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Official NeoGAF US Mid-term Elections 2006 Thread

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Lost Fragment said:
with all the whackiness that's gone on in the Virgina race, I think it's pretty certain that there'll be a recount.

**** this, I'm going to Wendy's. I'm hungry. I'll be back in a half-hour or so.


Juice said:
Wow, you guys are brutal.

I think Santorum is a pretty genuine, friendly guy. I don't agree with most of his politics, but I wouldn't cheer on his little girl's crying.

His little girl crying is just funny. It's not like he's dead, or that he was tortured or kidnapped. He simply lost an election.

A man who has brought hate and hurt unto others, now in a position like this...it's hard not to find amusement in this.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
LM4sure said:
You're probably right, but you never know!! He's very charismatic. I like him a lot!
You are without a doubt the most despicable poster on GAF.


Phoenix said:
Nah. CNN won't ever call a close one again. Perhaps you don't recall the issues of the calling a certain presidential election and then having the IT department managers have to appear before Congress to explain how they called it.

Painful memories :)

Yea, the media got burned on that badly in 2000, erring on the side of caution.


Depressing that the Dems can't take it with all that's happened. Repubs could torture babies on TV and still get 30% of everything.


chase said:
Depressing that the Dems can't take it with all that's happened. Repubs could torture babies on TV and still get 30% of everything.
Don't get greedy, they did pretty well. The Senate was always a longshot, and when 2008 rolls in they can blame everything wrong on the Republican Senate.


Shard said:
Yea, the media got burned on that badly in 2000, erring on the side of caution.

One of the systems that I worked on while at CNN was the system rewrite for the 2004 elections and the level of certification that went into THAT system was absolutely incredible.


Phoenix said:
One of the systems that I worked on while at CNN was the system rewrite for the 2004 elections and the level of certification that went into THAT system was absolutely incredible.

Do tell, do tell.


James Carville always has the wisest opinions on these things, imo.

"We're seeing two countries, the South and the rest of America."

"By Thanksgiving we'll be in Iraq longer than we were in World War II when we were against Nazi Germany and Japan. If Bush has a strategy how to win this I don't see it."

Carville rocks.


Shard said:
Do tell, do tell.

PM me for more information, but I'll just say that there were a lot of people sleeping at the office over the course of many nights to ensure that the system would perform properly and that unless there was absolute assurance that a race could be called (and multiple data sources were used for that), the state would not be called regardless of how many precincts had reported.


VA SEN [97.20% IN]
R- ALLEN 1,070,640 49.79%
D- WEBB 1,053,602 49.00%

Turn out the lights.......the party's over......


ToxicAdam said:
Cardin Dem 190689 49%
Steele Rep 188124 49%
Zeese Grn 6054 2%

Wow! Look how close. Damn you dirty Green party!!

31% of precincts reporting

The democratic strongholds aren't in, thats why it was a easy prediction


Tamanon said:
VA SEN [97.20% IN]
R- ALLEN 1,070,640 49.79%
D- WEBB 1,053,602 49.00%

Turn out the lights.......the party's over......

I predict a manual count being called for :)


ToxicAdam said:
Wow! Look how close. Damn you dirty Green party!!


I know you didn't mean this seriously, but I'm really wondering: Why would anyone in the US vote for a liberal/third party Governor/Senator/President (in general, there are some exceptions)? I mean if you want your vote not to count, simply invalidate it ..


I don't know shit about shit
You guys have no idea how much of a Republican stronghold Virginia is. It was a miracle that Jim Webb got even this far down here.


How is Hilary Clinton, one of the most heavily funded Senators going to say "we're going to take back Congress from Special Interests".:lol :lol

Woooo, Crist!

If he's half as good as Jeb was, it's good times.


zou said:
I know you didn't mean this seriously, but I'm really wondering: Why would anyone in the US vote for a liberal/third party Governor/Senator/President (in general, there are some exceptions)? I mean if you want your vote not to count, simply invalidate it ..

Logically speaking you are correct. But to have a vote, you are able to do WHATEVER you want with it. Some people truly believe in the Green party and choose to use their votes that way.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Wow some of you guys are way too excited about our country going down the same path its going. Scary....I mean seriously have the republicans done anything right? Jesus...
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