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Official October 2008 NPD Results

BishopLamont said:
You don't see me wanting RB or GH bombing. ;)

I'm just saying I would rather let my kid play RB on easy, have him or her get educated on older music and still watch my kid have a good time. I never saw the appeal of Wii music when such games like RB/GH exist. I understand you can play 900 different instruments but it's more awesome to watch your kid play Boston or sing one of your favorite songs when you were growing up.

I feel like if Wii Music really does bomb (Im not saying it will but IF) it will probably be because the general public already has there family music game. I can have kids over at my house pick and choose what songs I want them to play, turn on no fail mode and watch them have a good time.

Not hating on anyone who got into Wii Music but there are other games that offer better experiences for the youngsters. There really was nothing like Wii Sports or Wii Fit on the market. Wii Music runs into this huge giant wall that is occupied by RB & GH grafitti.


Really bad sales for PS3...I'm stunned it couldn't even break 200k. LBP didn't do as well as I expected, either. It was hyped to no end and sold just 200k.

360 is a monster... I'm happy for Lionhead and Bethesda. Fable 2 was amazing and I'm just starting Fallout 3 tonight (love the baby intro).
mysticstylez said:
The fact that the 360 is the only console with 3rd party sales in the top 10, just shows that the Wii's insane sales will never affect MS. Plus having the top seller of the month be a 1st party MS game is just icing on the cake.

360 (and PS3 people to a lesser degree) fanboys getting upset at Wii is always a bizarre phenomenon on this board. It's always been pretty clear that the console market is now split between the casual friendly Wii and the more gamer oriented upper tier game machines. The Wii selling well never meant developers were suddenly going to stop making hardcore games.

Eteric Rice

mysticstylez said:
The fact that the 360 is the only console with 3rd party sales in the top 10, just shows that the Wii's insane sales will never affect MS. Plus having the top seller of the month be a 1st party MS game is just icing on the cake.

I don't think it's so much that as it is that there's really nothing worth buying from third parties on the Wii.


B E N K E said:

It's tough to launch a brand new IP against some of the top sellers of the year in October. There is a lesson to be learnt there. I hope Mirror's Edge does better...

It won't.


Weisheit said:
Here you go.




Of the three, I'm pretty sure that the 360 got the shaft in that comparison.


-viper- said:
Was a joke.

Anyway, I guess you might be able to put Heavy Rain in the list.

OK, your humor was too subtle for me, I guess :).

I've been on GAF too long: too many crazy lists that are made seriously just have me shaking my head at some of the spinning.

going back to PS3 sales, is anyone surprised (as I was) that SOCOM outsold LBP on the PS3? I hadn't really heard much hype for Socom, but the sales show it selling around 15K more.



Anyone gonna jump on making the Official Thread for Secret PS3 game?

I'm kidding

sort of


Thunder Monkey said:
I'm surprised there isn't more bitching from all ends this generation.

Aside from the rare BioShock, SMG, MP3, MGS4, and Mirrors Edge, where are all of the great games this generation?

Even past greats can't live up to their history.
Tell us more about this lack of great games.
LCfiner said:
going back to PS3 sales, is anyone surprised (as I was) that SOCOM outsold LBP on the PS3? I hadn't really heard much hype for Socom, but the sales show it selling around 15K more.

It was on the market longer.


OldJadedGamer said:
Where is the official spin from Tretton? I'm jonesing for some "Playstation family" action.

The spin from Shane is what im' waiting for.

Where is your Motorstorm / LBP messiah now, Bettenhausen? :lol


OldJadedGamer said:
Where is the official spin from Tretton? I'm jonesing for some "Playstation family" action.

I dunno, the 360 sold more than the entire non-portable Playstation Family this month. Ouch.

(I'm a newly minted PSWii360 guy, so no bias here)


Amir0x said:
wii music 81k

well it's not Animal Crossing, but I'll take my small victories.

Wii Music bombing is sweet justice. It makes up for Dead Space doing so horribly.

If Animal Crossing bombs it will be sweet as well, though my reasons for not liking Animal Crossing Wii are different than yours Amir0x. Nintendo shouldn't be rewarded for pumping out a near clone of one of their earlier titles.
B-Rad Lascelle said:
'Cause I don't see another 215K in its immediate future.
Either way we're unlikely to see it turn up next month in the NPD figures because there's simply too much competition. I'd like to be surprised though.


Wow at Fable 2. It's like everyone who picked up a Wii also grabbed a copy of it at the register.

Poor LBP and Dead Space. :(


Baha said:
Of the three, I'm pretty sure that the 360 got the shaft in that comparison.


Ps3 is going through the shittiest day, knowing it's going to prison.

360 just got a break, and for a moment things feel better in life.

Wii is going around free in the wilderness, the feeling of being on top of the world after the shitstorm that was the GC.

I guess you didn't see the movie?


Fork 'em, Sparky!
PS3 is such a failure. If people think GT5 is going to do ANYTHING, they haven't been playing games these past 5 years. The US has moved on from racing games. They aren't hot shit anymore.


Junior Member
chespace said:
Its success doesn't really hurt or change anything.
I wonder if you'd be singing the same tune if the Wii didn't exist, the industry wouldn't be so recession proof than, would it?

Yep, it doesn't change anything...
LCfiner said:
going back to PS3 sales, is anyone surprised (as I was) that SOCOM outsold LBP on the PS3?

I was, but I think the SOCOM brand name just exhausted all it's sales (that and the headset pack-in). It will be nowhere to be found next month.

I think maybe the LBP marketing got rolled out a little too late. I still don't think many people know of this games existence outside of GAF and other places. The problem with LBP is that I think Sony wanted to get the casual gamer in with it, but the PS3 price point is just too high. $299 needs to happen......


Angelus said:
Ouch? The fuck are you on? PS3 was obliterated once again this month can you not grasp reality?
I'll spell out out for you. The PS3 was the least favored machine that consumers wanted overall. It came in dead last AGAIN. Its a trend that's been going on for all but a few months since the generation has started. Its also still loosing money while Nintendo and Microsoft are sitting back counting thee green,having a good laugh while Sony struggles to break even.
But again the numbers don't lie. Sony is the least favored console out there,its being kicked around like a mutt.

Sorry, I'll clarify. It's no victory for the 360 to sell half the number of consoles that Nintendo did with a lower price point. The PS3 obviously needs a price cut badly, but I wouldn't bet on it actually happening. Whether or not the 360 has games that I like or not, it's still a second with a lower price point and a year's head start.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Zachack said:
Tell us more about this lack of great games.


The divide between Nintendo fans and PS360 fans has come to a point where both sides aren't even educated anymore on what's available on either platform.

I admit, I have never heard of this Monster Lab game that's supposed to be like the second coming of fucking Front Mission on Wii. But I'm intrigued nonetheless.
Ugh this Nintendo crap is disgusting, and wtf at the 231K who bought the broken Socom, so sad. LBP did decent but I expected higher and where are the PS3 versions of Fallout 3 and Dead Space? SR2 did great for THQ, and man the PS3 is tanking hard.

The Hermit

Amir0x said:
wii music 81k

well it's not Animal Crossing, but I'll take my small victories.

Enjoy it well, cause I don´t think Animal Crossing is going to sell as bad as it should...

At least this is a good message to Nintendo that they can´t throw any shit at us, no matter how they paint it.


fernoca said:
To me Dead Space sales are actually higher than expected...
It wans't advertised, not even that many people even here got the game..it was rleeased in a really comptetitive month and still managed to make it to the Top 10 with just under 200k, ...and it's a new name/game...Silent Hill is more known and didn't made it...neither did FarCry 2.

Good points all around. However, the support Dead Space is receiving from our humble community is quite refreshing. I really enjoyed Dead Space and despite an issue or two I had with it I wouldn't mind putting it into my list of contenders for GOTY. The fact that Dead Space managed to call a temporary truce among platform lobbyists adds a certain special quality to the game that I appreciate so much and no other game (that I can recall) has been able to so successfully deliver.

I've decided to buy another copy to smuggle into my nephews' stockings. I'm hoping to traumatize the hell out of them so they never want another gift from me again.



Thunder Monkey said:
I'm surprised there isn't more bitching from all ends this generation.

Aside from the rare BioShock, SMG, MP3, MGS4, and Mirrors Edge, where are all of the great games this generation?

Even past greats can't live up to their history.

Your kidding right? LBP? Dead Space? Valkyria Chronicles? Possible new PoP? Fable2? Shit man i could list a ton of great games from just this year.


I know its anecdotal (which is frowned upon here @ sales-age), but I have already demo'd LBP for 4 different PS3 owners, all who had heard about it, and thought it looked somewhat cool, but had no idea what the game was about.

They all now either own the game, or are looking forward to purchasing it.

This is clearly the type of game that will see sales from word of mouth, and from seeing it at freinds houses, its just too tough to get the whole point of it across in ads.

Hopefully this comes to pass, and the game has serious legs. It certainly deserves it.


Baha said:
Of the three, I'm pretty sure that the 360 got the shaft in that comparison.

What, that is when they get the free brew. Like one of the best parts of the movie.

Private Hoffman said:
Here, I'll find you my post-delay prediction:

There ya go.

Noted kind of like this;

Jtyettis said:
This is where I disagree entirely. There are quite few reasons for this however. I believe the 360 will outsell the PS3 as much as it did last Nov and Dec if not more.

Private Hoffman said:
Your post is filled with all sorts of fail.

The only thing that will usher in the sort of disparity you're expecting is a significant price drop on the 360 with Sony doing absolutely nothing in return.

Kind of what is happening now, amirite.
LCfiner said:
going back to PS3 sales, is anyone surprised (as I was) that SOCOM outsold LBP on the PS3? I hadn't really heard much hype for Socom, but the sales show it selling around 15K more.

Remember that Sony pulled a WiiPlay and included the official headset in the box so you'd be stupid to buy it alone and not buy the Socom package. Looking at sales, it worked since according to reviews and people playing it in the first few weeks, they weren't buying it because of the game.
Tiktaalik said:
Wii Music bombing is sweet justice. It makes up for Dead Space doing so horribly.

If Animal Crossing bombs it will be sweet as well, though my reasons for not liking Animal Crossing Wii are different than yours Amir0x. Nintendo shouldn't be rewarded for pumping out a near clone of one of their earlier titles.

I don't think one can stress how sweet that would be. However we are talking about Animal Crossing, the DS version sold great, so I doubt it will bomb.
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