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Official NeoGAF US Mid-term Elections 2006 Thread

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LM4sure said:
DAmn it all to hell. Oh well, even with the Democrats in control, nothing will get done when they are in control by only a few senators. LOL!!!!!
the republicans were able to do lots of nasty things with a slim lead in the senate for the past couple of years, the minority is able to do a lot in the senate


Honorary Canadian.
Montana is still only at 99% reporting with a few thousand separating.

Virginia, however, should be called soon for Democrats as their lead has built to like 70,000 votes.


whytemyke said:
Montana is still only at 99% reporting with a few thousand separating.

Virginia, however, should be called soon for Democrats as their lead has built to like 70,000 votes.

70,000 or 7,000?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I'm very happy to see the most of the country made this election about saying no to the current Republican lead direction, now hopefully the Democrats will actually DO something with the control they've won, at the local levels as well as the national level.

Faith in US population not quite restored... but getting a little better.


I am still in shock Democrats WON AN ELECTION. Things like this still haven't hit me:


Y2Kevbug11 said:
I woke up.

Holy shit at teh Democrats.

i fell asleep and woke up to a 'holy shit' too

THOSE 2 SEATS, if they come back for Dems, will make this megalithic win of awesomeness :D

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
can you american duders give a real quick guide to foreigners as to what the house and senate actually do? Which is better to have, etc?

i don't mean an essay, just a "A does x, B does y" typa deal. If the democrats get both of those, how is GWB still president, what is left to elect/vote on?

confusing system.


catfish said:
can you american duders give a real quick guide to foreigners as to what the house and senate actually do? Which is better to have, etc?

i don't mean an essay, just a "A does x, B does y" typa deal. If the democrats get both of those, how is GWB still president, what is left to elect/vote on?

confusing system.

House and Senate pass laws on up to the Pres to approve basically.

GWB will still be president because there's nothing able to impeach him on. It's really really rare to have a president impeached. Having slim control of the Senate for either side means not much will be done there that wouldn't happen normally with a majority.


catfish said:
can you american duders give a real quick guide to foreigners as to what the house and senate actually do? Which is better to have, etc?

i don't mean an essay, just a "A does x, B does y" typa deal. If the democrats get both of those, how is GWB still president, what is left to elect/vote on?

confusing system.

Both House of Representatives and the Senates are part of the Legistlative branch of the government.

They write, discuss, and vote on new laws.

The president makes them official.
House is the lower body, senate is the upper body. They both have to pass a bill before it gets sent to the president though. In all honesty having both isn't as important as just having one as the dems will primarily be blocking the republican legislature and as long as they control one they control all the committeships and can do hearings with subpeana (sp) power and make people testify under oath. But if they have both they can make a serious drive to try and pass their own legislation that will eventually get vetoed by bush.


catfish said:
can you american duders give a real quick guide to foreigners as to what the house and senate actually do? Which is better to have, etc?

i don't mean an essay, just a "A does x, B does y" typa deal. If the democrats get both of those, how is GWB still president, what is left to elect/vote on?

confusing system.

The House (compromised of 100's of lawmakers) vote on bills (attempting to make them law).

The Senate (compromised of 100 people) then take what's sent to them from the House and vote on it.

The President then can VETO or sign any law sent to him from the Senate.

The House and Senate also do important things like approve of judges and pass yearly budgets.


Amir0x said:
i fell asleep and woke up to a 'holy shit' too

THOSE 2 SEATS, if they come back for Dems, will make this megalithic win of awesomeness :D
Come back? Democrats lead in both. It will be suprising if Dem's DONT have senate majority.


Cheebs said:
Come back? Democrats lead in both. It will be suprising if Dem's DONT have senate majority.

no, you misunderstood.

I said if those returns 'come back as Democratic wins.' Not that the Democrats have to come back from behind. I know they lead.


IIRC, the senate has somewhat more control over international issues (as in, advise and consent for treaties, where the house has no say), and political appointments, but I could be mistaken - I've always managed to jumble things up here. And in case of impeachment, the house writes up the articles, while the senate tries the president and, potentially, remove him from office. This is one reason why people screaming for Pelosi to "impeach Bush" are talking nonsense - it would only set off a major political firestorm, and since you need 60 senate votes to actually remove the president, and the republicans had 40/100 going into this, the president would stay.

In theory, the house is supposed to represent the people, as they are voted on a per-district basis, and the districts are divided per population percentage. The senate represents the states, as every state gets two senators regardless of population.


testicles on a cold fall morning
so, with the Senate hanging on Virginia, what level of dirty tricks do you think Rove and co. will pull out to make sure Republicans don't lose that body?


Forgotten in his cell
What an excellent thread to read after watching CNN, Faux and MSN last night.

If Montana stays Democrat, I will be so happy.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Mumbles said:
IIRC, the senate has somewhat more control over international issues (as in, advise and consent for treaties, where the house has no say), and political appointments, but I could be mistaken - I've always managed to jumble things up here. And in case of impeachment, the house writes up the articles, while the senate tries the president and, potentially, remove him from office. This is one reason why people screaming for Pelosi to "impeach Bush" are talking nonsense - it would only set off a major political firestorm, and since you need 60 senate votes to actually remove the president, and the republicans had 40/100 going into this, the president would stay.

In theory, the house is supposed to represent the people, as they are voted on a per-district basis, and the districts are divided per population percentage. The senate represents the states, as every state gets two senators regardless of population.

You are definitely right on the treaties...the house has 0 say. 2/3rds of the Senate is required to approve international treaties.
Is there any news from TV publications on what is going on, or when we would likely know the races? is this another 2000?


And btw, CNN says 99% of Montana precincts reporting with the following:

Montana Senate
Updated: 8:14 a.m. ET

Democratic Tester
190,486 49% 99% of precincts reporting votes by county voter survey results

Republican Burns
188,900 48%
Full MT
Libertarian Jones
9,990 3%


Mumbles said:
This is one reason why people screaming for Pelosi to "impeach Bush" are talking nonsense - it would only set off a major political firestorm, and since you need 60 senate votes to actually remove the president, and the republicans had 40/100 going into this, the president would stay.

Unless some states just suddenly permanently lost 10 (or 11, not sure if they round up or down) senatorial slots, the number you're looking for is 67. It's a 2/3 majority.


Link648099 said:
Is there any news from TV publications on what is going on, or when we would likely know the races? is this another 2000?


And btw, CNN says 99% of Montana precincts reporting with the following:

Montana Senate
Updated: 8:14 a.m. ET

Democratic Tester
190,486 49% 99% of precincts reporting votes by county voter survey results

Republican Burns
188,900 48%
Full MT
Libertarian Jones
9,990 3%
Thank God for the libertarians not voting for Burns.

Thanks for the Democrat win Libertarians! :lol


Cheebs said:
Thank God for the libertarians not voting for Burns.

Thanks for the Democrat win Libertarians! :lol

Are you such an idiot? I have to hope you're not. Are you one of those crybabies that blamed Nader, too? People ought vote their principles, not choose the lesser of two evils. We have two super bloated parties with so much internal variance its obscene and yet there's only two parties getting all the money and all the power to keep screwing over the electorate.

This is why we're shackled to Douchebag and Turd Sandwich, though good on you that you love the Douche so much you'd vote mindlessly straight ticket.


I would have voted Nader in 2000, but after realizing if 1/3 of FL Nader supporters would have voted Al Gore we would have a different president I changed my mind. At this time I can't bring myself to vote third party then.

I would prefer a new party over the current two(BULLMOOSE PARTY ON THE RISE!) but unless it is viable then I won't do so.
JayDubya said:
Are you such an idiot? I have to hope you're not. Are you one of those crybabies that blamed Nader, too? People ought vote their principles, not choose the lesser of two evils. We have two super bloated parties with so much internal variance its obscene and yet there's only two parties getting all the money and all the power to keep screwing over the electorate.

This is why we're shackled to Douchebag and Turd Sandwich, though good on you that you love the Douche so much you'd vote mindlessly straight ticket.

QFT, the middle parties play a "golem-like" role in determining the future of the country, and they are very important either way.


PA news:

19-vote win could give state House to GOP

Final unofficial returns from The Associated Press in the race for the 156th state House district in Chester County show Republican Shannon Royer leading Democrat Barbara Smith 11,500 votes to 11,481 -- a margin of 19 votes.

With all precincts reporting in District 167, also in Chester County, Republican Duane Milne leads Democrat Anne Crowley by 13,309 votes to 13,173, a margin of 136 votes.

As The Patriot-News team of Barry Fox, Pat Carroll and Charles Thompson reported at 4:54 a.m., if those and other unofficial totals from across the state hold, the Republicans will finish with a 102-101 majority in the state House next year.



scorcho said:
so, with the Senate hanging on Virginia, what level of dirty tricks do you think Rove and co. will pull out to make sure Republicans don't lose that body?

I'd say it's hanging on Montana much more so than Virginia at this point. Webb's lead in VA is currently much more healthy than Tester's, which is why I'm listening to the cable news and NPR and I'm puzzled why they always bring up a possible VA recount but never mention Montana as a possibility (unless there's something odd about their recount law in the state). Montana will be a much closer margin, and at the levels of Webb's lead right now it may be politically difficult for Allen to make a huge recount push - of course, I'm unsure as to what is actually left to count in VA though.

Although I would actually prefer the Dems not to take control of the Senate, or, at least, for it to be split down the middle, forcing Cheney tie-breaker votes.

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Completely unable to understand satire
teiresias said:
I'd say it's hanging on Montana much more so than Virginia at this point. Webb's lead in VA is currently much more healthy than Tester's, which is why I'm listening to the cable news and NPR and I'm puzzled why they always bring up a possible VA recount but never mention Montana as a possibility (unless there's something odd about their recount law in the state). Montana will be a much closer margin, and at the levels of Webb's lead right now it may be politically difficult for Allen to make a huge recount push - of course, I'm unsure as to what is actually left to count in VA though.

Although I would actually prefer the Dems not to take control of the Senate, or, at least, for it to be split down the middle, forcing Cheney tie-breaker votes.
montana has less people maybe


One other note - the US president is *not* the equivalent of Prime Minister from many other countries, in that he is not chosen by the house or senate. He (and the vice president) are elected every four years, according to the electoral system. Basically, every state has a number of electorates equal to the number of congressmen (house and senate), and in most cases, the presidential candidate that wins the state vote gets all of the electoral votes for the state.

(Well, that's not quite it, but that's how it usually works in practice..)

The only thing congress can do is remove a president from office, which (should) only happen for major abuses of office, or treason.

And what's left to vote on? For most people, nothing much for the next two years.


JayDubya said:
Unless some states just suddenly permanently lost 10 (or 11, not sure if they round up or down) senatorial slots, the number you're looking for is 67. It's a 2/3 majority.

Either way, it ain't happening :)


JayDubya said:
If it does, it will fail, which will only help Bush.
It won't happen. If Democrats want to hold on to the house more than 12 years unlike the GOP they CAN'T go extreme partisan.

Plus, remember. In this wave A LOT of "blue dog" Democrats got sweeped in. They'll keep the party in check.


Cheebs: True. A lot of moderate Democrats made gains. Whereas moderate Republicans seem to be shrinking even more. This could actually help Dems in '08 if the American people realize the GOP is simply too conservative while the Democrats will be giving off a centrist vibe. I just have a feeling the GOP will remain stubborn and not try to reach out and work with Democrats. Meaning they probably won't grasp the concept of running a true centrist in '08. All speculation.


Diablos said:
Cheebs: True. A lot of moderate Democrats made gains. Whereas moderate Republicans seem to be shrinking even more. This could actually help Dems in '08 if the American people realize the GOP is simply too conservative while the Democrats will be giving off a centrist vibe. I just have a feeling the GOP will remain stubborn and not try to reach out and work with Democrats. Meaning they probably won't grasp the concept of running a true centrist in '08. All speculation.

Which is one reason I'd sort of like an even Senate split. Perhaps a couple of years of Cheney killing legislation that the majority of Americans see as good would help out in '08 on the democratic side too.



Which may happen. I think Webb will get VA after a boring recount, but Montana looks iffy. Burns keeps on getting closer while Tester more or less stays exactly where he has been for a while now.


I'm not very big in leftist philosophy but I'm more happy with this outcome than I would have been otherwise. Let the dems run things for a while and see how it goes. If it makes a better America in the end then I may be more inclined to lean in that direction.
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