Open Source said:
Yeah, this is what I don't understand: Bush is a liberal (aka "compassionate conservative"). He pays lip service to the Republican base on social issues (gay marriage, abortion, fetal stem cell research) but for all practical purposes could pass as a traditional Democrat--high spending, big government, presciption drug plan, police the world policies. And the Democrats HATE him, much more so than they did real conservatives like Reagan. That's what you get for trying to work with the people who want your job.
It's the religious right's control over the Republicans that will ultimately be their undoing.
And you got the Democrats pegged wrong, unless you're just repeating things you've heard, which you can't be blamed for.
Democrat "traditional issues/strengths"
1. Equal Rights - Minorities and Women (and now, Gay people)
2. Education
3. The Lower Class (workers, union members, and the Ghetto)
4. Environmental Improvements (Protection)
5. Strong and trustful standing among our international peers
6. Policing Corporations (antitrust, higher minimum wage, worker's rights, etc)
7. Health Care (this is a shit hole of an issue, and will remain so until pharmaceuticals and insurance companies control this)
"Big government" and "tax & spend" is just another example of Republicans effectively changing the language to suit their purposes. Democrats biggest misstep in the past 20 years was losing the poor whites in the south. As long as the Republicans can keep playing on the racial issues down there (see the Tennessee race), it will be a deadlocked 50/50 country. When the masses (of normal poor people) realize that when Republicans say "low taxes" they mean "for corporations."
Also, "small businesses" aren't exactly run by poor people. Spread the word. Only upper-middle class individuals have enough money actually have a business. And we're not talking about that one girl you know who makes cakes for money while looking after her kids. It's not the same thing.