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Official NeoGAF US Mid-term Elections 2006 Thread

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First tragedy, then farce.
castle007 said:
there is no way that is possible!!!

There is still 30% left

he said within half an hour it should be called. Bascially, they know how its going to go allready, but just need more data verification.
JayDubya said:
Sigh. Bush squandered all his political capital on stupid things, had none left for past-due and neccessary privatization, actually passed socialistic crap like expanding Medicare, and now if Dems hold this lead and manage to get their guy in '08, we'll be in a high-tax socialist hellhole to boot. To top it all off, he spends more than Clinton, which I didn't think POSSIBLE.

His failure is now complete. He gets to spend two years vetoing everything that comes across his desk.

Yeah, this is what I don't understand: Bush is a liberal (aka "compassionate conservative"). He pays lip service to the Republican base on social issues (gay marriage, abortion, fetal stem cell research) but for all practical purposes could pass as a traditional Democrat--high spending, big government, presciption drug plan, police the world policies. And the Democrats HATE him, much more so than they did real conservatives like Reagan. That's what you get for trying to work with the people who want your job.


I just like to point out that my group, the Liberal Moderate Anarchists Organization Party (or LMAO Party for short), are gearing up for 2008.
monchi-kun said:
i wonder if our international GAF friends can post on foreign media coverage of this election

Front page, top
# Eleições nos EUA
# Casa Branca admite vitória democrata na Câmara; Bush revela "decepção"
# · Schwarzenegger é reeleito; Câmara tem 1º muçulmano

Elections in the USA
White House admits democrat victory in house, bush reveals disapointment
Arnold is reelected. House has first muslim


Headline under news
Elections in the US
Democrats regain governor seats in ohio, mass.
penguini said:
I wonder if it will become fashionable to be a republican now? :)



Setec Astronomer
Open Source said:
Yeah, this is what I don't understand: Bush is a liberal (aka "compassionate conservative"). He pays lip service to the Republican base on social issues (gay marriage, abortion, fetal stem cell research) but for all practical purposes could pass as a traditional Democrat--high spending, big government, presciption drug plan, police the world policies. And the Democrats HATE him, much more so than they did real conservatives like Reagan. That's what you get for trying to work with the people who want your job.
Bullshit. Spending on different areas than what Dems would, enlarging government in areas Dems wouldn't, and polcing the world differently than Dems would. Do you even pay attention to what happens in government or do you think of things solely in gradeschool terms?
Dan said:
Pelosi's already lined up what she'll do in her first 100 hours. Up the minimum wage, implement all the 9/11 Commission recommendations, remove the federal funding ban on stem cell research, etc.

A bunch of nothing.
:lol at people who can possibly say that CNN is the left-wing version of Fox. All of their supposedly "neutral" reporters like Candy Crowley (too bad her parents didn't name her salad, things could've turned out different) saying dumb shit like how this isn't really a win for the Dems, it's just that the Repubs have lost.

+39 ****ing seats!


First tragedy, then farce.
GhaleonEB said:
Tester 135,195
Burns (Incumbent) 128,350

do not like

Carvil is saying he has heard its going Dem. Dem is currently ahead in balloting. Olberman and governor saying they are about to call the election. ALl signs point to Dem winning this. We dont know Montana demographics, so I have no idea whats going on.. but they do.

Montana has less people in it than the grearte Austin area. so. 30% of the votes left is about 150K voters tops.. to pick up 7K votes out of 150K you need to grab 82K and your opponent only 68K. Thats a HUGE number for an electing basically splitting close to 50/50. You need to pick up 55% of all remaining votes to your opponents 45%.. hard to do for an election not tracking in your favor allready.


GhaleonEB said:
Tester 137,273
Burns (Incumbent) 130,378


What'cha freaking about about? The margin of lead hasn't really changed in an hour. It's been 10,000 or under for a while now.
Open Source said:
Yeah, this is what I don't understand: Bush is a liberal (aka "compassionate conservative"). He pays lip service to the Republican base on social issues (gay marriage, abortion, fetal stem cell research) but for all practical purposes could pass as a traditional Democrat--high spending, big government, presciption drug plan, police the world policies. And the Democrats HATE him, much more so than they did real conservatives like Reagan. That's what you get for trying to work with the people who want your job.

That is the dumbest political analysis I've ever heard.
Hitokage said:
Bullshit. Spending on different areas than what Dems would, enlarging government in areas Dems wouldn't, and polcing the world differently than Dems would. Do you even pay attention to what happens in government or do you think of things solely in gradeschool terms?

Whatever, Dems voted for most of it, and the differences you (and the Dems) want to highlight are meaningless to a libertarian. Different implementations of the same crap.


Zaptruder said:
The rest of the developed world welcomes Americans to the progressive liberal norms (by American standards)!

In the spirit of Thomas Jefferson (and to mangle a Spock quote), I wish to say "To hell with the rest of the developed world."


Setec Astronomer
StoOgE said:
Carvil is saying he has heard its going Dem. Dem is currently ahead in balloting. Olberman and governor saying they are about to call the election. ALl signs point to Dem winning this. We dont know Montana demographics, so I have no idea whats going on.. but they do.

Montana has less people in it than the grearte Austin area. so. 30% of the votes left is about 150K voters tops.. to pick up 7K votes out of 150K you need to grab 82K and your opponent only 68K. Thats a HUGE number for an electing basically splitting close to 50/50.
It's not 71% of votes counted, but 71% of precincts reporting.


Democratic Tester
146,300 50%

Republican Burns
139,448 48%

Libertarian Jones
7,293 2%
73% precincts reporting - Updated: 2:41 a.m. ET
Open Source said:
Yeah, this is what I don't understand: Bush is a liberal (aka "compassionate conservative"). He pays lip service to the Republican base on social issues (gay marriage, abortion, fetal stem cell research) but for all practical purposes could pass as a traditional Democrat--high spending, big government, presciption drug plan, police the world policies. And the Democrats HATE him, much more so than they did real conservatives like Reagan. That's what you get for trying to work with the people who want your job.

He's nothing like a Democrat. Your post is so off base it isn't even funny. At least threeball was a joke character.


Open Source said:
I am well aware of the news of the last 6 years, and I do understand the roles of the branches of government. I'm not sure where you are going with this.
You want me to spell it out for you?
The fact that the democrats held no branch of the government did not stop the GOP from blaming them, the Clinton administration and liberals in general for everything from 9/11 through the failures in Iraq to Katrina.

As as for the future, blaming the legislators for the shortcoming of the executive branch is hardly a new tactic in American politics.
It’s still usually BS.
Especially with the executive privileges this white house is abusing.


Setec Astronomer
Open Source said:
Whatever, Dems voted for most of it, and the differences you (and the Dems) want to highlight are meaningless to a libertarian. Different implementations of the same crap.
I fail to see how a welfare state and a police state are the "same crap". :p
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