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Official NeoGAF US Mid-term Elections 2006 Thread

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Johan van Benderschlotten said:
Telling you guys, still too close to call those two House races in GA. The incumbent Dems are up, but barely.

Georgia 08
Updated: 2:02 a.m. ET
Full GA

Democratic Marshall
76,717 50% 95% of precincts reporting votes by county not available

Republican Collins
76,009 50%

Georgia 12
Updated: 2:02 a.m. ET
Full GA

Democratic Barrow
69,991 51% 95% of precincts reporting votes by county not available

Republican Burns
66,604 49%

Not really important at this point, unless you are from GA




Good God!!!! Goodbye Allen, I am PRAYING that this lead holds, as there will have to be some dirty tricks played to erase such a lead in a recount.


12k is HUGE. Feeling a lot more comfortable about VA now. And Tester up by over 10k in MT.

Holy shit. They really, really did it. I owe people beers at Manuel's tomorrow.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
At this point I'm optimistic. Webb's lead keeps growing; it would be hard to dispute his victory right now.

In Virginia, if the loser loses by 1% or less he can ask for a recount.

I dunno if they'll do it, though. It seems like a recount might put Allen in an even worse place.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
A gain of 39 seats? Daaaaaamn. I wouldn't have considered that within the realm of possibility. That's freakin' awesome.
Man, I so hope there's a recount.

All that dirty tricks and voter suppression usually get swept under the rug the day after the election, which is exactly what he was counting on. If the recount drags on, alot more of this stuff will be brough the to light. It's already been referred to the FBI.



thefit said:
Is Macaccawits loses he can have alot of freee time to focus on his presidential race right?

Even if Allen wins at this point his presidential hopes, at least for '08, would be finished. He's damaged goods at this point and hasn't proved to the GOP that he can win in freaking VA of all places - not to mention his losing is pretty much completely of his own making.

mamacint said:
Man, I so hope there's a recount.

All that dirty tricks and voter suppression usually get swept under the rug the day after the election, which is exactly what he was counting on. If the recount drags on, alot more of this stuff will be brough the to light. It's already been referred to the FBI.


This is another good point. Will the GOP actually want Allen initiating a recount that could possibly uncover all the crap they pull here in VA?
Change is on the way: now Republicans will start blaming Democrats for anything that goes wrong, instead of the other way around! Granted, that's about all that will change, but I'm so excited!

But at least my team won the super bowl...err, election this year.


OpinionatedCyborg said:
Not to rain on anyone's parade, but if the senate gets tied up, won't Lieberman will be declared king?

If the Senate is tied, the VP breaks the tie. The republicans won't need Lieberman in that case.

If the Dems win by one seat and Lieberman chose to caucus with the Republicans instead of the Democrats, then there would be an issue. He will never do that though (even though I think he probably should since he was elected by more Republicans than Democrats and was rejected by the Democratic establishment)


Dan said:
A gain of 39 seats? Daaaaaamn. I wouldn't have considered that within the realm of possibility. That's freakin' awesome.

I thought the 20 that was predicted a while back was a wishfull thinking. My god I should have placed bets in Vegas!


Amusing (rolling) thread for a non-American.

I can't believe how tight alot of the races have been. Pretty favourable commentary on the homogeneity of the Republican party (and support base), really. Or poor, vis-a-vis, on the Democrats (and greater U.S public). Of course this is just a reiteration after 2004.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
teiresias said:
Even if Allen wins at this point his presidential hopes, at least for '08, would be finished. He's damaged goods at this point and hasn't proved to the GOP that he can win in freaking VA of all places - not to mention his losing is pretty much completely of his own making.
Maybe Bush will give him a lovely appointment somewhere. After all, Ashcroft lost to a dead man and got the spot of attorney general.


Open Source said:
Now Republicans will start blaming Democrats for anything that goes wrong.
You didn’t really watch the news the past 6 years, right?
(nor do you really understand the roles of the branches of government).


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
There's no debate. The Dems' won the senate and the House. Now let's see what kind of ideas they will come up with.


Tester 130,762
Burns (Incumbent) 121,857

67% counted



Tester 133,247
Burns (Incumbent) 125,028


it's not over yet


I do want to point out something that's been overlooked:

Eliot Spitzer is the new governor of New York State. I have a metric ****ton of respect for this man, and not being able to vote for him personally is on my list "Things I Regret About Moving Out Of New York."
Chichikov said:
You didn’t really watch the news the past 6 years, right?
(nor do you really understand the roles of the branches of government).

I am well aware of the news of the last 6 years, and I do understand the roles of the branches of government. I'm not sure where you are going with this.


Sigh. Bush squandered all his political capital on stupid things, had none left for past-due and neccessary privatization, actually passed socialistic crap like expanding Medicare, and now if Dems hold this lead and manage to get their guy in '08, we'll be in a high-tax socialist hellhole to boot. To top it all off, he spends more than Clinton, which I didn't think POSSIBLE.

His failure is now complete. He gets to spend two years vetoing everything that comes across his desk, and thank goodness for it, the authoritarian crap he was letting slide by was awful.


Cooter said:
There's no debate. The Dems' won the senate and the House. Now let's see what kind of ideas they will come up with.

How to deal with recount pangs is probably first on the list.


Republicans blamed Democrats for stuff before this huge sweep tonight. But I think this can hurt Dems in 2008. But what can you do? I'll take a Senate win too, even if it may make it harder for Democrats to win the White House.

This is so awesome.
Cooter said:
There's no debate. The Dems' won the senate and the House. Now let's see what kind of ideas they will come up with.

Wish they'd had some before the election. Maybe I would have voted for them instead of straight Libertarian.


Oh crap. Tester's lead declining to only 8,000 votes.

Democratic Tester
133,247 50%

Republican Burns
125,028 47%

Libertarian Jones
6,598 3%
69% precincts reporting - Updated: 2:25 a.m. ET


JayDubya said:
Sigh. Bush squandered all his political capital on stupid things, had none left for past-due and neccessary privatization, actually passed socialistic crap like expanding Medicare, and now if Dems hold this lead and manage to get their guy in '08, we'll be in a high-tax socialist hellhole to boot.

His failure is now complete. He gets to spend two years vetoing everything that comes across his desk.

The rest of the developed world welcomes Americans to the progressive liberal norms (by American standards)!
JayDubya said:
Sigh. Bush squandered all his political capital on stupid things, had none left for past-due and neccessary privatization, actually passed socialistic crap like expanding Medicare, and now if Dems hold this lead and manage to get their guy in '08, we'll be in a high-tax socialist hellhole to boot.

Why so much talk about taxes and so little on spending. Ultimately we do pay for our deficits, and nobody runs them up more than unchecked Republicans.
JayDubya said:
Sigh. Bush squandered all his political capital on stupid things, had none left for past-due and neccessary privatization, actually passed socialistic crap like expanding Medicare, and now if Dems hold this lead and manage to get their guy in '08, we'll be in a high-tax socialist hellhole to boot.

His failure is now complete. He gets to spend two years vetoing everything that comes across his desk.
:lol :lol
True. But if we get a moderate Republican in '08 we should be in good shape. (wishful, I know)


JayDubya said:
Sigh. Bush squandered all his political capital on stupid things, had none left for past-due and neccessary privatization, actually passed socialistic crap like expanding Medicare, and now if Dems hold this lead and manage to get their guy in '08, we'll be in a high-tax socialist hellhole to boot.

His failure is now complete. He gets to spend two years vetoing everything that comes across his desk.

As opposed to a bankrupt, polluted, quasi-authoritarian country where you're guilty until proven innocent?
sangreal said:
If the Senate is tied, the VP breaks the tie. The republicans won't need Lieberman in that case.

If the Dems win by one seat and Lieberman chose to caucus with the Republicans instead of the Democrats, then there would be an issue. He will never do that though (even though I think he probably should since he was elected by more Republicans than Democrats and was rejected by the Democratic establishment)

Perhaps, but he's consistently said that he would caucus with Dems and he never would have gotten 30+% of the Dem vote if he didn't. He is a huge weasel so I wouldn't be shocked if it happened but there would be plenty of cause for outrage.

Oh well, he just wants his senority and he'll be happy, it was always about Joe. I believe he was inline for one of the commitee's that could be in charge of issuing soepenas for investigations. As long as they give him some other committee he'll get his cookie and be happy, who gives a ****? He can go on Fox and scold Democrats all he wants, as you've said, he's there with a mostly Republican support.


xsarien said:
As opposed to a bankrupt, polluted, quasi-authoritarian country where you're guilty until proven innocent?

Quasi-authoritarian is bad. Higher taxes going to stupid social programs and general wealth redistribution is bad, too. This is Douchebag vs. Turd Sandwich in a nutshell.

Bush's stuff is a naked power grab, bad on paper, but doesn't directly affect Joe Blow on the street. Taxes are more real, more tangible, and they hurt everybody. The Patriot Act sucks and I want it gone, but it doesn't directly impact my pocketbook, know what I'm saying? Both are terrible, but I know what I hate a smidge more.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
he rest of the developed world welcomes Americans to the progressive liberal norms (by American standards)!

This is one midterm election. Hold your horses. Is it at all funny that most of the Dem's being elected are acting like conservative Republicans?


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Open Source said:
Wish they'd had some before the election. Maybe I would have voted for them instead of straight Libertarian.
Pelosi's already lined up what she'll do in her first 100 hours. Up the minimum wage, implement all the 9/11 Commission recommendations, remove the federal funding ban on stem cell research, etc.


Burns has been there forever... so me might be able to pull off this win even if he's in a threatening situation.

Dan said:
Pelosi's already lined up what she'll do in her first 100 hours. Up the minimum wage, implement all the 9/11 Commission recommendations, remove the federal funding ban on stem cell research, etc.
b-b-b-but they have no plan! No, see, that's a proposal of a plan, not a plan! YEAH!


Setec Astronomer
JayDubya said:
His failure is now complete. He gets to spend two years vetoing everything that comes across his desk, and thank goodness for it, the authoritarian crap he was letting slide by was awful.
"Letting slide?" He was the SOURCE of it!


xsarien said:
I do want to point out something that's been overlooked:

Eliot Spitzer is the new governor of New York State. I have a metric ****ton of respect for this man, and not being able to vote for him personally is on my list "Things I Regret About Moving Out Of New York."

I agree, I am not a NY resident but I have always thought Eliot Spitzer was an awesome AG
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