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Official NeoGAF US Mid-term Elections 2006 Thread

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Fusion voting is neat-it allows a candidate to run on multiple party lines so that people that want to send a message to the person they vote for (hey, I don't like your party, but I do like you a lot OR hey, I want you to promote this agenda, it is important to me) can do so.

I totally dig the idea, myself.
Well this is interesting


"Says Eric Moskowitz of the Concord Monitor:

A letter-writer to the Monitor said she had been "bombarded by recorded election messages from [Democratic candidate] Paul Hodes." Marilyn Jewell of Concord wrote that she would be sure to vote for [his Republican opponent Charlie] Bass, in part because "he doesn't pester me to death."

What's wrong with this picture? Hodes isn't pummeling voters with repeated robocalls--Republicans are.

But it sure does sound that way, for the first ten seconds ("Hello, I'm calling with information about Paul Hodes...") Hang up the phone? That's fine with the robocallers, because they'll call you back, again and again and again.

And NH isn't the only place where this is happening. "

jamesinclair said:
Well this is interesting


"Says Eric Moskowitz of the Concord Monitor:

A letter-writer to the Monitor said she had been "bombarded by recorded election messages from [Democratic candidate] Paul Hodes." Marilyn Jewell of Concord wrote that she would be sure to vote for [his Republican opponent Charlie] Bass, in part because "he doesn't pester me to death."

What's wrong with this picture? Hodes isn't pummeling voters with repeated robocalls--Republicans are.

But it sure does sound that way, for the first ten seconds ("Hello, I'm calling with information about Paul Hodes...") Hang up the phone? That's fine with the robocallers, because they'll call you back, again and again and again.

And NH isn't the only place where this is happening. "


Yeah, like I said earlier, this is happening in at LEAST 20 districts. It's clearly ****ing illegal and is fresh off the heels of the GOP phone jamming suit in which felony indictments were handed down over their involvement of jamming Democratic phone lines in the 2002 midterms to supress the vote in New Jersey. A case in which the GOP has invested over $2.5 million to defend in court.

This site has all the particulars on the GOP's latest robocalling efforts.

As for the goofball in California hijacking the EAS system to air his political message and claiming it was all the fault of a "technical snafu," all you can do is :lol :lol :lol :lol.


Tomorrow I'm going to vote on a diebold machine, in one of the safest Democratic districts in the country, in a state where the Dems have no chance in the statewide races and there is no Senate elections. In other words, I'm probably wasting my time but oh well.

Around 3 or 4, I will go to the liquor store to stock up, come home and watch the carnage on TV, until I know if I should be celebrating or freaking out (again).

Then, I guess on Wednesday I will find a job, or go totally insane and issue an Imperial Proclamation dissolving Congress. I could go either way.
I dunno. Last week I predicted a +5 gain, but the latest Su/USA and Gallup(if reliable) polls indicate a full on sweep. I'm still sticking with 5 just to cover my ass, hehe. I think Allen is a goner, though. Good riddance. There are some wild fluctuations happening all across the country that has me wondering what the hell is actually going on. Over the weekend, Ford Jr. was all but written off in Tennessee, but according to CNN/usa he's down only by 3%. And in Missouri, the latest polling has McCaskill jumping out to a 7% lead. I don't buy either. I think Ford Jr is going to lose, but not by the amounts some of the polls were indicating over the weekend. I wouldn't be surprised to see him come up 4% short -- and Frag is right in his assesment of the "call me" ad. Bitch and moan all you want, but you know that brought some of the base around.

I've been really impressed with Steele in Maryland. It's too bad the GOP handpicked him to run in a brutal year otherwise I'd say he has more than a fair shot of knocking off Cardin.


Man, it would be cool if they win the House, but honestly the Senate is the more important body as far as oversight and investigations go, IMO.
Incognito said:
I dunno. Last week I predicted a +5 gain, but the latest Su/USA and Gallup(if reliable) polls indicate a full on sweep. I'm still sticking with 5 just to cover my ass, hehe. I think Allen is a goner, though. Good riddance. There are some wild fluctuations happening all across the country that has me wondering what the hell is actually going on. Over the weekend, Ford Jr. was all but written off in Tennessee, but according to CNN/usa he's down only by 3%. And in Missouri, the latest polling has McCaskill jumping out to a 7% lead. I don't buy either. I think Ford Jr is going to lose, but not by the amounts some of the polls were indicating over the weekend. I wouldn't be surprised to see him come up 4% short -- and Frag is right in his assesment of the "call me" ad. Bitch and moan all you want, but you know that brought some of the base around.

I've been really impressed with Steele in Maryland. It's too bad the GOP handpicked him to run in a brutal year otherwise I'd say he has more than a fair shot of knocking off Cardin.

In 2000,2002, and 2004 Steele would win against Cardin in Maryland. I just don't think he can do it this year. I don't know what he'll do in the meantime-the Governor's race is this year too and there isn't another Senate race for four years. The GOP should find something for him, though.

Allen's toast. Republicans were beat by Dems in 2005 in GOTV and Virignia was WAY closer than it had any right to be in 2004 for Bush. I would be very worried if you're a Republican looking at 2008, because a top-tier swing-state has emerged in Virgnia. Allen's campaign GOTV effort is apparently garbage as well. He loses by 5 points, I think, and the democratic internets score a monster upset. Meanwhile, the GOP starts to look hard at Romney as the anti-McCain in 2008, much to their peril-do they have any idea what Southern Baptists and hardcore evagelicals think of Mormons? Apparently not.

Talent's campaign epitaph will read "I never did anything to stand out". He's constantly played it safe in Missouri, and the prevent defense just isn't going to work out in the end. The Missouri GOP GOTV performed below-average in 2004 for Bush and there are just too many little factors against Talent that add up-the stem cell initiative, the large number of independents, etc. I think the tipping point for this race was the whole Michael J. Fox ad, the resulting media fallout, and Talent never really being able to get back on message well after that. It's still close, but it's not going to go into recount land like a lot of people think.

I almost feel bad for Lincoln Chafee. It's like convicting a grunt for a war crime when he was just following orders that came from an abusive officer. That being said, he's a Republican, and in Rhode Island, Republicans this year are filth to be cleansed. Buh-bye.

Corker's amazing ability to go negative and hit his base of voters (which are larger than Ford's base, this is one of the few states where the GOP can really win just by bringing out the base) right below the belt where it counts won him this race. He made a really good move in swapping out his campaign staff and their savvy of exploiting the worst out of people was effective. Ford didn't handle the attacks well, but I don't blame him too much for it-how the hell are you supposed to work your way out of something like that in Tennessee? I just don't see it.

Montana-This is the one that is currently the buzz. I really don't know how this is going to play out. My money is still with Tester since Burns has never had a lead since this became a race and GOTV differences don't matter much when there are so few people living in MT.

I'm sure I'll be wrong about one of the races here, so it's a 50-50 senate. There are a few GOP incumbents that are going to be scared to the bone about their chances in 2008 (Norm Coleman is going to find out that he's the next Mike DeWine), but I don't see any party swappers on either side, not even Lieberman.


Small balls, big fun!
Conversation I had with my uncle today on the Steele/Cardin race. My uncle is Catholic, I'm not.

UNCLE: Admit it. You hadn't even heard of Ben Cardin before this election.

ME: Nope.

UNCLE: 30 years in Congress as a Representative.

ME: Not my district!

UNCLE: Yeah. Your aunt thinks he's just keeping the seat warm for Van Hollen, as sort of a reward for years of service to the party.

ME: Ah. Sort of like that one year Richie Petitbon coached the Redskins?

UNCLE: Yeah, or like the current Pope.

ME: Haha, I'm not allowed to say that.

UNCLE: Well, I'm not meant to either.


So, final prediction... where do you think things will end up at the end of the day tommorrow?

With the house, they need 15 seats... I think the Democrats will pick up a total of 21 seats, giving them control.

With the senate, I think the Democrats will win 4 of the 6 battlegrounds they need to take the Senate (Missouri, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Ohio).
Same as before-Dems rout Republicans pretty hard in the Northeast and Midwest, and get a few suprises along the way. 32 seat pickup for the Dems in the House.

Five net senate seats for the Dems. Six is possible but not as likely as five.

Suprise of the night is going to happen out West. Not sure which race or what state, but rest assured it will come from there.


If Dem's do gain House control the most important story of the election will be the death of the Northern Republican.

The signing of the Civil Rights act led to the death of the southern democrat in 1966
The Iraq War led to the death of the northern republican in 2006


Amir0x said:
So, final prediction... where do you think things will end up at the end of the day tommorrow?

With the house, they need 15 seats... I think the Democrats will pick up a total of 21 seats, giving them control.

With the senate, I think the Democrats will win 4 of the 6 battlegrounds they need to take the Senate (Missouri, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Ohio).
This doesn't sound like a bad prediction, honestly. I think Dems will get 4 out of the 6 seats in the Senate, too. As for the House, there's a lot of seats... it's hard to say exactly what it would be, but somewhere around 20-25 sounds good.


No more stupid ads! I don't care who wins but I don't have to see Harold Ford tell me I shouldn't vote for Corker because how rich Corker is anymore and I don't have to see Bob tell me that Ford isn't from Tennessee anymore!

*happy dance


I voted. Straight Party Democratic vote, and I voted yes on the Gulf Conflict Veterans' Compensation Fund Referendum.

The Santorum crew at the polls was damn near nonexistent. There wasn't a Republican vibe at all.

edit: Dammit, why the hell is it raining where there are tight races? Mother Nature hates Democrats.


Didn't really care about anything or anyone but governor and judge. Governor because he helped get us the lottery, which is fun as long as you play for fun and maybe just a buck or two on the scratchers every now and then.

The judge because I was in her court when I was younger and she was very fair and polite. She actually listened to what I had to say and took my considerations into thought. (custody issues and such).


Is today your official voting day and will the counts/results be released tonight? Any idea when the first results will be coming in?

This is very interesting even to those outside the US as there are so many global issues going on at the moment.
Cheebs said:
That doesn't even make any sense! Let me guess you're a republican?

Tongue in cheek my friend.

But you have to understand that someone has to predict the impossible, because then if it comes to pass they become a modern day Nostradamus. I'm in it for the riches. :/


Diablos said:
edit: Dammit, why the hell is it raining where there are tight races? Mother Nature hates Democrats.

If it makes you feel better it is raining in east Tennessee today which is a heavy Republican stronghold in the state and not raining in west Tennessee the Democratic stronghold.


Cheebs said:
She is cute. Watching MSNBC eh? :lol

Funny how even though NBC as a whole is losing money all over the place, they still manage to have the best political coverage out of the three networks. CNN should hire a big chunk of the MSNBC political team (producers as well) if the network goes under. It's to my understanding that NBC is in deep, deep trouble financially. The presentation, discussion, analysis, etc. is all very nice.

jjasper: haha, watch it shift over in a few hours. :p


Diablos said:
jjasper: haha, watch it shift over in a few hours. :p

It would take a natural phenomenon for that to happen and would probably signal the end of the world so I think you are alright today.:)

Also whoever loses today in TN look for a possible challenge since in Memphis there have been confirmed reports of voter fraud in early voting.


Diablos said:

Funny how even though NBC as a whole is losing money all over the place, they still manage to have the best political coverage out of the three networks. CNN should hire a big chunk of the MSNBC political team (producers as well) if the network goes under. It's to my understanding that NBC is in deep, deep trouble financially. The presentation, discussion, analysis, etc. is all very nice.

jjasper: haha, watch it shift over in a few hours. :p
NBC News is the #1 watched news show and MSNBC is rising to CNN levels of viewers, it could over-take it if the trend continues.



I watched MSNBC in 2004 and thought it had far superior coverage and will probably tune in at points tonight to see what they have going on.

Edit: Man I just saw that early voting in Tennessee was at like 40% WTF? That is crazy.


Cheebs said:
There are rumors that MSNBC will rename itself "NBC News Channel" and focus almost entierely on politics.
Very good news. "MSNBC" is a dumb name anyway. Oh wow, Microsoft owns it!!11~


Cheebs said:
There are rumors that MSNBC will rename itself "NBC News Channel" and focus almost entierely on politics.

Does that mean Chris Matthews will be playing hardball all day long?


Diablos said:
I voted. Straight Party Democratic vote, and I voted yes on the Gulf Conflict Veterans' Compensation Fund Referendum.

The Santorum crew at the polls was damn near nonexistent. There wasn't a Republican vibe at all.

edit: Dammit, why the hell is it raining where there are tight races? Mother Nature hates Democrats.


down with Rick Santorum.


jjasper said:
Yeah but Chris Matthews so much cooler than say Joe Scarborough
Of course,I think I am kind of warming up to Joe after all this coverage the last week. :lol

He is conservative, but is no O'Rielly. He seems to feel Democrats will take control and isn't ignorant.
Fragamemnon said:
Same as before-Dems rout Republicans pretty hard in the Northeast and Midwest, and get a few suprises along the way. 32 seat pickup for the Dems in the House.

Five net senate seats for the Dems. Six is possible but not as likely as five.

Suprise of the night is going to happen out West. Not sure which race or what state, but rest assured it will come from there.

Basiscally the same as mine. At ***-ages a few days ago, I predicted +31 in the House, +6 in the Senate and +8 governors. I'm leaning heavily towards a +5 pickup in the Senate instead of 6, though. I think 6 is possible, but like you said, 5 is much more likely.


testicles on a cold fall morning
You guys are pretty optimistic for Democratic chances in the House. I'm thinking more of a 16-20 seat pickup in the House, with 4-5 in the Senate.

The funny part is that the GOP will likely try to spin that as a Republican victory, and the press will lap it up as such.
Cheebs said:
There are rumors that MSNBC will rename itself "NBC News Channel" and focus almost entierely on politics.

That's not a rumor, it's one of Dan Abrams new edicts. Ever since he took over as General Manager of MSNBC, there's been a noticeable turnaround. First off, he booted Rita Cosby off the air and then he started to showcase Keith Olberman. It also seems he's let the host have free reign to do just about anything, as compared to the past(ahem, Donahue), in which certain viewpoints were discouraged. I no longer think they're striving to be FoxNews-lite, instead opting to just dish out good political news that usually flys under the radar.

Chris Matthews, depening on which political cocktail party he attended the night before, can either be a doofus or hardhitting journalist. Tucker, I dunno about Tucker. Sometimes I like him, other times (most) I loathe him. And Keith is getting the job done even though I usually don't watch.


Cheebs said:
NBC News is the #1 watched news show and MSNBC is rising to CNN levels of viewers, it could over-take it if the trend continues.


Interesting chart I'd like to see foxnews thrown in there too.




Election fixing charges fly in Utah county
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- Voting appears to be very popular in Daggett County, Utah.

Daggett County has registered 947 voters for Tuesday's election. According to the most recent Census figures, that's four more than the county's population in 2005.

A spokesman for Attorney General Mark Shurtleff says complaints of vote-stuffing in the county are being investigated. Democrats suspect County Clerk Vickie McKee is letting outsiders swell the Daggett County registration rolls to give Republicans an advantage. The Democrats also say the father of a Republican deputy running for sheriff has 14 adults registered at his household. McKee hasn't responded to messages from The Associated Press.


Good ol' George Allen:

FBI looking into possible Va. voter intimidation

News4 reported: “The viewer's e-mail stated after he had voted, he received a call from an unknown caller who said they knew the voter was registered out of state and would be arrested if they voted today. The viewer's e-mail stated he's been registered to vote in Virginia for the last three years and has the Virginia Voter Registration card to prove it.”

The Webb campaign also said other voters are getting calls telling them their polling location has changed.

There are also allegations that fliers that say, "Skip This Election," are blanketing African-American communities, News4 reported.
KingGondo said:
...I'm a staffer...our very own jackass Senator...
From a staffer in elections gone by to a current staffer, don't do anything to make yourself the focus of a story. Even if the other guy is a jackass and you're just posting that fact to some video game board on the internet.


just heard a report on fox news that turnout in virginia is very very high for a midterm election. i'm pretty sure i heard them say that a 60 percent turnout of the electorate was expected based on the voting so far... Apparently the turnout is high in democratic areas as well as republican areas so it seems that both sides of the electorate are voting heavily.

I hope allen gets crushed. He is a terribly fake senator. I can't believe that anybody ever thought he would make a good presidential candidate.

I'm hoping that some of these turnouts in republican areas include people like me who are fairly conservative but want to punish the republicans. I can't believe that people would actually be turning out in massive numbers to keep Allen in office. Not in any district.


Amir0x said:

down with Rick Santorum.
Heh, I saw him at the polls today (on TV), he did NOT look like his typical, cocky, overconfident self. He looked like a loser begging for a vote. Seriously. He looks WORRIED.



Are Republicans or Democrats Better for the Stock Market?

Stocks Have Actually Done Better Under Democrats

Despite the behavior of the market during the last Presidential election, over longer periods of time, the stock market has done significantly better under Democratic administrations.

The accompanying chart shows stock returns under each occupant of the White House since the beginning of Harry Truman's second term. I have calculated the return from the end of the November election, since stocks will react to the policies of the incoming administration when it is elected, not when it takes office.

President Party Date Months in Office Annualized Stock Return
Truman D 11/48-10/52 48 18.28%
Eisenhower R 11/52-10/60 96 14.96%
Kennedy D 11/60-10/63 36 15.15%
Johnson D 11/63-10/68 60 10.39%
Nixon R 11/68-7/74 69 -1.32%
Ford R 8/74-10/76 27 17.21%
Carter D 11/76-10/80 48 11.04%
Reagan R 11/80-10/88 96 15.18%
Bush R 11/88-10/92 48 14.44%
Clinton D 11/92-10/00 96 19%
Bush, G.W. R 11/00-2/06 63 -0.92%
Average from 1948 to Feb. 2006 Democrat 42.8% 15.26%
Republican 57.2% 9.53%
Overall 100% 11.95%

The table tells the story. Since 1948, Republican Administrations have controlled the White House 57.2 percent of the time. But during the period that the GOP was in office, stock returns have averaged only 9.53 percent per year, while under Democratic administrations, stocks returned 15.25 percent per year, more than five percentage points higher.


Ky. poll worker charged with assault, interfering with election
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) -- A poll worker was arrested Tuesday and charged with assault and interfering with an election for allegedly choking a voter and pushing the voter out the door, an official said.

Election officials called police, and the voter wanted to file charges, said Paula McCraney, a spokeswoman for the Jefferson County Clerk.

"That about tops off the day," McCraney said.

It wasn't immediately clear what sparked the altercation. The name of the poll worker was not released and a Louisville police spokesman did not immediately return calls seeking comment.



From NBC's Elizabeth Wilner

We've received reports of problems with voting machines in Florida, Indiana and Utah -- and one car that ran into a polling place in Springfield, OH. NBC affiliate WDTN reports there was "some damage" to the building, but people inside don't appear to have been hurt. The male driver also was not hurt -- and was able to vote.

From USA Today:

Turnout should increase from 39.7% in 2002 and may exceed the most recent midterm high of 42.1% in 1982, according to Curtis Gans, director of American University's Center for the Study of the American Electorate. Gans does not expect this year's turnout to top the all-time benchmark of 47% in 1970.


:lol @ Harold Ford on MSNBC just now.

Harold: "Like I've always said I like girls and football, so if that's a problem..."
Tucker: "Hahaha... no matter what happens, to me that's the line of the campaign."
Harold: "You certainly won't have to worry about me e-mailing any young male congressional paiges, anyway!"

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