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Official NeoGAF US Mid-term Elections 2006 Thread

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I didn't realize the drapes reference was old. Regardless, Bush is still defensive, snide and using rodeo anaologies at a press conference. Sexist joke or not, he's still setting the tone. Why shouldn't reporters be allowed to speak to him on his level?


datruth29 said:
When the hell did I blame the media for making Bush inept at speaking?

You didn't; but I am saying he wouldn't be in this situation if he weren't so incompetent.

There's not much you can say to such a person without been viewed as vicious or juvenile, that's also fair and true!


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
sorryaboutdresden said:
Now that Montana is called for the Dems, what is the current status of the vote in Virgina?

Webb has a 7000 vote lead according to Headline News, but it ain't over yet, though I believe 99% have reported in.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Cheebs said:
Yes it is. No recount has ever changed more than 800 votes. Webb is 99.9% assured that seat.

I know, I know I'm just saying it isn't official yet. ;)


sorryaboutdresden said:
Now that Montana is called for the Dems, what is the current status of the vote in Virgina?
Virginia Senate
Updated: 1:04 p.m. ET

Democratic Webb
1,169,285 50% 99% of precincts reporting votes by county voter survey results

Republican Allen
1,162,577 49%
Full VA
Independent Grassroots Parker
26,048 1%

Once the election is certified, I predict Allen will concede. Too many votes to make up. Also, Montana is outside the margin necessary for a recount, which is why it was called at all. Burns has no legal recourse.

In other news, what's up guys?


Zaptruder said:
You didn't; but I am saying he wouldn't be in this situation if he weren't so incompetent.

There's not much you can say to such a person without been viewed as vicious or juvenile, that's also fair and true!
:lol :lol :lol Thats true.
DarienA said:
I know, I know I'm just saying it isn't official yet. ;)

Wow what a day, I wish I didn't have an exam tomorrow so I could go out and drink tonight.

Haha, I go to one of the most politically active colleges in the country, The George Washington Univeristy, and everyone here is ecstatic over what has happened the past couple of days. Rummy leaving causing the same amount of celebration here as when the Red Sox won the world series.


Y2Kevbug11 said:
Do politicians actually call each other with bullshit messages like this?


It's better than a text message I guess.

y0 prez, wanna werk wit u. lol <3 -pelos
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Anyway, this is excellent news! My jaw dropped when Bush broke it.

Johan van Benderschlotten said:
In other news, what's up guys?
I don't see you so pissed at Democrats for being dumb anymore. :D


So I wonder if Bush will push the new Secretary of Defense through during the lame duck session or wait until the next Congress



Rush is on right now, basically saying, "I'm so glad that now I'm not going to have to defend people I no longer think deserve to have me defending them. Of course, you'll ask why did I do it? Because I like the Republicans and would rather have them in power, but I was really tired of having to defend them when I thought they were awful."

:lol :lol :lol
teiresias said:

Rush is on right now, basically saying, "I'm so glad that now I'm not going to have to defend people I no longer think deserve to have me defending them. Of course, you'll ask why did I do it? Because I like the Republicans and would rather have them in power, but I was really tired of having to defend them when I thought they were awful."

:lol :lol :lol

:lol Are you serious? Let us know when he blames his drug problem on the departing Republicans.


Diablos said:
I don't see you so pissed at Democrats for being dumb anymore. :D
They get about 100 days in office next year before I start flinging poo, and I'll still be pissed at them for the stuff I'm ALWAYS pissed at them about- not being serious about campaign reform, curbing corporate power, addressing class inequality, etc.

Still, this is a good day and better by far than my best case scenario. :D


Allen still not conceding in VA. I can only imagine what kind of pressure the national party might be putting on him at this point.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
bob_arctor said:
:) :lol :D

All of the above.

Plus, Gears Of War. Best 2 days in a row confirmed.

And the definitive version of the best FF ever came out, with nary a glitch in sight. This day is going GREAT so far! Would have never in a million years dreamed that Rumsfeld was gonna resign, and was starting to doubt that the Dems would regain control of congress...

Unfortunately, it seems like this win was too close for comfort. Especially with all the problems the Republicans have been having these past 2 years... anybody else just slightly disappointed that the Dems got by by the skin of their teeth?
Drudge is reporting Bolton is now in the cross-hairs.

Unfortunately, it seems like this win was too close for comfort. Especially with all the problems the Republicans have been having these past 2 years... anybody else just slightly disappointed that the Dems got by by the skin of their teeth?

Uh, no. The number of House seats earned by the Democrats is historic - hardly "skin of the teeth." Most predicted they would earn 3 seats in the Senate, not 6. Some of the 'close' results you are referring to are centered in areas long considered to be Republican strongholds.


echoshifting said:
Drudge is reporting Bolton is now in the cross-hairs.
Duh. He may have not passed in the REPUBLICAN controlled senate so bush went around that. He is up to be voted on again.

You think the new majority democratic senate will vote him in? :lol
Cheebs said:
Duh. He may have not passed in the REPUBLICAN controlled senate so bush went around that. He is up to be voted on again.

You think the new majority democratic senate will vote him in? :lol

Can't Bush withdraw his nomination to save face? I dunno, not sure how it works. I thought that's what Drudge was talking about. :p


they call me "Man Gravy".
djtiesto said:
And the definitive version of the best FF ever came out, with nary a glitch in sight. This day is going GREAT so far! Would have never in a million years dreamed that Rumsfeld was gonna resign, and was starting to doubt that the Dems would regain control of congress...

Unfortunately, it seems like this win was too close for comfort. Especially with all the problems the Republicans have been having these past 2 years... anybody else just slightly disappointed that the Dems got by by the skin of their teeth?

wah? The Dems CRUSHED the Republicans in the House (much moreso than anyone thought), and the Senate seats they took (at least in Virginia) came from states that have been HEAVILY red for years. The fact that they won in those states at all signifies how much of a crushing blow it is to Republicans. There weren't very many people out there that thought the Dems would take both chambers of Congress, and they did it.
DarienA said:
Yeah you've gotta let us know what Rush says.

What I've gleaned from listening:

-He feels liberated, as there will be a return to true Republican conservatism, and not the extreme right wing slant that the party had taken on. Rush stated that the party unfortunately went too far to the right, not realizing that people don't want that.
-The Democrats will come at the administration charging everyone with war crimes.

He's trying to be very level headed about it all, but has a tone of defeat in his voice.


This has been a glorious election season. :D

I never thought I'd see any of these things happen - Dems retaking Congress, Rummy stepping down, and Bush appearing contrite. I'm in the same camp as Mr. van Benderschlotten, as I don't know how productive the Dems will really be while in power, but for now, it's party time. :D :lol :)


Nerevar said:
wah? The Dems CRUSHED the Republicans in the House (much moreso than anyone thought), and the Senate seats they took (at least in Virginia) came from states that have been HEAVILY red for years. The fact that they won in those states at all signifies how much of a crushing blow it is to Republicans. There weren't very many people out there that thought the Dems would take both chambers of Congress, and they did it.

Exactly. Democrats have a WIDER margin of control in the house than the republicans ever had in their 12 years of control right now.


I hope we don't get more of the same with the new guy. I doubt we will because Bush said "fresh perspective", but of course, he says a lot of things that make no sense.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
teiresias said:

Rush is on right now, basically saying, "I'm so glad that now I'm not going to have to defend people I no longer think deserve to have me defending them. Of course, you'll ask why did I do it? Because I like the Republicans and would rather have them in power, but I was really tired of having to defend them when I thought they were awful."

:lol :lol :lol

Rush is SO full of shit!


distantmantra said:
What I've gleaned from listening:

-He feels liberated, as there will be a return to true Republican conservatism, and not the extreme right wing slant that the party had taken on. Rush stated that the party unfortunately went too far to the right, not realizing that people don't want that.
-The Democrats will come at the administration charging everyone with war crimes.

He's trying to be very level headed about it all, but has a tone of defeat in his voice.
With the Democrats apparently picking up 6 seats, I wondered if the particular third of Senators being elected were a Republican-heavy group, and thus easier to make gains from. It actually appears to be the opposite; this is the one of three classes the Democrats were already leading in.

Class 1 before
15 Republicans
1 independent
17 Democrats

Class 1 after
9 Republicans
2 independents
22 Democrats

Class 2 currently, next election 2008
21 Republicans
12 Democrats

Class 3 currently, next election 2010
19 Republicans
15 Democrats

More interesting would be a look at how close these races have been in the past, but that's more than I feel up to right now. I know 2 years ago (Class 3) most of the Republican Senate gains were by a pretty small amount, but it looks like this year's close victories have tended the other way.
After the I Have A Scream speech (the one that made me unable to take Led Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song" seriously anymore), I doubted Howard Dean. Now, I feel like he should be installed as the head of Sega, so they can finally make some smart decisions again. :D


ferrarimanf355 said:
After the I Have A Scream speech (the one that made me unable to take Led Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song" seriously anymore), I doubted Howard Dean. Now, I feel like he should be installed as the head of Sega, so they can finally make some smart decisions again. :D

djtiesto said:
Unfortunately, it seems like this win was too close for comfort. Especially with all the problems the Republicans have been having these past 2 years... anybody else just slightly disappointed that the Dems got by by the skin of their teeth?

There were only 33 senate races, the Dems picked up 6 seats. One could look at it as a much greater victory than the house if one wished.

32.1 Million people voted for Dem Senators, 24.5 Million voted for Rep. Senators.

That's 57% to 43%. That's ****ing HUGE!!


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
ferrarimanf355 said:
Not as good as the classics from the second season, but it was the only Lost Episodes skit I laughed at, and that might mean something. :D

ferrarimanf355 said:
It's true. I had a sound clip of the Dean Scream mixed in with the aforementioned Led Zeppelin song, but I deleted it a long time ago. I gotta find the link now. :D


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