn't as good as it should've. This year they mid range is really good, and if you can get a relatively good shot for 3 it has a good chance of going in too.

I do agree that quickness/speed can be lowered a bit though.
okay, maybe not lower post game. but somehow give the defenders the ability to challenge the shot...it's like players like yao and beasley score at will. and beasley's 6'7. but any shot he takes in the post goes in...and that ain't right. (as much as I'd like that to be RL)
messing with sliders too much seems to hurt everyone except the intended superstars who continue on unfettered for the most part.

I was thinking help defense strength would be another way of coming at it it would punish players who take shots in extreme traffic/coverage

so would dunks in traffic etc,

but I'll get back to you on that.


Steroid Distributor
I don't think we can lower inside shots too much. Like kirbybreezy just said, if you lower it too low you hurt the average players more than the stars. The stars are gonna get their points. They are. Period.
I'm curious if there is an actual way to defend the inside game well. In my second game against Smokey last week, which I won, I did a good job at staying in front of Yao and making him shoot over me VS being able to turn into the paint for a shot. He actually missed some and it changed the pace of the game.
But it seems that if you are moving your defender around while locked in contact with the post players they can just do their basic shot animations and get their buckets.

It's really hard to say. But with our rules on points in the paint and playing sim ball on a honest level I think we should be able to encourage our league participants to not live on the inside shots.
Smokey and I talked about lowering the points in the paint to 45 or ever 40 this year because of how easy it is to score in the paint and how much better the midrange game is this year.

My worry with that is that when the game is on the line everyone will be looking for high percentage shots (near the hoop) and there is no way I want someone to have to settle for long range jumpers because if they score inside it would put them over a rule limit and give them the loss. I want to see competitive games that have dramatic finishes, not games where people are stuck playing a certain style because we have the points in the paint set really low.
Well I find that when I play, I naturally get a lot of points in the paint. I don't cheese. I just take what's given to me...which is a nice easy shot up close. Plus, my guys never seem to WANT to take midrange. It's either a spot up three or a penetration inside.


Prologue Type S Alpha
pheeniks said:
Well I find that when I play, I naturally get a lot of points in the paint. I don't cheese. I just take what's given to me...which is a nice easy shot up close.

This. I find that with the Pistons (as I would expect), I end up with a LOT of second-chance points, where McD, Maxiell, Prince, or even Sheed are cleaning up missed jumpers by the perimeter guys.

I can't say that I've scoured the stats, but I haven't seen second chance points tallied by the game, and I'm a little worried that those may count against the "points in the paint" cap. I'd hate to have to start kicking the ball back outside after a close o-reb.

Plus, my guys never seem to WANT to take midrange. It's either a spot up three or a penetration inside.
Haven't seen that problem yet --- Rip, Billups, and even Prince seem to find their fair share of midrange j's.

I find myself making a lot of mistakes and attempting to do stupid things that 2K8 would let you get away with like passes across the lane in a half-court offense or taking only 3's or drives. When I stop fighting the plays and actually use the screens that are set for my shooters, it's solid.

Surprisingly, my biggest gameplay change that I miss is being able to throw a lead pass --- unless it's there in another form now.


I'm not sure when this league is scheduled to start, but I am currently out of town visiting my Grandma (she is not doing well.) I was supposed to be back tonight, but her health has gotten dramatically worse so I am staying until this friday night. I just wanted to let you guys know, I haven't just dropped out.


I don't understand this points in the paint issue. If I have 45 points in the paint, and one of my big guys underneath picks up a rebound and scores and brings me to 47 I lose the game???

I can understand if I have like 70 points in the paint. Otherwise I'm going to have to pause the game after a rebound just to see if I can score without kicking it out. :lol


Mrbob said:
I don't understand this points in the paint issue. If I have 45 points in the paint, and one of my big guys underneath picks up a rebound and scores and brings me to 47 I lose the game???
No game has been over turned for that reason but i think Truelize gave someone a win due to scoring about 60-70 points in the paint but it wasn't paint abuse just like you said, put backs, fast breaks and the fact his outside game was off. I don't know. It's just a rule to help us keep it in mind. If i'm down 2 and i have a lane to the basket, i'm going for the dunk, screw it. :lol



do not lower close shots,trust me. you will all get extremely frustrated when your bench player miss wide open layups on the regular, and your reserve post players miss layups right under the basket. this will be the consequence of lowering the close shots slider.


daw840 said:
I'm not sure when this league is scheduled to start, but I am currently out of town visiting my Grandma (she is not doing well.) I was supposed to be back tonight, but her health has gotten dramatically worse so I am staying until this friday night. I just wanted to let you guys know, I haven't just dropped out.

Well the league is created and shawn can't sign in until he gets his 360 back from MSoft. Last season you were able to sign in either with your console OR do it online, but it looks like they took out that ability this season. So when he gets his console back we'll be good to go, plus the patch to fix the numerous problems this game has online is being worked on.
maybe we can lower quickness/speed, that way we put ourselves in a position to defend post shots better?

and yeah, there was one game where i had over half my points in the paint vs. Truelize. But I also took a shit load of threes/midrangers, they weren't falling, so i was like fuck it i'm not passing outside the paint if i have the chance to score :lol
Smokey said:
Well the league is created and shawn can't sign in until he gets his 360 back from MSoft. Last season you were able to sign in either with your console OR do it online, but it looks like they took out that ability this season. So when he gets his console back we'll be good to go, plus the patch to fix the numerous problems this game has online is being worked on.

Sorry guys, I hope to have my system back this week. The likely scenario is that I'll be getting it back early next week though. :(


Shawnwhann said:
Sorry guys, I hope to have my system back this week. The likely scenario is that I'll be getting it back early next week though. :(

It's cool it's out of your hands, plus this wouldn't be an issue if 2K would've left the ability to join leagues online.


Are the online modes still a freakin' joke to anyone else? It's so frustrating trying to create a game only to be denied into a lobby. :|


Prologue Type S Alpha

Hello Everyone,

We have added an addition to the online leagues for NBA 2K9 and NHL 2K9 to allow users to emulate the revered "Flex schedule" feature. For those who do not know what "Flex Schedule" is, it basically allows any game in a league to be played in any order.

The "Flex Schedule Que" addition will allow the same end result. The difference is each team has a "que" of games in which they can play. If a user wants to play a game in a different order then they simply move the game they wish to play into their "que". The limitations are each teams que can not exceed 5 games and must have at least 1 game in their que.

Commish's: To turn on "Flex Schedule Que" for your league
Login to 2ksports.com and goto your leagues home page.
Click "Admin" from your leagues menu system
Click "League Options"
You will see a button to turn on flex schedule que, click this button
Please note this feature can not be undone. So please consider carefully if you wish to enable this feature for your league

For users: If you are in a league that has "Flex Schedule Que" turned on, to manage your que is simple.
Login to 2ksports.com and goto your leagues home page
Hover over the "My Team" menu option, a drop down will appear
In the drop down, click "Edit schedule"
There are 2 boxes, the first box is your "Que", games you can play at any time. The second box is all other games. Simply move games in and out of your que to play them as you see fit. It is advised you edit your schedule while your and your opponents console is not online. If it is, we recommend a fresh reboot to ensure all stats record correctly.

We apologize to all our fans who have enjoyed the "Flex schedule" feature and hope this addition represents our commitment to always improving our products and our commitment to our fans and community.

This is not encouraging.


^^^hey check ur pm's

COMPLETELY unrelated but lets go scott kazmir!!

Representing us (Cy Falls HS alumni) on the big stage tonight!! No hitter comin on in game 1:lol
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