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Official NeoGAF Madden Season 7 League Thread: I love's me some jump passing!


Why don't we try for 8 pm MT if that will work for you... I have a bunch of crap I need to do this afternoon, but I should be back by that time.

Matrix: Same deal, if you're available around 9-ish (assuming Ando's good for 8), it would be nice to get both games taken care of.


I can run tonight if you want. around 10cnt? It all depends on Ando's game. whenever he finishes, i can play right after that.

this is colts


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
SickBoy said:
Why don't we try for 8 pm MT if that will work for you... I have a bunch of crap I need to do this afternoon, but I should be back by that time.

Matrix: Same deal, if you're available around 9-ish (assuming Ando's good for 8), it would be nice to get both games taken care of.

Yea I should be able to play around 11 pm eastern time....you using Sickboy as your madden screen name?

Just so you know my madden screen name is matrixadw.
gg bird. dont know what was up w/ that lag late :(

i tried to give you a chance on that final drive by not running the clock, even got hit with possibly the WORST lag of the game on that passing play, but with no blitz on i could compose myself and hit the receiver. harrisson is a dangerous man... that play before the end of the half made me so mad


Yeah, i dont hink there was a single play that didnt make me mad. It seemed like if I ran the ball, i couldnt take 1/2 a step with my RB. I didn't know the Browns had such a dominate D-Line...wait...they done, HAHA! I dont get wtf is up with my team. I play the Raiders, Bengals, and Texas, and my team plays fine. I play the damn BROWNS and my team turns to MUSH...I love this game.

I play the damn BROWNS and my team turns to MUSH...I love this game.

its not the team buddy :D

you missed a lot of opportunities. i'm surprised you didn't catch on to what i was doing on defense. if you had seen it, you could've had a lot of easy big gainers. but, such is life!


Matrix said:
Yea I should be able to play around 11 pm eastern time....you using Sickboy as your madden screen name?

Just so you know my madden screen name is matrixadw.

It's SickBoyGA. I'll probably be on when you sign on, so search and add, but I'll try to remember yours too :)


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Cool,I'll be online then and send you a challenge.


Ok FMT I think Hito stole your gameshark away from you and uses it on me!

Hmm let me knock it out of jerovicious hands on 3rd and 10. OH WHY DON'T YOU FALL RIGHT INTO ENGRAMS HANDS AND RUN FOR A BIG GAIN.

Up 19-14 late in the 4th on 3rd and 20, lets throw a 40 yard pass that engram decides to jump up and catch with two defenders in his face. On and on the last TD play of the game lets let the cb and safety stand there as the TE catches the ball. Give me a BREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Bob am cry.

Dont worry I'll join you soon enough after Sickboy abuses me.


Mrbob said:
Ok FMT I think Hito stole your gameshark away from you and uses it on me!

Hmm let me knock it out of jerovicious hands on 3rd and 10. OH WHY DON'T YOU FALL RIGHT INTO ENGRAMS HANDS AND RUN FOR A BIG GAIN.

Up 19-14 late in the 4th on 3rd and 20, lets throw a 40 yard pass that engram decides to jump up and catch with two defenders in his face. On and on the last TD play of the game lets let the cb and safety stand there as the TE catches the ball. Give me a BREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK.

Sounds like you played against yourself.


Setec Astronomer
BTW, that final last-10-seconds TD pass was also ~40 yards. When I saw it drop into Stevens hands the first thing that came to mind was mrbob's controller falling to the floor.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Losing Carr in the first quarter and the whole game....priceless.

Its bad enough i suck so far at this version.

gg sickboy. I just cant for the life of me get this game down with the dual shock :\


Yeah, losing Carr sucked for you. You've got a neat offense to play against. It's weird going from the Miguel Texans to the Matrix Texans... you did some interesting things that made me shift off gameplan for a bit, and they might have set up your big plays.

GG to Ando, too.

Not liking these high-scoring games after having such a good defensive season last year..

Also, jeers to FMT for advancing the week, naming LaMont Jordan POTW, only to see Tomlinson rack up 174 yards and 3 TDs. It's a conspiracy, I tells ya :)


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
GOD I'M STILL PISSED ABOUT CARR GOING DOWN! I knew Sickboy was going to beat me,but come on,my first ever league game on the PS2 and I have to use old man Banks :lol :(

Sickboy you play some great run D,locked down Davis except for one run near the end of the game and I'm sure at that point you were taking it easy on me :p


Someone want to replace me in the league, find one and i'm done with this game. 3 games in drama!!!

Another game scoring tieing/leading drive off of a bobble pass on the head on a 3rd down. Bounce off of two of my players heads and then five yards forwards into the receivers hands. I've played two games in a row now where the cpu stripped a victory away from me at the end of the game. :/


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Mrbob said:
Someone want to replace me in the league, find one and i'm done with this game. 3 games in drama!!!

Another game scoring tieing/leading drive off of a bobble pass on the head on a 3rd down. Bounce off of two of my players heads and then five yards forwards into the receivers hands. I've played two games in a row now where the cpu stripped a victory away from me at the end of the game. :/

Bog Jr.


Matrix said:


If you had half the stuff happen to me tonight you would have quit by halftime of the first game. ;)

I'm not quitting foolio but I need to shake this hex. :/


FrenchMovieTheme said:
:lol oh bob. we all hit losing streaks buddy. you will snap out of it. i can give you some tips if you like :D :D

Yes, teach me the 20 yard pass to the defender double head bounce pushing the ball forward another 5 yards into your receivers hands please. :D


Hitokage said:
You know what?

I think it's your avatar.

You're right.

I need to start thinking outside the box. Start thinking space and time. 4D! You are a genious! I shall have my new 4D battleplan in place for my next opponent! KK I WILL NOT LET YOU DOWN.

MiG and I had a crazy game. too many deflections, and one TD that went like this:

Pass to Steve Smith, deflected! Phillips, DEFLECTED! Steve Smith catches the ball! Run for 60 more yards!


WasabiKing said:
MiG and I had a crazy game. too many deflections, and one TD that went like this:

Pass to Steve Smith, deflected! Phillips, DEFLECTED! Steve Smith catches the ball! Run for 60 more yards!


That sucked

Pass deflected by Ronde, bounces off of Wasabi's TE, bounces off of Phillips' hand, right into Steve Smith who is somehow already in full stride as he catches the ball, endzone, 1 of the 2 plays that dramatically affected the outcome. The other one was a WIDE FUCKING OPEN PASS TO PITTMAN AT THE GOAL LINE WHO LET IT BOUCNES OF HIS FUCKING HANDSLKDFJLSKDJFL:SDKFJ:LSDKFJL:SDKFJ:LSDKFJSLKFJ:LSDKJF:LSKDFJ


Pittman = benched for the rest of the fucking season. 3rd down back my ass.


GG. I don't see how I can hold Tomlinson in check with Denver and then have a much better defense get ran all over. That 72 yarder was complete crap, but that's fine because right before that I got a 70 yarder Wellington style Mario crap run for a TD. The 34 yarder where I got a pussy 2 inch dive from Demps and Reed bounces right off though really pissed me off. Not as much as that last kickoff though. Lands 2 yards into the endzone, bounces out. Gotta grab it! No wait it bounced back into the endzone. Oh noes it bounced back out! Ball at the 4? Yes! I knew the first play would be a blitz and for the life of me Boller would not throw the ball. This is going to be a long season. He probably should have thrown atleast 2 more picks, it seems if there is a slight breeze in the room brushing on my analog stick Boller will put the ball 5 yards behind the target and 10 yards ahead of him.

Is Bob complaining? :lol He used to be the master of double coverage catches by practice squad WR's. He beat me in the AFC title game two seasons ago with a triple coverage and double coverage catch on the last drive alone :lol


Andokuky said:
GG. I don't see how I can hold Tomlinson in check with Denver and then have a much better defense get ran all over. That 72 yarder was complete crap, but that's fine because right before that I got a 70 yarder Wellington style Mario crap run for a TD. The 34 yarder where I got a pussy 2 inch dive from Demps and Reed bounces right off though really pissed me off. Not as much as that last kickoff though. Lands 2 yards into the endzone, bounces out. Gotta grab it! No wait it bounced back into the endzone. Oh noes it bounced back out! Ball at the 4? Yes! I knew the first play would be a blitz and for the life of me Boller would not throw the ball. This is going to be a long season. He probably should have thrown atleast 2 more picks, it seems if there is a slight breeze in the room brushing on my analog stick Boller will put the ball 5 yards behind the target and 10 yards ahead of him.

Is Bob complaining? :lol He used to be the master of double coverage catches by practice squad WR's. He beat me in the AFC title game two seasons ago with a triple coverage and double coverage catch on the last drive alone :lol

Man don't give me that fucking horseshit. I had but ONE long TD run last season and that was against Bob. Only Mario Crap running there was last year was from your fucking BS counters to the outside bounce off people for the first down shit. If you didn't fucking realize, my passing game picked up almost all of the slack last season for a running game that finished with 700 less yards than the season before that. Far as I can see, there are maybe 1 or 2 more people that follow their blockers as well as I do in this league, that shit leads to big yardage, not the lucky crap against unwitting opponents that you do. It's not a mystery to me how your running game all but disappeared against me last year, mister 6 points.

Maybe you should fucking pick up your game before talking about what other people do.

And before you run your mouth about last season some more, take a look at the stats first: http://www.leaguedaddy.com/leagues/seasons/?lid=1307&sid=1802


I hope you aren't serious with all that whining :lol

My comment was about our game on the Xbox season when Barber busted out a long ass TD run after being stuck behind the line for an hour. It had nothing to do with you, that just happens in the game sometimes. Sorry I only put 6 on you, I had a horrible game and honestly you've simply invested much more time into the game than I ever would. Sorry my running game with Denver was so rough on you, maybe you're the one who should step up the run defense. Other teams had no problem making Bell look like shit. If you're serious with that reply maybe you should grow a pair and quit being such a pansy :lol



Andokuky said:
I hope you aren't serious with all that whining :lol

My comment was about our game on the Xbox season when Barber busted out a long ass TD run after being stuck behind the line for an hour. It had nothing to do with you, that just happens in the game sometimes. Sorry I only put 6 on you, I had a horrible game and honestly you've simply invested much more time into the game than I ever would. Sorry my running game with Denver was so rough on you, maybe you're the one who should step up the run defense. Other teams had no problem making Bell look like shit. If you're serious with that reply maybe you should grow a pair and quit being such a pansy :lol


Hey, douche, you had 80 yards rushing on me in garbage time in the fourth quarter of our game last season. You had a total of about 110 rushing yards. You didn't rip me apart at all.

I need to grow a pair considering you're the one using questionable tactics and a team that was much more loaded than most others last season, and then you bitched after every loss saying how you were cheesed. Yeah, I should grow a pair.




Yea yea they were all "garbage yards" late in the game.

So which is it, am I using "questionable tactics" and cheesing my way to great rushing yards or is it a tactic easy to tackle so easy that you held me to 20-30 yards aside from "garbage 4th quarter" yards? Contradict much? Not that I really care about a "questionable tactics" comment from anyone whose TE lead their team in receptions :lol Denver was "loaded"? Only in RB's, LB's and the offensive line. You had a WR core just as good, a RB just as good, a dominant TE and a better defensive line. Please :lol

I don't recall ever coming on here griping about being 'cheesed'. About getting the short end of the BS stick? Sure, but so does almost everyone else. Hell Bob just threatened to quit after being BS'ed two games in a row. Throw some tears his way please.


Andokuky said:

Yea yea they were all "garbage yards" late in the game.

So which is it, am I using "questionable tactics" and cheesing my way to great rushing yards or is it a tactic easy to tackle so easy that you held me to 20-30 yards aside from "garbage 4th quarter" yards? Contradict much? Not that I really care about a "questionable tactics" comment from anyone whose TE lead their team in receptions :lol Denver was "loaded"? Only in RB's, LB's and the offensive line. You had a WR core just as good, a RB just as good, a dominant TE and a better defensive line. Please :lol

I don't recall ever coming on here griping about being 'cheesed'. About getting the short end of the BS stick? Sure, but so does almost everyone else. Hell Bob just threatened to quit after being BS'ed two games in a row. Throw some tears his way please.

Once again, Burress had more receptions than Shockey at the end of last season. I don't play like you or MrBob.

You're using counters that are easily brought down by covering the run win zone d. Against a man coverage you'd easily exploit the defense, which you did for most of the year.


And why would I be the crying baby, I have won every season game against you by pretty large margins. :lol

Hito: I call it "The Matrix Curse"


Wellington said:
Once again, Burress had more receptions than Shockey at the end of last season. I don't play like you or MrBob.

You're using counters that are easily brought down by covering the run win zone d. Against a man coverage you'd easily exploit the defense, which you did for most of the year.

And why would I be the crying baby, I have won every season game against you by pretty large margins. :lol

Hito: I call it "The Matrix Curse"


Yea sure he did, just like all my yards on you were "garbage" yards in the 4th because suddenly the AI in the game gave up or something :lol Both of my WR's were ahead of my TE in catches, thanks :)

You're 2-1 against me in Madden online, by the way. Now it is "cheese" to exploit a man defense? Please. Is there anything you won't say? My team was loaded. My run game was cheese and unstoppable. No wait, actually it's very easy to stop but you let me have garbage yards. My tight ends name is Ashley Lelie. It's wrong to exploit defenses. You aren't acting like a 4 year old. Blah blah :lol

Really, I don't know how that bug got in your ass. I figured reading that post you'd remember your Mario run and laugh just like I did. If I'd known you'd throw a tantrum I wouldn't have said anything.
god damn you guys are crying! Relax.

BTW, what is up with some of you running up the score. If you're dominating 35-0, you should put that in cruise control.


Setec Astronomer
WasabiKing said:
BTW, what is up with some of you running up the score. If you're dominating 35-0, you should put that in cruise control.
You're right. It's against the rules.

What's the penalty?
I'm glad I get to play Ando this season. I want Archaix this season though, never got the chance last season. And I still need one more game on my schedule with Hito. MAKE IT HAPPEN, FMT.
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