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Official NeoGAF US Mid-term Elections 2006 Thread

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Tamanon said:
How is Hilary Clinton, one of the most heavily funded Senators going to say "we're going to take back Congress from Special Interests".:lol :lol

"No more soft money from American oil corporations! Give the Chinese another shot!"


Diablos said:
Stem cell research ballot measure likely not going to pass in MO.

That proposal was terribly drafted. Its protections for studies into cloning is what killed it if it fails.


zou said:
I know you didn't mean this seriously, but I'm really wondering: Why would anyone in the US vote for a liberal/third party Governor/Senator/President (in general, there are some exceptions)? I mean if you want your vote not to count, simply invalidate it ..

Because they want to start a movement? You can't expect a third party to move forward and grow overnight.


zou said:
I know you didn't mean this seriously, but I'm really wondering: Why would anyone in the US vote for a liberal/third party Governor/Senator/President (in general, there are some exceptions)? I mean if you want your vote not to count, simply invalidate it ..

Well, the only way to actually keep a third party functional is if they actually see that their message is being heard by some. Voting for someone you don't believe in, just because your guy won't win is just stupid.
Tamanon said:
Well, the only way to actually keep a third party functional is if they actually see that their message is being heard by some. Voting for someone you don't believe in, just because your guy won't win is just stupid.

QFT...i love this country


Honorary Canadian.
monchi-kun said:
the level of comedy material is unprecendented
even leno made a good joke. "Dick Cheney said that the Republicans are picking up steam this weekend. Well... yeah, that's expected to happen when you're going downhill."


Cheebs said:
not enough votes left, he cant win

Have the absentee and military votes been counted yet? IIRC, when the votes are this close they don't call it for at least a few days to make sure they've gotten all those votes in.


Swann bummerfest
Unlike the Santorum gathering across town, the mood at the Swann/Matthews event at the Hilton is decidedly understated.

While Santorum's supporters are dancing to a live band, the Swann gathering does not even have a juke box.

The event here was supposed to get underway about 15 minutes ago, but if there is going to be much of a crowd, it is going to be fashionably late.

In the lobby outside the ballroom, a bartender (it is a cash bar) seems as lonely as a Maytag repair man.

"They told us 400 people, then they changed it to 200," he said, scanning the few dozen subdued Swann supporters, who thus far seem well outnumbered by the media.

In the lobby, Susan and Michael Diamond, whose daughter is a Swann campaign intern, sat on a bench waiting for something to happen.

"We haven't heard any news yet, so we are trying to stay excited," said Susan Diamond, who made it clear she is not related to Lebanon County political activist Russ Diamond.

The Diamonds got up early to vote -- they were number 9 and 10 in line at their polling place -- and then drove down from Indiana County, and they plan to stay at least long enough to have a nice visit with their daughter. But already they are plotting their escape, planning to head over to Santorum's gathering later in the evening.

"We want to go see Santorum. We're very hopeful for him," said Susan, who left no doubt the iincumbent senator's anti-abortion positions were a key issue for her.
-- Chris A. Courogen/The Patriot-News

whytemyke said:
even leno made a good joke. "Dick Cheney said that the Republicans are picking up steam this weekend. Well... yeah, that's expected to happen when you're going downhill."

Thank you republicans...for all the laughs!


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
God, a good half dozen states are banning civil unions now. I could understand the lame logic in banning gay marriage, but depriving them of civil unions? This country is so ****ing backwards.


Looks like the Dems might need a couple more pickups in the house, seems a couple incumbents are going to lose in Georgia.


First tragedy, then farce.
You know what guys? We took the house back. No matter what happens.. Bush doesnt have his lackeys to approve all his bullshit. At least we can block some people and some bills. Even getting closer in the Senate lets us bring moderats republicans over to get some shit done.

This was a good night.

Obama needs to run for president. I dont know how you can listen to him and not want him in charge of this country. Every time he starts talking I cant help but say "this guy is ****ing smart, he doesnt bullshit or throw out partisan bullshit just to take potshots" He's the kind of guy who runs the country in movies...


Tamanon said:
Well, the only way to actually keep a third party functional is if they actually see that their message is being heard by some. Voting for someone you don't believe in, just because your guy won't win is just stupid.

vitaflo said:
Because they want to start a movement? You can't expect a third party to move forward and grow overnight.

Right, but the US is a true two party system. Believing that a third party will ever actually grow strong enough, is just stupid. Let's take Germany for example, while their party system actually makes it easier for other parties to get into Congress (> 5% and you are in, guaranteed), all besides the two big ones (Democrats and Conservatives) hover around 10%. And only because your vote counts, even if your party does not win. Voting and knowing your vote means shit, got to be frustrating ..

Whether you like it, or not, in the US you vote for Democrats or for Republicans, no matter who you vote for. That's why I'm wondering .. ;)


Dan said:
God, a good half dozen states are banning civil unions now. I could understand the lame logic in banning gay marriage, but depriving them of civil unions? This country is so ****ing backwards.

Just imagine how screwed we'd be if we didn't have the Bible to teach us "good morals"


Honorary Canadian.
holy shit, michigans 8th is in play I think. Mike Rogers is only up 53-45 (about 3000 votes) with 20% in... hmm... that'd be HUGE. (I kinda owe Rogers though, as he got my grandfather a medal he was supposed to get for his 3 tours in korea but never did... even set up a ceremony).


eminent domain measures curtailing that action seem to be passing by a good margin around the nation. Good

You know what guys? We took the house back. No matter what happens.. Bush doesnt have his lackeys to approve all his bullshit. At least we can block some people and some bills. Even getting closer in the Senate lets us bring moderats republicans over to get some shit done.

This was a good night.

What you have for the most part is gridlock which is a good thing. The GOP will finally get around to cleaning house leadership which has been the bane of the base for a while and actually get some people who are not so tin-eared like Denny. Its not the end of the GOP by a long shot.


zou said:
Right, but the US is a true two party system. Believing that a third party will ever actually grow strong enough, is just stupid. Let's take Germany for example, while their party system actually makes it easier for other parties to get into Congress (> 5% and you are in, guaranteed), all besides the two big ones (Democrats and Conservatives) hover around 10%. And only because your vote counts, even if your party does not win. Voting and knowing your vote means shit, got to be frustrating ..

Whether you like it, or not, in the US you vote for Democrats or for Republicans, no matter who you vote for. That's why I'm wondering .. ;)

You mean besides the 2 independents already in the Senate?


Honorary Canadian.
castle007 said:
How the **** did Foley get 48%????
the guy who is running in his seat got in after the ballot deadline. stephanopolous says that the guy running for foley is doing an incredible job down there.


Tamanon said:
You mean besides the 2 independents already in the Senate?

(in general, there are some exceptions)

And come on, you wouldn't call Liebermann a true "independent", would you?


Just as a summary for folks.

The democratic party has gained:
Senate: 3 seats
House: 11 seats
Gov.: 5 states

So overall, the democrats are gaining ground which should speak HIGHLY to the Republican party.
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