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Official NeoGAF US Mid-term Elections 2006 Thread

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If Webb doens't win in VA-SEN, Dems don't take the Senate. There's no way that Webb would lose and Ford would win.

There looks to be some real fun House races developing in IN and KY. Watch them, they'll tell you how the rest of the night pans out. We may be looking at another 1994 where 10+ races may be decided by 10K votes or less.


Cheebs said:
Mark Foley is up 49% to 48%.



Chichikov said:
He’s not running.

The whole Foley scandal happened too late to get Foley's name off the ballot. Essentially if you vote for Foley, you're voting for Joe Negron.


Brace yourself, lads. We're about to start getting numbers from a shit ton of states here. The worm will turn in the next hour, methinks.
Johan van Benderschlotten said:
KY 03 is looking like a real weathervane here. Yarmouth still up by 1 to 2% with over 80% of precincts in.

What is KY 03, and what are the parties of the candidates


Honorary Canadian.
Question: When I went to vote we had 5 proposals to vote on. They printed the proposals on the back of the ballot. I voted on them but my mom didn't even know they were there apparently, and I'm wondering if this is something I should bitch about. They didn't note ANYWHERE in the building that the props were on the back of the ballot... I thought it was no big deal but I'm wondering if my mom missed it, how many other people did too.


Link648099 said:
What is KY 03, and what are the parties of the candidates
3rd Congressional district of Kentucky. Yarmouth is the Democratic challenger, wasn't thought to have much of a chance against the incumbent Northup. This could be an indicator of bigger things to come.


Best point I heard all night:

It's better for the Dems to only take the House, not the Senate as well, that shields them from another potential "our government sucks" backlash in 2008 when they want to take the presidency.


Cheebs said:
**** Kean is beating Menendez.

Kean, Jr. 53%
Menendez 43%
That's disastrous. NJ needed to be safe, if they lose that there's NO hope of taking the Senate, and add on that you have to take Virginia too... not looking good.

Edit: Ok, it's like not even 1% reporting in NJ yet. I'm gonna chug a beer and chill.


Link648099 said:
Back to repub in Virginia, back and forth, no use predicting. Looks good for repub though

I'm sure at this rate, no matter who wins there'll be at least one recount.


I have finally decided that I don't want Ford to win because he is the only only person who can run for mayor of Memphis and win and save the city. So go Corker!


jjasper said:
I have finally decided that I don't want Ford to win because he is the only only person who can run for mayor of Memphis and win and save the city. So go Corker!
Won't he go back to the House?
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