Relix said:
Ok guys I am considering doing a format change seeing as things aren't flowing as smooth as they should. Many people have conflicting timezones and making a team tourney in the Fall makes it even harder because of tests and work. So seeing that problem I am giving GAF the option to vote for two options:
1) Format Change: Round Robin Style. Seeing as people CANNOT get together, have one team mate fight the whole other team to a Best of 3. Example:
Relix vs Eissan (2-0)
Relix vs. Gutabo (2-0)
Relix vs. Axel (2-0)
Since Relix is awesome he gets 6-0 and is added to his team's overall sore.
Then Sloth fights Eissan, Gutabo and Axel and loses to them all. So that team gets 6-0. Now we have 6-6. OMG TIE! Then comes Saboth and fights. He manages to clutch the win all six times and we win 12-6. So my Team wins in the ladder.
Each match would count one point. Fights that were already held STILL STAND. No replay. If teams can manage to get together and do it the normal way then much better.
2) Keep the same format and extend the time limit one more week.
Vote guys! Option 1 or 2!
you guys have the options here...this was only thought of because of the procrastinators and dumbfucks who sign up WHEN THEY'RE NOT AVAILABLE TO ACTUALLY i'm leaving it up to you guys to decide...i don't understand what's so hard about getting online at a set time and having a 3v3 team battle...i'm sure everyone can spare 45 minutes out of their lives for it...
edit: this was not a vote for either option...i'm not voting...i'll leave it up to people who aren't stressed out about trying to get people organized to play to vote.
you guys are awesome for signing up but next time, before you sign up, PLEASE make sure that you'll be available to play in due time, PLEASE