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Official NeoGAF US Mid-term Elections 2006 Thread

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Setec Astronomer
distantmantra said:
What I've gleaned from listening:

-He feels liberated, as there will be a return to true Republican conservatism, and not the extreme right wing slant that the party had taken on. Rush stated that the party unfortunately went too far to the right, not realizing that people don't want that.
Even though it's been said before, Rush is so full of shit. That extreme right wing slant is what YOU were part of, cheerleader for, and once ringleader for! Don't disown it just because your party got screwed in the voting booth.
ConfusingJazz said:

Ever have one of those moments where you laugh so hard you lose all bowel control and shit your pants? I almost had that happen...
teiresias said:

Rush is on right now, basically saying, "I'm so glad that now I'm not going to have to defend people I no longer think deserve to have me defending them. Of course, you'll ask why did I do it? Because I like the Republicans and would rather have them in power, but I was really tired of having to defend them when I thought they were awful."

:lol :lol :lol


Is he admitting that he is a sack of shit? He's admitting that he cares more about keeping those bastards in office even if he didn't believe in him. How does anybody in this country take him seriously or have any trust in him?

What a worthless human being.
ConfusingJazz said:
Abortion isn't a neocon issue, its a religious right issue, there is a difference.
Nowadays, I can't tell the difference between the neocons and the religious right...
ConfusingJazz said:
EDIT: sorry for sounding like a dick, just would like to point out the difference occasionally, but both of them are batshit crazy.
No need to apologize there. :)
I'm getting extremely tired of seeing John McCain on my television every minute of every day. He's part of the problem and I think people are beginning to recognize that little fact. He doesn't stand a chance in 2008 and I wish he would just STFU and get back to working five days a week. He's not an agent of change, he's simply willing to change when his political fortunes will be best served.


Incognito said:
I'm getting extremely tired of seeing John McCain on my television every minute of every day. He's part of the problem and I think people are beginning to recognize that little fact. He doesn't stand a chance in 2008 and I wish he would just STFU and get back to working five days a week. He's not an agent of change, he's simply willing to change when his political fortunes will be best served.
Pat Buchanan(!) said it best. McCain is a extreme war hawk who calls for MORE troops. No one can win an election nationwide with that position.

A young energizes Obama would run circles around the 72 year old McCain.

If the GOP wants to win they need to nominate Guilliani...a non-christian pro-gay rights, pro-choice republican. Meaning they'll nominate McCain or a conservative and lose.
ferrarimanf355 said:
Nowadays, I can't tell the difference between the neocons and the religious right...

Basically, the only things neocons believe in is using American military might to spread democracy, and don't really care about domestic issues unless it keeps them in power.

The religious right mainly cares about social conservatism, like abortion, gay marriage, school prayer, etc. They have been played like a fiddle by the administration in the last 6 years, which is dominated by neocons who don't really give two shits about what the evangelicals want unless it gets them votes.
distantmantra said:
What I've gleaned from listening:

-He feels liberated, as there will be a return to true Republican conservatism, and not the extreme right wing slant that the party had taken on. Rush stated that the party unfortunately went too far to the right, not realizing that people don't want that.
-The Democrats will come at the administration charging everyone with war crimes.

He's trying to be very level headed about it all, but has a tone of defeat in his voice.

He is looking forward to the New Republican party.

Their platform includes:

Free hillbilly heroin for addicts
Viagra in the water supply
Dominican prostitutes, available by prescription
Incognito said:
I'm getting extremely tired of seeing John McCain on my television every minute of every day. He's part of the problem and I think people are beginning to recognize that little fact. He doesn't stand a chance in 2008 and I wish he would just STFU and get back to working five days a week. He's not an agent of change, he's simply willing to change when his political fortunes will be best served.

He was able to fool a lot of people, including myself, in 2000. I don't think that will happen again.


ferrarimanf355 said:
The neocon organizations will be shaking their head at this:
"Neocons" are socially liberal or moderate, extremely hawkish (especially with regards to islamic extremism), and fiscally conservative. At least in theory. However:
- They sold out on #1 for the support of the "values voters"
- They ****ed up all of the actions they took because of #2
- They sold out on #3 to support the war and for bribes; the latter primarily for the unswerving support of the corrupt and morally/philosophically/intellectually bankrupt House of Representatives, but also to weaken any sort of Senate resistance.

Neocons were and are far (far) from the scariest interest group in the GOP to liberal goals and ideals. The evangelical bloc, the southern racist bloc, and the midwestern/western paleoconservatives are all scarier and more dangerous. However, the ascent of the neocons was predicated on the support of these other, worse interest groups (see: John Ashcroft, far from a "neocon"). What's worse, once they ascended into power, they made utter hash of their one big idea (in Afghanistan/Iraq/Iran/North Korea, and the list goes on and on).

I have to admit, I'm ideologically not worlds apart from the neocons. But I was never willing to accept the alliances they made, and I've been horrified and ashamed by the utter incompetence they've shown at every level.


I Am Error said:
Oh man here come the animated .gifs if they aren't already posted (I have images disable at work).

He was just standing there talking, he paused, and his eyes were welling up (at least it looked like it, maybe he was just high) and then Bush came and whisked him off stage.
This is awesome.

Medved is taking right wingers who are whining to task on his radio show. It's really interesting.

You all should listen to right wing talk radio.
So if you are in the religious right, apparently (according to so many that speak for them), if you aren't happy with how your candidate or party is supporting your extreme positions, you just stay home and let a Democrat get elected instead. Makes sense. Either the pundits are full of it or the fundies are even dumber than I thought. :lol


distantmantra said:
This is awesome.

Medved is taking right wingers who are whining to task on his radio show. It's really interesting.

You all should listen to right wing talk radio.
Stop it distantmantra, they'll brainwash you :(

Tomorrow, you're gonna be calling us all pinheads and seeking out some NeoGAF T-WARRIORS.
distantmantra said:
This is awesome.

Medved is taking right wingers who are whining to task on his radio show. It's really interesting.

You all should listen to right wing talk radio.
I like Medved. He has his head on straight. :D
Diablos said:
Stop it distantmantra, they'll brainwash you :(

Tomorrow, you're gonna be calling us all pinheads and seeking out some NeoGAF T-WARRIORS.

Hey now, it's more entertaining than Air America! However, I'll be back to sports radio and NPR tomorrow.

Joe said:
is there any way to read/hear what limbaugh and hannity are saying?

I'm sure Limbaugh streams over the web. He's over for the day, though.


beermonkey@tehbias said:
So if you are in the religious right, apparently (according to so many that speak for them), if you aren't happy with how your candidate or party is supporting your extreme positions, you just stay home and let a Democrat get elected instead. Makes sense. Either the pundits are full of it or the fundies are even dumber than I thought. :lol
The thing is, in practice, there's very little difference between the Democrats and Republicans on the moral issues the religious right really cares about. On top of that, the religious right -- middle- to lower-class at its core -- continues to hurt by the state of the economy. They can only vote against their own economic self-interest for so long without getting any rewards (abortion bans, anti-gay constitutional amendments).


distantmantra said:
Hey now, it's more entertaining than Air America! However, I'll be back to sports radio and NPR tomorrow.
Tom Hartmann's show isn't bad. I listen to it every once in a while.
Medved may be avoiding blame, and advocating taking responsibility, but he's still an idiot. I could never stand him.

Reading his "lessons"-- he manages to miss most of the real messages this election provides.

Notable: people want a more aggressive war in Iraq (sure!), Schwarzenegger is successful and the GOP should emulate him, only *not* emulate him. Medved misses the point that Arnie is popular in part becuase he's more a pragmatic conservative than the social-values-oriented types that Medved epitomizes.

He does get it right that gay marrieage is less a partisan issue than it is usually made out to be. Sadly, plently of otherwise progressive voters hate this idea.


whytemyke said:
haha right.

if democrats gain control of the house and senate, just wait for the hearings to start on Bush. This is clearly a referendum on Iraq and people don't want it anymore. They don't need Bush's approval to hold hearings on anything from Wiretapping to the Valerie Plame stuff to the Iraq war. Just wait-- Bush's life, if the Senate goes Democrat, is going to become a nightmare.

LOL!!! Not likely. Bush has passed the buck onto Rumsfeld, and he is out of there. Bush is in the clear! w00t!!!


LM4sure said:
LOL!!! Not likely. Bush has passed the buck onto Rumsfeld, and he is out of there. Bush is in the clear! w00t!!!
Joe Biden was on MSNBC earlier today. He will be chairman of the foreign relations committee and he said he will lead deep investigations into Iraq.


LM4sure said:
LOL!!! Not likely. Bush has passed the buck onto Rumsfeld, and he is out of there. Bush is in the clear! w00t!!!

Even if he hadn't, I don't think we would have been likely to see a ton of investigations by the congress. This seems to be a smarter, strategic Democratic party that has its eye on '08. For that reason, they're not going to make the same mistakes that the Republican controlled Congress made during the Clinton era. Will they criticize the President? Of course. Will there be investigations of this administrations dealings? I'm almost certain there will be (especially on energy policy), but they're not going to dig for dirt under every rock, they'll hit areas they know the American people will be in favor of and look to present themselves as the sensible, get things done party instead of a bunch of angry liberals. Thus setting them up well for the next election cycle..


I think it's pretty sad that trying to expose all the willful wrongdoing of one party will help the party guilty of it.

That's politics. :rolleyes
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