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Official NeoGAF US Mid-term Elections 2006 Thread

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Guileless said:
I for one welcome our new Democratic overlords. It's a wonder what competent candidates can do (i.e. those smart enough to emulate President Clinton's campaign strategy.) It only took the Democratic party 10 years to remember how to win. I'm looking forward to seeing what the much-needed new blood in the legislative leadership comes up with.

In other news, I'm selling my Diebold stock.
Yep. They did something smart. For all the southern states they won in they put up southern friendly candidates. Such as Webb in VA and Tester in Montana.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Cheebs said:
Testers got it. Looks like a 51-49 senate.

Dems got Montana? I missed that news I thought we were still at 49-49? VA looks like it's headed for a recount.


DarienA said:
Dems got Montana? I missed that news I thought we were still at 49-49? VA looks like it's headed for a recount.

Yeah, nobody has called it for the Democrats or Republicans yet. Democrats still have the lead, of course, but it's still so close that everyone is playing it careful and not calling anything.
Amir0x said:
well, there you have it. You DO think the Republicans will do a better job, even if it's a tiny bit better. Therefore, it's more than a little double sided to try to say it's "bullshit" for Democratic supporters to think the same for their party or who they voted for.

I do think the Democrats will do a better job. I don't think they will do a perfect job. I think there's a lot of shit that the party needs to fix, and I think no matter what it's not gonna happen overnight and I also believe we're gonna need a Democratic president before we can truly see what they will do with complete power. But, in the end, I think it's going to make the government move in a positive direction and that's the key for me. That is what affected my vote. I have voted for Republicans in the past, and I like a lot of them. But this year, it was simply not in the cards because they have done too much wrong. And yes, I think this mix up with put a fire under some asses and improve things.

It has got to be said... do you honestly still care that our President was getting a little sweet pussy on the side? Do you? Genuine question. I don't have any idea how that impacts a single relevant thing in our government. The only issue is that he lied about it. I personally have no objections with our president sticking fine cigars in the collective twats of fine females the country wide, as long as his policies are fair and help make the government a better place. But, maybe that's just me!

See Amir0x, I like healthy debates like this. I respect you for thinking that democrats are going to do a better job. I don't see that happening but I'm not going to dis your opinion on what you voted on. That's our given right to make our voice heard. I guess my overall attitude is sour due to a lot of the shit heaps that our country is in and really no one in Washington is doing anything to make it any better.

Who knows, I could be wrong (it's happened before... i'm sure it'll happen again) but i'm pretty synical about our government now.

Oh and Clinton... I seriously believe that he did that because Hillary just hasn't put out since their wedding night. Was it wrong? Sure, did he lie about it? You bet. Does the nation still care? I think it's now more of a joke than anything and really the only reason I brought that up is that it does show the morale ground of our country (as a whole... not just dems or repubs) at that point in time.


99% is in in Montanta and Tester has a near 2,000 lead. He CANT lose. No recount has ever changed more than 800 votes.
Cheebs said:
99% is in in Montanta and Tester has a near 2,000 lead. He CANT lose. No recount has ever changed more than 800 votes.

I wouldn't underestimate the republican smear train coming to that state pretty soon. (sadly)
Cheebs said:
99% is in in Montanta and Tester has a near 2,000 lead. He CANT lose. No recount has ever changed more than 800 votes.

Take Back Congress- 100 gamerpoints
Make Bush a lame duck- 125 gamerpoints
Give the neocons fits- priceless :D


VictimOfGrief said:
Oh and Clinton... I seriously believe that he did that because Hillary just hasn't put out since their wedding night. Was it wrong? Sure, did he lie about it? You bet. Does the nation still care? I think it's now more of a joke than anything and really the only reason I brought that up is that it does show the morale ground of our country (as a whole... not just dems or repubs) at that point in time.

When things are good, little shit like that seems like a big thing.

When things are bad, little things like that seem like the laughably pathetic thing that they are.

Besides... how do you know so much about what relationship Bill and Hillary had? Assumptions no doubt.


Diablos said:
What's the gap between Webb and Allen?
100% is in and Webb is up around 6,000(I've heard 7,000 as well) votes CNN says. Again recounts have never switched more than 800 votes.

Democrats have the Senate.
Zaptruder said:
When things are good, little shit like that seems like a big thing.

When things are bad, little things like that seem like the laughably pathetic thing that they are.

Besides... how do you know so much about what relationship Bill and Hillary had? Assumptions no doubt.

Reading articles on both sides of the fence help paint a pretty convincing picture of my opinion on their sex life.
VictimOfGrief said:
Reading articles on both sides of the fence help paint a pretty convincing picture of my opinion on their sex life.

Why are so many conservatives obsessed with sniffing Bill's crotch? It's ****ing weird.


Guys why are we talking about a near decade old scandal?

This is what is important. 12 EST Pelosi will give a press conference, we'll find out with the election behind them what congress will do.

Then at 1 EST Bush has a press conference, we get to see his reaction and see if he'll back down to America's demands.


VictimOfGrief said:
I'm not. The Clinton era was an interesting time for America. Both publically and privately.
It was a fantastic time for America. A great economy, very peaceful, and optimistic. Fantastic era.


mamacint said:
Why are so many conservatives obsessed with sniffing Bill's crotch? It's ****ing weird.
Apparently when pointing the finger at current Dems doesn't work anymore (obviously), they'll pick on the guy who hasn't been President since '99-'00!

Like how McCain said the situation in North Korea is Clinton's fault! Even though Clinton was able to keep them from testing the missles you see them launching now, somehow, based on Bush taking on a different strategy, this is still Bill Clinton's fault. Right.


Kapsama said:
Impeach Bush!
Pelosi is on record (60 Minutes) as saying that impeaching Bush would be "a waste of time" and that she would be happy enough making him look like a lame duck. If she changed her mind, she'd make her party look really bad. They might hold hearings and stuff, but I do not think it would go to impeachment. Even though I feel Bush is much more worthy of being impeached than Clinton was (still unbelievable that he got impeached over such trivial bullshit), it's really not worth the time. The Democrats need to really try and get the ball rolling, and also, work with the Republicans. If they go as far as trying to impeach Bush, this will stand in the way of them successfully working with the other side. They're clearly trying to go for a pretty centrist feel here.


Impeaching Bush would be quite possibly the worst decision the democrats could make.

That being said, it's totally possible because their decision-making process hasn't always been that good:p


Cheebs said:
If this wasn't a wave election he might have lost.

Well he beat 12 other candidates.... 2 of them democrats. If the two democrats would have had their votes combined they would have won, but as it is - they split the vote so badly that they and the other candidates didn't stand a chance.

Stupidity in motion...


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! *celebrates by waiting a day for the UPS man to deliver Gears of War*

**** YEAH! DEMOCRATS...**** YEAH...coming now to save the mother****ing day, yeah!

Wow, what a dream! Six pickups?

All they have to do in the next two years is hold hearing after hearing. Expose all the stupid shit that's gone on since the war began. Do not impeach Bush. Try and get rid of Rumsfeld, one of the most unpopular figures in the Bush administration. Just hold hearings on Iraq contracts, corruption, etc. Hammer it home that what has happened is not good.

I can't believe the Democrats won something.


Like you can work with (the current crop of) Republicans on anything that isn't a win-win situation for them.
An impeachment would send a sign to every would-be deceiving civil rights trampler, that no matter how strong you are at one point, that you too will face justice sooner or later.:)


Kapsama said:
Like you can work with (the current crop of) Republicans on anything that isn't a win-win situation for them.
An impeachment would send a sign to every would-be deceiving civil rights trampler, that no matter how strong you are at one point, that you too will face justice sooner or later.:)

You probably need to do more research on what impeachment is. But I feel I've been saying that a lot lately.


Cheebs said:
They won't impeach. Democrats won on a very centrist message.

They won this election saying that the GOP was become too right of center and if you want something more towards the middle vote for us. It would be horrible for them in the future if they ran that message and then once in office became just as power hungry and extreme as the GOP did.
Impeachment shouldn't be taken off the table, but it shouldn't be a priority either. They should soepena the **** out of the administration (and not trivial shit like travelgate or supposed misuse christmas card lists) and uncover what they can. Hopefully they'll be somewhat reluctant to go the impeachment route but if they uncover true high crimes and misdemeanors they shouldn't avoid their duty either.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
echoshifting said:
Allen officially called for a recount? What a moron (if he did).

I don't think it's official yet but since the win is going to be by 1% or less it's pretty much a given.
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