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Official NeoGAF US Mid-term Elections 2006 Thread

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Can't wait for 1:00 PM to see the look of defeat on Bush's face. :lol
I'll honestly say having democrats in the house and maybe the senate means jack shit. Most of you koolaid drinkers that are "happy' with this outcome aren't going to get any more respect / bills passed with Bush still president for another 2 years.

The biggest problem is the democratic party has no voice, it has no basis for any roadmap to give the American people any hope. Not saying the republicans have done a bang up job of doing better but seriously, stop smoking the crack thinking that if the dems take the house and the senate that this country is going to be any better.

Also.... F*** any attempt of a democrat being president in 2008.... it will be a re-lapse of the f***** up Clinton saga all over again.


testicles on a cold fall morning
VictimOfGrief said:
I'll honestly say having democrats in the house and maybe the senate means jack shit. Most of you koolaid drinkers that are "happy' with this outcome aren't going to get any more respect / bills passed with Bush still president for another 2 years.

The biggest problem is the democratic party has no voice, it has no basis for any roadmap to give the American people any hope. Not saying the republicans have done a bang up job of doing better but seriously, stop smoking the crack thinking that if the dems take the house and the senate that this country is going to be any better.

Also.... F*** any attempt of a democrat being president in 2008.... it will be a re-lapse of the f***** up Clinton saga all over again.
i was going to write a nice rebuttal to this, but i'll respond instead with this -

how are those tears tasting? salty i'd imagine.


VictimOfGrief said:
Also.... F*** any attempt of a democrat being president in 2008.... it will be a re-lapse of the f***** up Clinton saga all over again.
Erm..Republicans took control of the house/senate under Clinton in a wave much like Democrats did this year and they STILL won the Presidential race.

So why can't Democrats?

Also the Democratic Congress and Bush WILL come together on some things. Bush's immigration plans were shot down by the GOP Congress. The Democrat one oddly have similar views on Bush on that issue.


VictimOfGrief said:
I'll honestly say having democrats in the house and maybe the senate means jack shit. Most of you koolaid drinkers that are "happy' with this outcome aren't going to get any more respect / bills passed with Bush still president for another 2 years.

Also.... F*** any attempt of a democrat being president in 2008.... it will be a re-lapse of the f***** up Clinton saga all over again.



President George W. Bush plans to respond to last night's Republican wipeout with a combination of conciliation and confrontation that is unlikely to pacify an empowered and emboldened opposition. Aides say that beginning with an appearance in the Rose Garden this afternoon, Bush will try to cast the blue wave as an opportunity rather than a defeat, and will vow to plunge ahead with transformative goals like reworking the Social Security system for fiscal longevity. "The same group of problems are there," White House Press Secretary Tony Snow tells TIME. "You just will have some different people in the leadership. We have an opportunity to have an activist last two years of this Presidency, which will be good for the country." Snow, who worked conservative talk radio for three hours yesterday afternoon, said Democrats now "have to decide whether they're going to be part of the solution, or are going to try to shut down the government for two years and point fingers at the President."


Ah ha ha ha! ****ing Tony Snow. An infuriating butthole to the very end. I hope Bush keeps aggressive shitheels like Snow and Rumsfeld around, it'll just keep hurting the GOP for 2008.


One thing got over-looked. Indiana. Indiana was won BIG by Bush in 2004. Dem's took the state house there and 3 house seats. If you paid attention to that state during the race one name comes up. EVAN BAYH.

The democrat current senator/former gov. of the red state put A LOT of work in there this race and made it a blue state.

He plans to run for President and is he is a big time moderate, his chances have rose a lot with this campaigning power he used in Indiana this year. Keep an eye on this guy:
scorcho said:
i was going to write a nice rebuttal to this, but i'll respond instead with this -

how are those tears tasting? salty i'd imagine.
Not crying at all, however my bitterness stems from the fact that over 3/4 of this board is democrat and are delighted in thinking their party is going to do any better. Really, it's quite sad to see.


VictimOfGrief said:
Not crying at all, however my bitterness stems from the fact that over 3/4 of this board is democrat and are delighted in thinking their party is going to do any better. Really, it's quite sad to see.
We think it will do better because....guess what. We agree with them on issues more than we do with Republicans!



VictimOfGrief said:
Not crying at all, however my bitterness stems from the fact that over 3/4 of this board is democrat and are delighted in thinking their party is going to do any better. Really, it's quite sad to see.

Well, what are you? I have to assume, given your response, that you feel Democrats are gonna do worse or at least not any better. So if you think they're gonna do worse, that implies you think the Republicans would do better and thus it's the same thing you're calling the board out for. If you think they will both do equally shitty, then it's not logical your response because at the very least we've seen Republicans do horribly for the past few years and so it's best to give the Democrats a chance once again after all that.

Alternatively, you're a green party member and you hate life by throwing your vote away :p

So, which is it?


testicles on a cold fall morning
VALIS said:
Ah ha ha ha! ****ing Tony Snow. An infuriating butthole to the very end. I hope Bush keeps aggressive shitheels like Snow and Rumsfeld around, it'll just keep hurting the GOP for 2008.
the best part is that what Snow calls 'gridlock', i call 'checks and balances'. there's a great piece on Foreign Affairs this month on how Congress has essentially removed itself from checking executive power over the last few decades (though it's fallen dramatically in the current Republican control). i'm very hopeful that Democratic control of the House (and Senate?) will at the least reclaim some authority in DC.
Cheebs said:
We think it will do better because....guess what. We agree with them on issues more than we do with Republicans!

Meh. I would generally say that after this election that the 2 party system is the one to blame and that having "representatives" in Congress / House who don't represent my views is what is ruining democracy for most states in the Union.

Living in Oregon where multnomah county runs the state and is 99.9% democrat... is a fluke since the rest of Oregon is republican. It's shit like that pisses me off since our state representation is a bunch of morons who don't represent the majority of the people.

Agreeing on things is all well and dandy but I foresee there being a shit ton of political bickering now that the dems have one side of the congress.


Awesome. Tom Delay is on MSNBC:

"We took a Texas whooping" :lol

VictimOfGrief said:
Agreeing on things is all well and dandy but I foresee there being a shit ton of political bickering now that the dems have one side of the congress.
Looks like both sides of congress. I love how the GOP is calling this bickering and gridlock. As said earlier this is no gridlock.


You know what? If the only thing the democrat congress does is kick out Rummy, then this will be all worth it.


Cheebs said:
Awesome. Tom Delay is on MSNBC:

"We took a Texas whooping" :lol

Looks like both sides of congress. I love how the GOP is calling this bickering and gridlock. As said earlier this is no gridlock.


You know what? If the only thing the democrat congress does is kick out Rummy, then this will be all worth it.

I don't think the Congress needs to do anything (if they even can legally) to kick out Rummy. I think after this election no amount of "votes of confidence" from Bush will keep him around.
Amir0x said:
Well, what are you? I have to assume, given your response, that you feel Democrats are gonna do worse or at least not any better. So if you think they're gonna do worse, that implies you think the Republicans would do better and thus it's the same thing you're calling the board out for. If you think they will both do equally shitty, then it's not logical your response because at the very least we've seen Republicans do horribly for the past few years and so it's best to give the Democrats a chance once again after all that.

Alternatively, your a green party member and you hate life.

So, which is it?

To respond with a one-sided argument I would have to state that my alignment with the republicans is not flawed. It is. My view of the democrats and the republicans is one of being jaded. My responses thus far on the election crap is one in the minority.

Me stating that the democrats are not going to do a better job means just that. The republicans haven't proven themselves over the course of the past couple years so now you democrat folks are getting a chance. Congrats. That being said I doubt it's going to do any good for any of the American people with Bush deeply seated in his ways and in office for the next two years. Sure, some stuff will get done, but for the majority it won't.

The bullshit that you people are thriving off of is that "things will be better for America..."


Seriously. I'll defend my party line because I think there's a higher majority of democrat pricks that cater to special interest groups, prompt lower class, minority social groups but then turn their backs on them once they get elected. Sure, the republican side has some of that going on too, but for the most part democrats will lure people in their candy coated words and then before you know it... you've got a president cigar f****** a white house aid.

This goes without saying but this is MY opinion on how broken both party systems are.......... HOWEVER, in the long run, it's the American people that suffer at the hands of politicians that can't get any shit done or who are either too far left... or too far right to talk to each other.

Remember... it always boils down to:

Who ever wins, We Lose.


Cheebs said:
They can help get him out. Promise Bush they'll pass something he wants if they replace Rummy.

They can help him out a lot if he signs real reform bills and not lame wedge issue crap the GOP kept coming up with.


Cheebs said:
They can help get him out. Promise Bush they'll pass something he wants if they replace Rummy.

Not worth it, IMO, and what is he going to ask for? If anything I think Bush's proposed immigration policy has a better chance now than it had before.


Just wanted to give everyone an update on the local elections here in Oklahoma.

Incumbent Gov. Brad Henry absolutely destroyed Ernest Istook, who conceded early in the night. This effect worked its way down the ballot, electing Democrats to 8 of 9 statewide offices. This includes my candidate, Jari Askins, who defeated Speaker of the House Todd Hiett by about 5%. The state senate is evenly split between Dems and Repubs, so Jari now holds the tie-breaking vote.

The Oklahoma County District Atty. race was amazing, too--Democrat David Prater defeated his former boss, Wes Lane, who fired him several years ago. He won by 800 votes, defying expectations that Lane would win going away.

Needless to say, there's plenty of excitement around here, and I can't wait to (hopefully) get to work at the state capitol!


teiresias said:
Not worth it, IMO, and what is he going to ask for? If anything I think Bush's proposed immigration policy has a better chance now than it had before.
exactly. Use his immigration policy as a bartering tool to get Rummy out.

Democrats won STRONGLY due to Iraq, they need to do something significant like getting Rummy out to show they did something.


VictimOfGrief said:
The bullshit that you people are thriving off of is that "things will be better for America..."


Seriously. I'll defend my party line because I think there's a higher majority of democrat pricks that cater to special interest groups, prompt lower class, minority social groups but then turn their backs on them once they get elected.

well, there you have it. You DO think the Republicans will do a better job, even if it's a tiny bit better. Therefore, it's more than a little double sided to try to say it's "bullshit" for Democratic supporters to think the same for their party or who they voted for.

I do think the Democrats will do a better job. I don't think they will do a perfect job. I think there's a lot of shit that the party needs to fix, and I think no matter what it's not gonna happen overnight and I also believe we're gonna need a Democratic president before we can truly see what they will do with complete power. But, in the end, I think it's going to make the government move in a positive direction and that's the key for me. That is what affected my vote. I have voted for Republicans in the past, and I like a lot of them. But this year, it was simply not in the cards because they have done too much wrong. And yes, I think this mix up with put a fire under some asses and improve things.

VictimOfGrief said:
Sure, the republican side has some of that going on too, but for the most part democrats will lure people in their candy coated words and then before you know it... you've got a president cigar f****** a white house aid.

It has got to be said... do you honestly still care that our President was getting a little sweet pussy on the side? Do you? Genuine question. I don't have any idea how that impacts a single relevant thing in our government. The only issue is that he lied about it. I personally have no objections with our president sticking fine cigars in the collective twats of fine females the country wide, as long as his policies are fair and help make the government a better place. But, maybe that's just me!
Cheebs said:
One thing got over-looked. Indiana. Indiana was won BIG by Bush in 2004. Dem's took the state house there and 3 house seats. If you paid attention to that state during the race one name comes up. EVAN BAYH.

The democrat current senator/former gov. of the red state put A LOT of work in there this race and made it a blue state.

He plans to run for President and is he is a big time moderate, his chances have rose a lot with this campaigning power he used in Indiana this year. Keep an eye on this guy:

Yep...I am so glad to see Hostettler gone especially. I had lived in his his district from the time I was first able to vote until I moved to Chicago a few months ago. Voted against him in 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004...and he won anyway each time. But now he's finally out.


A great change in political power, but I'm still keeping my eye on the lot of them. Sure they have a lot of my views, but then again they did lose the presidency twice to Bush. Have they learned enough now to not squander their advantage?

Happiness with a couple grains of salt describe how I feel right about now.

[edit]Waitaminit, who won Governor in Georgia?


**** Perdue again!?! I swear he's freakin' invincible!


Cheebs said:
exactly. Use his immigration policy as a bartering tool to get Rummy out.

Democrats won STRONGLY due to Iraq, they need to do something significant like getting Rummy out to show they did something.

considering the gains Democrats made in the latino vote, at least according to polls, over where it was in '04 I think the Democrats risk losing that leverage and that bracket if they're seen as holding immigration legislation hostage over Rumsfeld.

Politically, Rumsfeld has to go, if it doesn't happen the corroding of what's left of W's presidency will only increase, the Dems have no reason to try and use extraordinary circumstances to force him out, particularly since with Rumsfeld there they can always continually point to Bush following failed strategy.


teiresias said:
considering the gains Democrats made in the latino vote, at least according to polls, over where it was in '04 I think the Democrats risk losing that leverage and that bracket if they're seen as holding immigration legislation hostage over Rumsfeld.
That is true. The latino vote made a gigantic lean to Democrats. As did the middle-class, which Democrats lost a long time ago.


Diablos said:
I voted. Straight Party Democratic vote, and I voted yes on the Gulf Conflict Veterans' Compensation Fund Referendum.

The Santorum crew at the polls was damn near nonexistent. There wasn't a Republican vibe at all.

edit: Dammit, why the hell is it raining where there are tight races? Mother Nature hates Democrats.

Hellz yeah, same here brotha ;)

To whoever voted for Lieberman :lol You guys deserve him. Us gamers should of banded together to vote this joker out, but nooo he somehow crawled back in.


Matt_C said:
Hellz yeah, same here brotha ;)

To whoever voted for Lieberman :lol You guys deserve him. Us gamers should of banded together to vote this joker out, but nooo he somehow crawled back in.
We gotta play nice to Lieberman for now, at least till he votes for Majority Leader Harry Reid. ;)
People are right that even with the House and (hopefully) the Senate, the Dems can't transform the country overnight. Pelosi's first 100 hours are a good start:

Pelosi has said that in the first 100 hours of her speakership she will push for action implementing all 9/11 Commission recommendations on national security, raising the minimum wage to $7.25. eliminating corporate subsidies for oil companies, allowing the government to negotiate Medicare drug prices, imposing new restrictions on lobbyists, cutting interest rates on college loans, and supporting embryonic stem-cell research.

All decent stuff. But having even a slim majority means that you get to run the committees, which means:


That doesn't mean impeachment hearings day one, but the Republican congress have been negligent in their oversight responsibilities for the past 6 years, and now all that shit can be brought to light (the build up to Iraq, Iraq contracts, corruption etc.)...


so, I just woke up. the way things were trending I thought Tester would be behind. wooooo

and I get Gears of War today.

what a great ****ing day.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
You know it's weird living in Montgomery County. Before the Kerry election I would have placed this place as a Republican stronghold, yet in both the presidential and this mid-term I've discovered that this county is STRONGLY democratic.

BTW we've elected the first black county executive in this county.

Only 10% of this county is black BTW.

EDIT: Hmm Pelosi at least seems to be making all the right sounds...


ToxicAdam said:
The absolute best thing about Republicans losing control is Ted Stevens is out of power. No more horse shit hearings.
This is good for Republicans in the long run. They will have some soul searching and hopefully come out as the party they were before they became the corrupt christian right ruled party that lost today.


ToxicAdam said:
The absolute best thing about Republicans losing control is no more expansion of federal power over the next two years, and George Bush being powerless.

I fixed it for you. ;)

Ted Stevens' geriatric ramblings at least provide us with humor. There's really nothing funny about Bush, just sadness and shame.


they call me "Man Gravy".
ToxicAdam said:
The absolute best thing about Republicans losing control is Ted Stevens is out of power. No more horse shit hearings.


you know what? Considering the actual changes that may come about due to Democrat control, I think I actually agree with you TA. I wonder if they're going to be able to finish that damn bridge now?
Diablos said:
I was shocked to hear DeLay of all people say that Pelosi is "a fine lady."

I'm in shock over that. Did The Hammer really say that???
ToxicAdam said:
The absolute best thing about Republicans losing control is Ted Stevens is out of power. No more horse shit hearings.
But, but, he gave us the series of tubes, and that has to count for something...


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I for one welcome our new Democratic overlords. It's a wonder what competent candidates can do (i.e. those smart enough to emulate President Clinton's campaign strategy.) It only took the Democratic party 10 years to remember how to win. I'm looking forward to seeing what the much-needed new blood in the legislative leadership comes up with.

In other news, I'm selling my Diebold stock.
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