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Official NeoGAF US Mid-term Elections 2006 Thread

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Honorary Canadian.
I have a growing fear that Proposal 2 in Michigan is going to pass.

Which is good, because the best way to revive a horrible, poverty-ridden and decrepit city like Detroit is to abolish affirmative action.


If prop 2 passes AND dick devos gets elected governor, i'm moving.


Amir0x said:
:lol @ Harold Ford on MSNBC just now.

Harold: "Like I've always said I like girls and football, so if that's a problem..."
Tucker: "Hahaha... no matter what happens, to me that's the line of the campaign."
Harold: "You certainly won't have to worry about me e-mailing any young male congressional paiges, anyway!"

Just saw that too :lol


Honorary Canadian.
Amir0x said:
I'm against Affirmative Action so... don't hate me

I hope Harold Ford wins jus' cause of that really!
You also probably don't live in Michigan, where the poverty to race ratio is incredibly jarring and the income gap between the areas is growing as we speak.

I find most people don't understand affirmative action at all, and they have a tendency to confuse it with a quota system.

Oh well. Sorry black people in Michigan. We changed our mind on this whole "equality" stuff and have no intention on fixing the institutions anymore. But thanks for showing up and yay for freedom, huh?


whytemyke said:
You also probably don't live in Michigan, where the poverty to race ratio is incredibly jarring and the income gap between the areas is growing as we speak.

I live in Memphis where it is just as bad and I don't like AA in it's current shape either.


whytemyke said:
You also probably don't live in Michigan, where the poverty to race ratio is incredibly jarring and the income gap between the areas is growing as we speak.

I find most people don't understand affirmative action at all, and they have a tendency to confuse it with a quota system.

Oh well. Sorry black people in Michigan. We changed our mind on this whole "equality" stuff and have no intention on fixing the institutions anymore. But thanks for showing up and yay for freedom, huh?

I understand it, I just don't agree that affirmative action is the best road to improve these problems. I believe that it helps increase the idea of polarization between different races, and avoids the key problems underlying why there are these huge gaps. I think addressing the issues at its roots with various initiatives, rather than applying what is essentially a band-aid, would be more satisfactory to this problem as a whole.

To me.


ToxicAdam said:
In related news, the weather was also nicer during Democratic Presidential terms.

Vote Democrat = more sunshine.

Really? 'Cause if that's true that makes me feel more secure in my vote. Sunshine ftw.


Just got back from voting at the Church down the street, and I'm quaffing down the Pilsner of Freedom as we speak in celebration of my civic duty. It's also raining like a mofo in GA, but I don't think that's going to effect anything here.


Amir0x said:
Santorum is on MSNBC, look at his corn-fed smile! A pox on thee, Senator Santorum!
Yeah, he's gonna have it hard after he's booted from office, writing more books, working on K Street, giving speeches. I'm gonna shed some tears for Ricky.


I. Hate. Rick. Santorum. His appearance on MSNBC made me cringe.

I will be devastated if he's surprisingly voted back in. How he has been able to survive as Senator here for 12 years is a mystery to me.


they call me "Man Gravy".
ToxicAdam said:
In related news, the weather was also nicer during Democratic Presidential terms.

Vote Democrat = more sunshine.

yup, pretty much. Vote Republican = killer hurricanes that destroy American coastal cities. Vote Democrat = blowjobs for everyone! Whose side are you on?


ToxicAdam said:
In related news, the weather was also nicer during Democratic Presidential terms.

Vote Democrat = more sunshine.

You got statistics to back that up? If so I'm voting democrat!
Diablos said:
I. Hate. Rick. Santorum. His appearance on MSNBC made me cringe.

I will be devastated if he's surprisingly voted back in. How he has been able to survive as Senator here for 12 years is a mystery to me.

Yeah, I don't even live in Pennsylvania but the Santorum/Casey race is the one I'm most closely watching. I want Sen. Frothy Mix gone.


whytemyke said:
You also probably don't live in Michigan, where the poverty to race ratio is incredibly jarring and the income gap between the areas is growing as we speak.

I find most people don't understand affirmative action at all, and they have a tendency to confuse it with a quota system.

Oh well. Sorry black people in Michigan. We changed our mind on this whole "equality" stuff and have no intention on fixing the institutions anymore. But thanks for showing up and yay for freedom, huh?
If it's any consolation, Ward Connerly's bill in CA was basically abandoned by higher ed institutions very quickly. I think by this point it's not really in force anymore -- the governmental and education entities affected found many loopholes.

You don't think that income-based admissions multipliers, or admission multipliers based on school district (i.e. a good student from a crappy district would get an advantage over a better student from a very good district) would be an effective replacement, anyway? I don't want it to pass, but I don't know how much of an effect it will have if it does.


I thought this picture was funny:

For the obvious juvenile reasons. :lol


VALIS said:
Hilary actually looks... looks... good there. The sun really does shine on the democratic party today.
I saw her on MSNBC voting, she looked good. For her age she not bad looking. She is far better looking than she was in the 90's thats for sure.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
One of my friends said that it's cold and raining sideways in Nashville, but he still saw Corker and Ford supporters out in force yelling and waving signs at each other.
teiresias said:
This is apparently a recording of one of the disgusting "You'll be arrested if you come vote on Tuesday" messages being bandied about by our (virginia's) current Senator:

While I think it's safe to assume that the call came from Allen or one of his supporters, I would like to see some evidence that it did. Whoever made it definitely needs to be prosecuted.

Shard said:
Christ, I hope I can make it to the polling place before they close. Stuipd anthropolgy tests.
Jesus, you wrote that at 2p EST, how f'in' long is that anthropology test anyway?


Guileless said:
One of my friends said that it's cold and raining sideways in Nashville, but he still saw Corker and Ford supporters out in force yelling and waving signs at each other.

On top of that people wanting to vote are having to stand in hour long lines outside in the rain and cold due to a record turnout and shortage of machines.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
From http://hughhewitt.townhall.com/

We all prepared for this year’s elections to be heated, particularly in PA with so many contested races. But even with teams of lawyers on the ground, I don’t think anyone anticipated what is going on right now. I expect this will be THE national story by 5pm today if not sooner.

37 counties in Pennsylvania use the ESS & Ivotronic.

These machines are experiencing massive failures.

If you vote for one candidate, the opposing candidate lights up.

Rendell votes are counting for Swann. Santorum votes are counting for Casey and so on

County Boards of Elections or the PA Dept of State are refusing to take action.

They don’t see the disaster that is coming.

Hundreds if not thousands of voters are alerting the authorities of these problems.

This may warrant a revote in these 37 counties.



PotatoeMasher said:
Are you joking? You realize that's coming from a conservative blog?

These machine failures don't fail based on bias--they're counting votes wrong going both ways.

If you want real voter fraud, watch the YouTube vid on the page: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krfHv8xYLyU&eurl=

I bet that 99% of them are in favor of republicans and the 1% that aren't are set up that way to confuse and try to say hey it goes both ways! haha


PS I Can't see youtube at work. :-/
maynerd said:
I bet that 99% of them are in favor of republicans and the 1% that aren't are set up that way to confuse and try to say hey it goes both ways! haha


you're probably right...

good luck tonight!!!!1


This is exactly why you do not use electronic voting machines, they are not reliable, every voter should be concerned about this.

Unbelievable. **** electronic voting.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
The story about PA doesn't seem like it's confirmed yet, so it's a little early to start freaking, IMHO.

It wouldn't surprise me if it was legit though. Electronic voting is BS.


whytemyke said:
I have a growing fear that Proposal 2 in Michigan is going to pass.

Which is good, because the best way to revive a horrible, poverty-ridden and decrepit city like Detroit is to abolish affirmative action.


If prop 2 passes AND dick devos gets elected governor, i'm moving.

If it makes you feel any better, I voted to uphold affirmative action, despite my mixed feelings on the subject.


There's no secure way to run an election currently. Mail votes are intercepted or issued to abandonned buildings, electoral systems malfunction and/or reprogrammed, booths are vandalized and closed in tight areas to make lines too long to wait, and the recently dead arise one last time to cast their paper votes.
Both Ken Melhman and Robert Novak were offered the choice of either voting by machine or paper ballot, they both chose paper.


I voted today. I have yet to ever skip an election, and I hope that will continue throughout my life. Oh yeah, Democrats ftw.
Amir0x said:
Santorum is on MSNBC, look at his corn-fed smile! A pox on thee, Senator Santorum!
I think I know why...:D
Seriously, I think the Dems will at least take the House, Nancy Pelosi will become the Speaker of the House and the leaders of those deceptively named neocon organizations (Don Wildemon, James Dobson, Jerry Fallwell, Pat Robertson, Beverly LaHaye, Tony Perkins, and Lou Sheldon) will have a blood orgy and commit mass suicide as a result. I hope. :D
maynerd said:
I can't see youtube but reading the headline of the video I assume that voters were turned away due to lack of ballots? Sorry but that DOES help the GOP since there are more people wanting to vote for the democrats! You are a republican shill. Be gone with you and your corrupt party!

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